
Secretary Li

All-day long, Li Ruyan was focused on her work and she did not let anything distract her, not even her boss who seemed to have noticed that she was acting a bit different than usual.

It was around four pm in the afternoon when Chen Zhelan finally had enough, curiosity overtaking him when he asked her.

"Li Ruyan, I gave you a day off yesterday but it doesn't look like it did you any good." Her boss told her. Li Ruyan sometimes hated that her boss has a keen eye and was very observant of the people around him.

She has been working under him for almost half a year now and she was by far the only female secretary that managed to last that long. Within the city, women who liked to scheme weren't short. The same can be said for men.

Chen Zhelan was very sharp. He easily weeded out those kinds of people and would kick them out of his company the moment they entered his sight. The only reason Li Ruyan managed to work this long under him was that she was truly genuine at work and wanted to further her career, as well as grow as a person. While working, she has learned to be immune to any negative comments towards her.

You can't control what people think and despite how much she hides what she was feeling, some people would still notice it. Her colleagues did not notice her odd behavior but when it came to her boss, nothing escapes his watch.

Li Ruyan smiled at her boss. "Don't worry, CEO Chen. Nothing happened. I simply did not get enough sleep last night but I assure you, it won't affect my work performance." Her words were true as Li Ruyan really did work hard like usual despite being affected by what happened last night at the restaurant.

She was amazed that she could still keep herself together and not break down even after finding out that her beloved boyfriend since university was seeing another woman. Ah, he was now her ex-boyfriend. Li Ruyan made a mental note to correct herself and to stop herself from calling him, Yue.

As early as possible, Li Ruyan needs to accept what happened. This would also help her move on quickly even if the simple thought of leaving Min Yue alone pained her. She turned her back to her boss when her eyes began to water.

Li Ruyan blinked back the tears. There was no use crying. What good would it do for her to shed tears when it won't be enough to bring him back? She also cried last night but he still decided to pick Miss Yang over her.

Li Ruyan wondered if he really was selling himself for money.

Min Yue was also a CEO of a company, albeit he has only started two years ago but that was enough time for him to build prestige. She wondered who was suppressing him that he needed to reach out to Yang corporation and marry Yang Shiwei.

But, does this mean that he cares about money and power that much that he would be willing to do something like this? Li Ruyan was at a loss for words. She knows that he wasn't a materialistic person and he also wasn't greedy for money. That was the Min Yue that she knows but at the moment, she wondered if she really did know everything about him or was he simply stringing her along because she was the most convenient person available to him?

Li Ruyan's eyes dimmed slightly.

"Secretary Li, I can see that you are not in the right state of mind to continue your work. Go home." Chen Zhelan said, making her turn around to face him.

Her eyes were slightly widened. "CEO Chen, if my working performance does not satisfy you, I will do better. I don't have anything to do at home so please let me continue my work." She bowed her head towards him, apologizing in her own way.

Chen Zhelan sighed. He glanced at her. "Secretary Li, I have no problems with your working performance but I don't want to see my secretary acting so absentminded. Go home and sort your thoughts. Something obviously happened yesterday. If not, then explain to me why are you acting this way." He leaned his back on his chair, waiting.

Li Ruyan accepted that nothing would escape him so the only thing she could do was to make a reasonable excuse. Or better yet, she could just accept his offer and go home right now.

But how could she do that? She was not so weak-minded that she would give up this easily.

'Li Ruyan, it's only been a day and yet the breakup has already affected you this much. Get a grip. Li Ruyan, don't break down. Don't fall. You are stronger than this.' She encouraged herself, taking a deep breath before her lips curled upwards and her eyes brightened.

"CEO Chen, thank you for your concern but as I said, there is nothing to worry about."

"Then why do you have those panda eyes? You did not sleep well last night so I'm telling you to go home and take an early rest. I won't repeat myself." Chen Zhelan ordered, resuming his work. Li Ruyan knew he was being serious so even if she protested, he would only be annoyed and might even yell at her.

Sighing, she thanked her boss and gathered her things, leaving the company. When she was inside her car, she leaned her forehead on the wheel, closing her eyes. Even if she went home, she was not sure if she could sleep early. Min Yue's message from earlier bothered her.

Would he come to her if she ignored him?

Li Ruyan was tired. She badly wanted to cry right now and hide away from the world. With gloom surrounding her, she started her car's engine and drove to her apartment.

Only when she was nestled inside the safety of her home did she relaxed and began to let her tears fall.


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