
I fell for the healer

An assassin on deaths door meets the kindest healer who he falls for after she saved his life. She was also the only one willing too save him as his infamy deterred others from doing so. After being gifted a second chance at life he decides to try a more honest life as a vanguard to protect instead of annihilate.

Bigbrainplays · Fantasy
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3 Chs

Chapter 2

There was only the stone door, which was completely sealed shut. Although I have higher strength than even most warriors, I still couldn't budge it. So I just patiently waited, replaying what exactly happened that led me into this situation. A week before I had finished the last mission my "masters" had given me. I assume they expected me to either not finish this mission or for it to take longer. As I was about to enter their council room, I overheard them arguing about me. I don't know who any of them were, except the one I take orders from, which happens to be the lord of this castle as well.

They were all arguing about how I had mastered every skill, and that I was considered too dangerous. The supposedly other assassins they have would take nearly all of them to take me down, and that's what the argument was about. In order to get rid of me as a threat they sent me on an impossible mission, but even if I were to somehow return they were going to meet me with the full force of their assassins, if that didn't work they would have a regiment of messages, tanks, and warriors to finally take me down. I definitely didn't like my odds against the regiment. The other assassins I could probably take though, as I know all their skills perfectly. I was taught about every skill that anyone ever had and recorded in all classes for training as an assassin. That way no matter the target I would always be aware of the potential skills someone could have at all times.

Upon hearing my planned out demise, I started planning my own final mission instead. I spent the week setting up the building, rigging explosives, and escape routes. My plan was to lure all the assassins, and anyone connected to the council to that building and blow it up. The plan worked mostly, except I was still inside when it exploded. I wasn't afraid of death, but every time I think about it, I remember the healer. Maybe, if there's someone like that who wants me to live...

The stone door slammed open, and I was ready. Instantly I jumped through the opening, a pack of guards weren't expecting that as they thought I'd be tied up. I could've taken them out easily, but I decided to just flee for the time. One of my skills as an assassin is to be able to have an innate ability to find the nearest exit, which was a seemingly barred window. One solid kick later and it turned into an open window. Looking down I was a solid 20ish feet above the ground, 6 meters I think. Easy, I jumped right off without a second thought, landed on my heels, bent my knees and tucked toward into a roll. There was definite pain, but nothing broke so I took off running. I was already past the city walls by the time any guards were aware of the escape... Now what. I really had no idea what to do, all I lived for was missions, now that I had none I didn't know what to do. What I wanted to do. So I turned on my disguise skill, at the master rank it was magical based, but required no mana, and it's nearly impossible to find out it's fake. I was born with pitch black hair, black eyes, an above average height and a solid but slender body. The average person in this town has gold brown hair, and blue or brown eyes. That's currently what I look like. Just an average man coming from a village nearby, unfortunately the disguise spell doesn't work on clothes, so I'm wearing trashy cloth pants and absolutely no shirt.

That does make me stand out a bit, as I can see quite a few women staring, also some guys too. Without the disguise skill my body is absolutely riddled with scars, with it, there's only a few that I can't seem to hide, and also a brand like tattoo that was magically imbued so I can't hide it or distort it. I understand why people would be staring, pretty unusual to see that. I had no money though, and I couldn't pickpocket as nobody would even get near me, and I drew too much attention to steal clothes from a store, so I took a stroll down a couple of alleys to the darker side of town.