
Change in Mahilz Life..

Next morning both wake up happily and take shower together. It's been a wonderful day for both of them. Same day Mahil just talk about his favourite SUV car and same day Mayuri take him to buy car. I know its not a cup of tea but Mayuri is really rich so she have lot of money in her account.

Then Mayuri within one two days also changed the things like water purifier, Tv, Ac and sofas etc of her choice. Mahil holidays almost going to over but Mayuri said Just forget about that job.

Now the day came when they realise the reality of world , I mean Mahil and Mayuri discuss about their future life where Mayuri wants her place in Mahil's life without spoiling his first marriage !! They also talk about Mayuri's parents , whom she didn't met from past one year.

Both decided something, first to take Mayuri to meet her parents and Mayuri wants to meet Mahil's wife to convince her for her presence in Mahil's life.

Oneday when Mahil will plan to go to take his family from Delhi city same day Mayuri plans to go her home and also to meet Mahil's family , when they will coming back home. ( Mahil dont give any hint to his wife about car change or things changed at home but yes he told something about Mayuri and convince his wife to meet Mayuri ).

And Mr Mahil take Mayuri to her home. Mr Mahil tense about the meeting of his wife and Mayuri. And Mayuri nervous about meet with family as she don't know how they react but internally she know that her parents definately missing her.

So finally they reached at Mayuri's parents home and old security guard opens the gate. And Security guard paas smile to Mayuri. And Mayuri ask guard - Is Mummy available at home ? Guard replied - Yes yes.. Mayuri running inside the indoor entry gate and shouting Mumma Mumma.. She see her mother and hug her tight and said sorry Mumma..Her mom also gets emotional.. Then Mayuri ask about her father , she replied that he is also at home , after you left home ,he was very sad and distract from work and most of the time he stay in your room.. Mayuri cried by hear all this. Mr Mahil standing behind the Mayuri. Mayuri ran to see her father. Her mother meanwhile meet and greet Mr Mahil with hug and kiss on his head. Mayuri enters her dad room with wet eyes and said - Papa.. Her dad sitting on a chair , he turns around and open his arms. Mayuri ran and hug her dad. It was very emotional moment. After Dad daughter settle down from emotions they see Mr Mahil with Mayuri's Mom entering in the room. Mayuri slowly introduce Mr Mahil with her dad by saying dad he is.. Dad suddenly react and said I know.. come son and hug Mr Mahil.. and said thankyou for take my daughter back home.. (Actually Mayuri's parent thought that Mr Mahil is the man with whom their daughter ran away).

Well after few minutes everyone sits in drawing room by taking tea and snacks.. And they start conversation.. And after few conversations Mr Mahil and Mayuri realise that her parents think that they ran away one year back. Mr Mahil speechless and even Mayuri also not clear their doubts. Her dad also said that Mayuri If i want somehow I will find out your place but he believes that his daughter will come back. He also added that Mayuri atleast once you should ask us or tell us about him, we never ever reject our daughter's choice. Mayuri again gets emotional and said sorry papa i was scared that you would not accept him thats why she take this step. Her father said - Look girl we loves you alot and thats the reason why we dont stop your bank account, so that atleast no financial problems you will face. Mayuri just stunned.

After a long discussion , Mayuri dad said that he will remarry them with proper traditions, if they both have no objection. Mayuri replied - Yes dad you are best dad in the world. But now Mahil little stunned and saw Mayuri face. His dad also said that his real estateo business will handover to Mr Mahil now but Mahil said I need time to think about it. Then Mayuri realise that She must talk seperately with Mahil. So they manage some personal space before lunch. Mahil said- Mayuri what is all this? Mayuri replied with love- Mahil I can't live without you anymore. This life is your so please don't be puzzled , Im there for you and our family means You, I and your wife and son. Mahil May i call your wife didi(elder sister). Mahil replied ofcourse. Then Mayuri added that Mahil we will plan and workout on everything but Are you sure Didi(Mahilz wife) will agree for our relation. Mahil said- Yes she will , i believe. Some how even Mayuri manage to talk with Mahil's wife with the help of Mahil and feeling happy with his wife's reply. And she see off Mahil with tough heart so that he will take his wife and son to meet with Mayuri.

Both said goodbye to eachother.

So Mahil life is now very much changed on different track now and Mahil very positive with this. We will found in next chapter that how Mahil's wife will react after all this and even by see him in new Big SUV car..