
Go Home Right Now

Min Yue wasn't the one who answered her question. It was the woman in red.

"Yes. I'm Yue's date! I'm also his fiancée!" The woman boasted quite proudly, sticking herself closer to Min Yue's chest while grinning provocatively at Li Ruyan as if her eyes were telling her that it was normal for Li Ruyan to be envious since Min Yue was such a catch.

Well, a handsome and rich CEO is indeed a big catch. Li Ruyan could agree with her on that part although she also wanted to tell the woman that Min Yue despite his seemingly flawless stats has a big flaw.

He is very quick to anger.

Li Ruyan had been his best partner since she was probably the most patient and well-composed woman that could stand this side of him. On the other hand, the woman in red seemed like a spoiled young lady from a rich family who was obviously used to being pampered. No matter how Li Ruyan looked at her she was sure that her Min Yue wouldn't be dumb enough to fall for this type.

Was the businessman her father? Or maybe, this woman was an escort that the businessman used just to bait her Min Yue?

Li Ruyan thought of all the possibilities that could explain the scene that she had just witnessed. Afterall, she knows just how much her Min Yue disliked women. Her Min Yue might be a total ice princess but he was no manwhore who would play with girls and string women along.

In fact, it seemed like his life goal was to further his company and to gain a powerful standing as the CEO. He was also facing pressure from the board of directors and his own family so he really didn't have the time to bait women or to indulge himself in the pleasure of the skin.

Li Ruyan promptly ignored the woman. "Min Yue, I am talking to you. Have you lost your ability to speak and became a mute?"

"Li Ruyan, you shouldn't be here. Go home." He told her instead.

Li Ruyan clapped her hands. "Ah, so you didn't become a mute. Thank goodness. For a second, I thought that I was talking to a mannequin."

PA Ren coughed when he heard that. He was looking even more nervous than before and was glancing at Li Ruyan pleadingly as if telling herself to stop and just agree with what his boss was saying. But how could Li Ruyan do that?

If she did not hear an explanation tonight, her whole week would be ruined by this. Moreover, she would end up losing countless hours of sleep searching for an answer.

She was not about to go home without knowing the truth and she would only be satisfied if it came directly from Min Yue's mouth.

Min Yue clenched his jaw. The signs that he had become annoyed were starting to show and Li Ruyan was aware that if she continued to defy him, he would really explode and get angry.

Did she care?

Yes, absolutely.

But she also cared about his answer.

"Li Ruyan, I am telling you to go home right now. Don't make me repeat myself." Min Yue's warning was ignored by her.

"Min Yue, I only asked you two important questions. Why are you avoiding them? Is this woman your date or not? Are you coming home with me or not?"

"Li Ruyan!" Min Yue had raised his voice by now.

Li Ruyan was not intimidated by this. She had grown used to his loud voice and she had already long developed a backbone that allowed her to stand tall and proud when facing someone.

"Yes, that's my name. It's Li Ruyan. That is also the name of your girlfriend, right? And Min Yue is the name of my boyfriend which makes this scene a little funny. Min Yue, I am really quite curious why you are on a date with another woman when today is our four-year anniversary." Li Ruyan smiled mockingly.

"Please, CEO Min, kindly enlighten me."

"Li Ruyan, go home right now!" Li Ruyan shook her head upon hearing that he had yelled.

"My questions are so simple. Why is CEO Min not answering them?"

By now, everyone in the restaurant had turned their way and were murmuring to themselves. Li Ruyan could even hear those people whose voices were too loud to be called a whisper.

"Ah, isn't that CEO Min and CEO Yang?"

"Hey, that is CEO Yang and his daughter. The little fresh meat is also CEO Min, right?"

"Who is the WRP? She bought an Ergo Mullen a while ago!"

"No kidding. Is this a hidden mogul that I don't know of?"

"Ah... Is she one of CEO Min's delusional admirers? Everyone knows that CEO Min is engaged to CEO Yang's daughter."

"True. It had been announced just a few months ago. Everyone in the business circle knows about it although it really isn't displayed in the public news so this WRP probably doesn't know about it."

"What WRP? Maybe she's just one of those gold diggers. Don't be fooled. Women these days might look innocent but watch out for their schemes. My brother-in-law was fooled back then."

"Oh my, is that so? How scary."

Li Ruyan trembled slightly as she heard this. Her heart was beating rapidly against her chest. Earlier, she was still calm but after such an important piece of gossip, she became anxious. Her calm façade was slowly being destroyed.

Li Ruyan wasn't deaf. Her ears were pretty clear when she heard the woman in red declare that she was Min Yue's fiancée. It didn't help that the people around them were backing this with their gossip and whispers.

Min Yue glanced at PA Ren. PA Ren's eyes widened but he nodded as if understanding what his boss had in mind.

PA Ren went to approach Li Ruyan, smiling at her although it was obvious that he appeared quite nervous.

"Miss Li, how about I drive you home for today? CEO Min is busy right now and can't talk with you. If you have something to tell the CEO, please make an appointment. CEO Min's schedule is very busy today."

"I see. I have to make an appointment to talk to my own boyfriend?" Li Ruyan asked in an amused tone.

PA Ren swallowed and he could tell that Li Ruyan was filled with rage by now. Still, he didn't want to make things harder for his boss and her so he had to find a way to convince her to go home first.

"Miss Li, I assure you. All your questions will be answered later. Please, let me drive your home."


Note: WRP- Chinese Slang for white, rich, and pretty

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