
I Extract Powers.

Dude died, reincarnated with the power to take power and Yeah. If you've seen my username, then you could guess that I'll be making a lot of fanfics. Since this is my first one, it may be really bad. My main goal was purely for enjoyment, so don't take things too seriously. I love you. Also, this fanfic is..in reverse. So basically, instead of how fan fics usually work where the Mc goes to other worlds, my Mc gets isekaied into a random world of swords and magic. It is then that other anime or whatever appear in his world. So yeah, a reverse fan fic. Might turn out bad(it will), or it'll be just above average. Let's uh...let's find out together.

Creat0R_0f_FAnFics · Anime & Comics
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28 Chs

Are You Serious?

"Come again? I think I heard wrong."

"What do you not comprehend? You, Ichibe Yakumo, will go undercover in the city behind the walls."

"Ah, I see. You...want ME...to go into an unknown territory, by myself to boot, and find information on why they magically appeared? Yeah, 'ight.." She banged on her desk and pointed. "YOU WILL LISTEN TO ME AND DO AS I SAY! DO YOU UNDERSTAND?!"

Pressuring him with her demonic aura, he found himself pinned on the ground. 'D-Damn it. I guess this is a fitting punishment. I shouldn't have did what I done..' If he didn't have a body as tough as a demon, his bones would be crushed.

"Ahem.." Her squeaky voice was back as she cough but kept pressuring him. "Mary will be sent to another town to do the same.." Ichibe groaned which turned into a pout.

"I don't wanna! And what if she gets swayed by a guy? What if there's a main character or something over there that's so basic its makes him attractive?"

She didn't understand the last part of what he said, but she fully understood the first part. "Good.." She said under her breath. 'Less competition..' He acted like he didn't hear that and slowly began pushing himself up to which Ryoko allowed.

'Those walls... You know, that place takes up a lot of land with 3 60 meters walls that form a circle and cities inside the space between. It's hard to explain, but yeah.' Standing up straight, he rubbed the back of his neck with a sigh.

"Your people said there were things called, titans that attack those walls, right? Weren't titans extinct?" Titans were beings who were like three times taller than an average man. The titans Ryoko's undercover demons saw however could be as tall as 20 meters though.

"That's the thing, they were. But when the walls appeared, they did too. A lot of strange things have happened and the 'Leaders' of the 3 continents are planning a secret meeting to discuss this."

"Hm, I see. Well then, I am indeed afraid that Mary will be taken away from me by a less charming, weak, and stale character who most definitely doesn't realize that the women around him like him, but I guess I'll take on this mission.

And besides, I may be able to learn their history and might even pick up a few techniques or whatever.."

He looked down at his hand as he actually started to worry for himself. 'By using Forbidden Knowledge, I know that people from within the walls were just that. People. They were like people from earth. That's not the point though. The point is, they can use magic or atleast strengthened their body with it.

That wasn't something they should normally be able to do, but it seems that the invisible dust changed their whole physiology. A lot of the random people or cities that appeared seem that way.

And their memory,..they don't seem to notice the change. Like this is all normal. Only a few people who were transported here can actually tell the difference in worlds..'

"Glad you understand. So packs your bags. Your leaving as soon as the sun rises in the morning." She snapped and the office turned to his bedroom. "I wouldn't say this is the best place to start off, but I'd say it's the safest...ish. Just ask some damn questions and be on my way.."

Infiltrate, make friends, then betray them. 'Ah, sounds like the plot to some show or something. Well, whatever, I should start getting ready..' From his pocket, he had felt something being place in there.

He pulled it out to find a list. It told him of how things looked and how he could best blend in. 'Couldn't Ryoko just send some demons in herself? Why does it specifically have to be me? Is she trying to split me and Mary apart? That's cute and all, but you don't have to go to such lengths.'

The list read as [10 year old in rags. Human only apperance. Blend in and gain knowledge of why worlds collided.] 'Ah, now I see why she wants me. It's because I can disguise myself while others can't. Should've figured that one out. And knowing her, she won't send in her strongest for such a small task..'

He crumbled the paper then started stripping down. He would then walk to a mirror to check himself out. 'Going back to my childhood apperance. Now, I don't really care about how I looked anymore, but nah, I ain't lookin' like that again.

There's a reason I had no friends.

