
I Don't Want to Be a Villain!

Azviel Kael was stuck killing people over and over again. He awoke to find himself in a dark throne room, in a world which they call him a demon king. People entering called the place a dungeon where they must kill the boss. And apparently, the boss was Azviel. However, after hundreds of years, he find a way out of dungeon, and hurries out to enjoy his life in the medieval city of Elthea. Upload Schedule: Mon-Sun: 1 chapter I'll try my best to do steady updates~

ShadowPhoenix_9 · Fantasy
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26 Chs

Demon Shadow Captain

As their party arrived in front of the dungeon, a black swirling portal could be seen. Rya turned to them. "Ready to go in? You have to watch out, the boss will either be a demon shadow captain or a ghost rider. A ghost rider is not affected by physical attacks and will only be killed by magic. A demon shadow and travel and teleport through shadows, so watch out."

Felton nodded and held up his staff to casts buffs. A warm, yellow glow surrounded them as an unknown energy swirled throughout their body, making them feel more energetic.

However, Azviel felt as if someone was stabbing him with a bunch of needles. He held back a cough and said, "I need to use the bathroom first, be right back."

Felton sighed. "You should have done so earlier, but hurry up."

Azviel quickly ran off to behind a tree. He took a few deep breaths as he felt the unknown energy swirling inside of him. The buff that he was given was being completely rejected by his own power. It was like a debuff to him, making it harder for him to control his bloodlust and power.

He tried to forcefully suppress it, but it was like trying to put two magnets of the same side together. They were repelling each other.

Sweat poured down his head as he took in some deep breaths. "Calm down...seal the buff away..." It took Azviel five minutes to finally seal away the buff, since it was weakening after a period of time.

He sighed in relief. "I'm never taking a buff again..."

Azviel walked back to the rest of the party where they were waiting impatiently. Felton waved when he saw him. "Finally, Keres! Are we now ready to go into the dungeon? I can cast my buff again since it started wearing down."

Azviel instantly said, "Don't waste your mana. The buff is still active, so don't cast another one over it and waste your magic."

Rya frowned. "It might be a good idea to cast another buff though. This one is weakening and we don't know what's in the dungeon."

He turned back to them and said, "Do that if you want, I'll scout ahead." With that, Azviel jumped into the dungeon, avoiding the new buff.

As he entered, a murky smell filled his nose. It smelled like corpses and death. Azviel didn't see them appear behind him, so he started walking down the dungeon. It was a cave-like structure with torches lit here and there. It was also quite hot as there were small rivers and waterfalls of lava.

Azviel entered this open-area with a large structure in the middle. It was a like a tree root reaching all the way from the ceiling to the bottom. He could spot some creatures at the edge of his vision. It was as if the entire root was a house.

He started walking towards it when a shadow appeared in front of him. It had a misty black shape, making him unable to tell what it was. It leapt at him screeching.

Somehow, Azviel could process it in his head. [No intruders allowed!] He dodged the blow and kicked it onto the ground. He was still able to touch it, but he still couldn't see where it was.

He stepped on its back, keeping it at the ground. "Oi, what are you?" The shadow screeched in pain. [I'm not saying!]

Azviel dug his heel into its back. "Hurry up and speak out. I don't want to hear your bullshit." He held up a palm of black flames and grinned.

The shadow struggled. [A demon shadow! An intruder like you won't be able to understand me anyways!]

He snuffed out the fire and lifted his foot off of the demon shadow. "A demon shadow, huh? Where's the boss?" Azviel squatted down the the shadow of the ground.

The demon shadow froze and growled. [You can understand me?]

Azviel sighed and stomped on it once more. "Of course I damn can. Now, bring me to your boss."

The shadow quickly nodded and started running off in a direction. [Yes, yes! I'll bring you to the captain! Don't kill me!]

He followed the shadow towards the tree root, until the stopped at the base of the root. There was a shadowy, black door over there.

The shadow pushed it open and screeched. [You may go in, dear guest.]

Azviel entered and the shadow closed the door in behind him. However, he wasn't even worried in the slightest because he could break out of here whenever he wanted. It was like a small room, with a single transparent wall in between half of the room. He touched the flimsy wall. "Huh...It's so easy to break, yet you can see through this. I wonder where they got this from inside the dungeon."

A shadow entered the other side of the room, behind the transparent glass. It screeched and said, [I am the demon shadow captain. I heard that you can understand us. Who are you?]

Azviel shrugged. "Nice to meet you, captain. I'm Azviel Kael, a demon king."

The boss let out a screech that sounded like laughter. [AHAHAHA...Very funny. The seventh demon king would have announced his arrival if he was back. He hasn't been seen, ever since the dungeon massacre happened. Besides, your name is Keres Laoter, not Azviel Kael. How dare you disrespect our king with your foul speech!]

Azviel sighed. "You just don't believe me...but anyways, you don't have time to worry about me. An angel and two S-Rank intruders are coming."

The boss watched him carefully and growled. [Keep this intruder here. I shall deal with the angel first. Prepare for battle!]