
I Don't Want to Be a Villain!

Azviel Kael was stuck killing people over and over again. He awoke to find himself in a dark throne room, in a world which they call him a demon king. People entering called the place a dungeon where they must kill the boss. And apparently, the boss was Azviel. However, after hundreds of years, he find a way out of dungeon, and hurries out to enjoy his life in the medieval city of Elthea. Upload Schedule: Mon-Sun: 1 chapter I'll try my best to do steady updates~

ShadowPhoenix_9 · Fantasy
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26 Chs

Weapon Shack

Azviel and the rest of his party finally arrived at Elsia after traveling for two days straight. Truthfully, if it was just Falziel and himself, they could get there within a day by flying, but the others couldn't. Plus, he didn't want to expose himself.

Rya handed Felton a bottle of water as she opened a map. "It should be right across the road. We need to hand in an entry form to Elsia's Player Guild just in case if anything goes wrong, like accidents and deaths. Then, we can go and see the dungeon!"

Falziel grinned. "Sounds good. Rya, could you drop off the form with Felton? Keres and I still need to grab some weapons from a weapon shop."

She frowned. "A new weapon? Can you adjust fast enough?"

He. nodded. "Don't worry! We can do it!"

Azviel sighed and murmured to Falziel, "Don't speak on my behalf."

Just then, as they turned around a corner, a small village came into view. It was nothing like the huge city that Elthea or Astria was. Falziel beckoned to Azviel. "We'll head this way to the weapon shop! We'll meet up at the front of the Player's Guild here!"

Rya and Felton nodded. "See you."

Azviel followed Falziel to the outskirts of the town. Each town or city had a Player's Guild, no matter how shabby it was. However, he wondered how Falziel knew where the weapon shop was.

Falziel pointed at a small shack at the side. "There it is! It might not look like much, but it does quite nice magical weapons!"

Azviel sighed. "Falziel. I don't need a new weapon. I have my sword."

Falziel shook his head. "Nonono, if you use your sword, it will stand out too much. You have to find a decently average weapon!"

He quickly pushed open the door to the shack and called out, "Hello? Anyone here?"

An annoyed voice came from behind one of the doors. "I told you I don't have the money to pay rent! I'll do it next week!"

Falziel opened the door and said, "We're not rent-collectors. We're here to see what weapons you have."

There was a short girl with some safety goggles standing on the other side. Wit her overalls, and dirty face, she looked barely above the age of thirteen. Azviel quickly checked her player tag. Player Ava Usoro. Level 62.

Ava Usoro gasped when she saw them. "Customers! Oh, welcome to my shop! It doesn't look like much, but I promise we have quality weapons here!"

Falziel tilted his head. "Do you have a bow that is made for rapid-firing?" She nodded and opened a cabinet. "Of course, let me show you!" Ava pulled out a small bronze key and slipped it into a keyhole.

Instantly, a display case popped up from the broken and dirty floor. It was covered in thick glass and rotatable. There were multiple bows in all of the cases.

Ava pulled out a white one with light blue accents. It had a fancy curve in the middle and a shining blue string. "This is Windglider. Made for rapid-firing, it can shoot multiple arrows at once. Looking at your height, this should be a perfect fit." She pulled out a target board from the mess in the room.

Falziel took the bow and shot three arrows in rapid succession. All of them hit the bulls-eye flat on. He nodded. "It's good enough. I'll take it, how much?"

She held up three fingers. Azviel guessed, "Three gold?"

Ava shook her head and grinned. "Thirty gold!"

He choked and coughed a few times. "Did you say thirty?"

She nodded. "Yup, thirty, final price! Normally, people would sell this at around forty gold, so you're getting a discount already!"

Azviel sighed and glared at Falziel. "You owe me money after this." He quickly placed a small pouch in Ava's hand.

She took it and grinned. "Well, what about you? Do you need a weapon?"

Azviel shook his head. "I have my sword." He was NOT going to spend so many gold coins just to buy an inconspicuous weapon for temporary use.

Ava stared at the sword at his side and murmured, "Wow...I haven't seen a weapon like that before! It looks like it's made from abyssal-stone! Hard, durable, and flexible!" She made a small movement with her hand and a small rune appeared around her eye.

He instinctively moved back, on guard. She held up her hands innocently. "Sorry, I just never seen a weapon like that before! Abyssal-stone is very hard to find, and I was just appraising it! No wonder you don't need another weapon, something like that can set you for life!"

Azviel turned away from her. "We'll be going now." He grabbed Falziel on the arm and started dragging him away.

As the exited the shack, Ava waved at them. "Bye bye, come again later! I'd love to have you again!"

Falziel slipped himself out of Azviel's grip. "Watch it! I told you to buy another weapon, why didn't you do so?"

Azviel let his glare and killing intent slip onto Falziel. "I'm NOT going to spend another THIRTY gold for a replacement weapon!"

"Yes, yes! Just retract your killing intent!" Falziel rubbed his head in pain.

If Azviel had let it down on anyone else, they would have either exploded from the pressure or completely paralyze themselves with fear for life.

He sighed and pointed at two people in front of the building. "Come on, Felton and Rya are waiting for us."

Falziel grinned. "Well, off to the S-Rank dungeon we go!"