And I need them now.' He reached towards the mirror and stopped when his hand was on his reflections head. Like he was a window cleaner, he whipped down which changed his real appearance.

Not being no taller than 4'5, he was now no older than 10. 'I called it illusion magic when in reality, it's like the magic you'd see on tv. Illusionary Magic is the right term even though illusion magic can pull this trick off as well..'

He had brown, glossy hair while having faded grey as his eye color. 'My old color palate. Dad sure had weird genetics to have natural silver-grey hair.' He then looked down at his junk. 'About 4 inches. I really was packing heat at this age, huh?'

And like that, his day went on. He packed his clothes, practiced, masturbated, ate, y'know, the usual afternoon of any guy. It wasn't until around 12 o'clock in the morning when Mary bursted into his room and caught him lackin'.

"Ichibe! Have you heard?! We're going to those new places that showed up!" Ichibe, who was stroking, had paused when she busted in and was going to continue until she began...crying.

"T-That little bastard did t-this on purpose! Sending us both to separate unknown locations is her way of splitting us apart!"

Her tears dried up too quickly for him to comment. "I'll show that brat that this won't do anything to our...Wait, why is there a kid in here? Where Ichibe..?"

A lewd thought then came to her mind. 'Don't tell me he's into little boys as well? I really can't compete, can I?'

First it was a Loli, now it's a shota. "H-Hey! It's me, Mary! Stop thinking weird stuff!" He could read that face of hers. "Huh..?" Since she couldn't see his status, she had to thoroughly examine him.

"Hm... Oh, it is you. Only Ichibe would masturbate while flying.." Yes, you heard it here folks. Ichibe jerks off while floating around his room.

"Ah, you know me..me so well.." After a couple of minutes, he and Mary were sitting at the edge of the bed.

"You're quite cute as a child, y'know.." She wrapped her arms around while pushing his head into her cleavage. "That's the first.." He said while inhaling deeply. "So,...are we really okay with this? I mean, we haven't even had sex yet. I feel like us leaving like this wouldn't be right.."

"Yeah, I totally agree. But, we don't have an choice do we? Well, I don't. I messed up big time by keeping information like this from her. I'll accept this punishment of hers."

"Yeah, you're an idiot, Ichibe. But, it's just a simple mistake. Don't let it bring you down.." They sat in silence like that while Ichibe got a peep of her hands. On the palm were mouths which looked weird, yet interesting..

'A mouth was needed in order for her power to work overall. So by her transfering her output into her hands, mouths followed..' He thought of the possibilities that came with such a 'perk'.

"Wait, where are you going again, Mary? I haven't heard.."

"To some human town that resides a 'Shadow Monarch' or whatever Ryoko said. She told me to befriend them then when the time comes.."

She sliced at her neck, meaning, kill them. "Shadow Monarch, huh? Keep them alive, so I could take their powers.."

They both then realized something. Their missions...wasn't going to last for like a month but probably years. They may rarely see each other after tommorow.

'In all seriousness, it hurts to even think about that. Guess that'll keep me in the right mindset while doing this mission..'

Playing with a single breast in hand, he looked up at her. "You won't leave me for a harem protagonist, right?" She's gotten used to his odd way of saying things and so, she responded with, "Never. Your the only one...that I love.."


He screamed too loud in her ear resulting in a punch to his face, sending him flying into the wall. "Yes, love. As in, I want a future with you.

A future were we are happy together.." Walking over to him while starting to undress, Ichibe had cried tears of joy.

'Hearing those words from someone you love back literally forms butterflies in your belly..' She fully stripped as her breast defied gravity by bouncing around in an uncontrollable manner. "Ichibe~... If I remember correctly, I said I'll let you do any one thing to me.."

Ichibe perked up in more ways than one. "I do remember that.." His illusion came undone to reveal his naked 6 foot self. "So tell me, what do you want to do to me?" She twirled her panties around on her finger while winking at him.

"Do I even have to say?" He rubbed his hands together with a devilish smile then picked her up into a princess carry. "No, you don't actually. Your lower half speaks for you.."



(An: This is a secret, so don't tell anyone. So when male arthors write sex scenes, they are bricked up 98.7% of the time.

You didn't here this from me by the way.

Well anyways, Goodnight, Good morning, Good afternoon.

I love you and you're very special to me.)
