
Date For Tonight

Li Ruyan took a moment to register his question. She seemed to be wondering why on earth he was asking such a ridiculous question when he had just checked all the messages she sent to him. Also, it wasn't like he did not know what date it was today and what kind of special day it was for the two of them.

Li Ruyan crossed her arms, still smiling calmly even though most women would have lost their minds after knowing that their boyfriend was going to a restaurant with another chick and said chick had the nerve to kiss their boyfriend. Even if it was only on the cheek, what girl would accept this kind of daring move from another woman?

What's worse is the fact that Min Yue, who was her boyfriend didn't even push that third party away. Logically, the boyfriend upon seeing that he had been caught in the act of infidelity should be nervous and distancing himself from the other woman, proclaiming that he was innocent and he had been seduced or bewitched.

This was a classic move for cheaters.

Pushing the blame on the woman and saying that it was not her fault.

Li Ruyan had expected such a thing to happen and although this kind of scene would have infuriated her beyond belief, she was still prideful and would not stoop so low as to shout and scream like a banshee in a public place like this.

Also, her boss wouldn't be happy if he heard that her hardworking secretary got into a scandalous argument during the day off that he oh-so kindly gave her.

She did have the urge to grab the third party's hair and slap the face caked with makeup a few thousand times until her arms were sore but she also has the urge to grab her boyfriend's own hair and make him experience her rage.

Still, she was going to be calm about it and would hear his explanation. She would not blindly jump to conclusions immediately.

Li Ruyan trusted her Min Yue. Afterall, they had been in a loving and harmonious relationship for four long years. They know each other like the back of their hands. Li Ruyan was also aware of what kind of mannerisms Min Yue would perform when lying so her eyes were upon him, like a hawk, watching his every movement and reaction.

'I would like to know what kind of excuse he would make.' Li Ruyan thought calmly. The one who loses their cool would be the loser and Li Ruyan was not about to go home, crying like a pathetic child. No, she was more than that and she would hear the explanation that she deserves.

Li Ruyan adjusted her standing position, her long white legs accentuating her height and beautiful figure.

"Min Yue, it is impolite to answer a question with another question." Li Ruyan reminded him.

Min Yue tilted his head as if he was processing her words. Just when he was about to answer, the woman in red made a noise of annoyance and gave Li Ruyan a side-eye that was both offending and haughty in the eyes of many. The other woman seemed to be a rich young lady from a wealthy family judging from the expensive designer dress and shoes that she was wearing.

The woman in red was also wearing a lot of expensive jewelry that Li Ruyan was quite familiar with since it had been produced in the company where she was working at.

Wasn't this Rose Design that was a limited edition and only had about ten copies? Li Ruyan didn't show her surprise but she looked at the woman in red in a different light.

"Yue, darling, who is this woman? One of your admirers again?"

Li Ruyan blinked and was quiet when she heard this. She was summoning all the patience she had in her body and telling herself that although it seemed like a good idea to strangle the bitch's neck at the moment, it wouldn't look good on her Min Yue if she made such a scandalous move when it was clear that the other party was purposely provoking her.

"Don't be ridiculous." Min Yue replied in an annoyed tone while looking at Li Ruyan and yet he didn't seem to have any plans on lifting his arm that was around the woman's waist.

The woman in red pouted like a child, blinking her eyes and trying to act adorable. To Li Ruyan, the woman looked like a desperate puppy trying to gain attention from its owner and said owner who was Min Yue was no different than an ice cube in the middle of winter.

"Min Yue." Li Ruyan called his name and only his name. She looked meaningfully at him as if telling him that she was impatient to hear an explanation.

Despite this, Min Yue did not explain anything. Instead, he gazed at her as if they were strangers that had just met. It looked like he was contemplating his words but in reality, his face was emotionless and the words that he spoke were devoid of any affection.

"You shouldn't be here."

Li Ruyan's lips twitched. That almost made her lose her patience.

"Min Yue, tell me why. Why should I not be here?" If not for her relationship with him, people would think that they were just friends who happened to run into each other in the same restaurant. However, Min Yue was her boyfriend and she was his girlfriend.

They also have a deeper and intimate relationship with each other. They had promised their future to each other.

Hearing his aloof response, Li Ruyan felt a bit ridiculous.

"Yue, if she's bothering you. Just call the bodyguards to throw her away! She's ruining our date!"

Li Ruyan's gaze hardened when she heard the woman in red speak, accusing her of being a person similar to a homewrecker.

"Min Yue, is she your date for tonight?" Li Ruyan asked, an amused smile on her face as she looked at him, ignoring the woman in red as if she was air.


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