
I Don't Want to Be a Villain!

Azviel Kael was stuck killing people over and over again. He awoke to find himself in a dark throne room, in a world which they call him a demon king. People entering called the place a dungeon where they must kill the boss. And apparently, the boss was Azviel. However, after hundreds of years, he find a way out of dungeon, and hurries out to enjoy his life in the medieval city of Elthea. Upload Schedule: Mon-Sun: 1 chapter I'll try my best to do steady updates~

ShadowPhoenix_9 · Fantasy
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26 Chs


Azviel groaned as he awoke, rubbing the back of his head. He muttered, "Where am I? I remember sitting at home when the announcement that dungeons were appearing all over the world was made."

He sat up and took a look around. It was a huge room, that was lit up with torches. There was a black carpet in the center, which led up to a set of stairs. Then, above those stairs was a single black throne, covered in black vines and thorns.

Azviel stood up and brushed himself off. He turned around to see a large mirror behind him.

In the mirror, a man with two shadowy black demon horns and a set of large black wings could be seen. He had the blood red eyes and a black sword was strapped across his back.

Azviel walked up to the mirror in surprise. "How is this possible...? Is this me?" He peered closer into the mirror and he noticed some words floating above his head.

[Demon King Boss]

[Level: ????]

Azviel blinked once. Then twice. "Me?? A demon king? I was simply a college student! Is this part of the dungeons that were appearing across the world? They say that people have to go in and kill the boss to clear them. In return, they get better weapons, armors, and magic items! How did I become a boss of this dungeon?"

He walked up to the throne and took a seat, sighing. Instantly, a voice filled his head.

[Welcome Azviel Kael, Demon King. Defend yourself from the incoming invaders if you want to stay alive.]

Azviel jumped off the throne and grabbed the sword from his back. "Who's there?" The voice filled his head once more.

[I am the dungeon master. You are currently the boss of this dungeon. Players are coming in to kill you. Defend yourself.]

He brandished his sword, and it swung it around a few times. It felt smooth and normal, as if he has used a sword all his life. "Where are you? And what do you mean players are coming in to kill me?"

Instantly, a group of people burst into the dungeon. One was carrying staffs, one was carrying a bow, one was carrying a shield and another was carrying a sword. They started shouting when they saw him. "There! It's the boss of this dungeon!"

Most of them were partially injured, but the girl with the staff waved her arms, and their wounds slowly healed.

Azviel tried talking to them. "Hey! I'm not a boss! I was summoned here randomly! Help me get out of here!"

Instead of relaxing, they tensed up and the one with the shield took a readying stance. The voice laughed.

[It's no use. No matter what you say, it'll just sound like growls to them. You can try to talk all you want. But they are going to kill you if you don't fight back.]

Azviel gritted his teeth and started shouting once more. "Please! Guys! I don't want to fight! Help me get out of here!"

The one with the shield started running in, with the sword one right behind him.

Azviel unsheathed the black blade and swung it at the guy with the shield. Instantly, black flames lit up the shield, destroying it. Shouts came from the group of people.

"It's strong! Xia, heal Bert!"

"Eldo, engage it for now!"

Azviel assumed the one called Xia was the girl with the staff. Bert would be the one which he broke the shield of right now. And then Eldo would be the boy with the sword who was running towards him.

He wanted to simply surrender, but he knew that they were going to kill him if he did that. Azviel blocked the first strike from Eldo, but arrows hit him on his thigh. He yelled in pain. "These people!"

He started fighting against Eldo, while keeping an eye out for any arrows. His body instinctively knew how to swing the sword around properly, and he was light on his feet.

Many arrows were shot from the right, and Azviel used his wings to block them. His wings were hard, and weren't even scratched.

Azviel broke through Eldo's defenses and swung the sword towards him. It sliced right through his ribs, and he let out a mouthful of blood.

Azviel flinched inwardly. "My apologies...I cannot die here. I have to get back to the real world!" He pulled the sword out of Eldo, and he fell to the ground, lifeless.

The archer girl in the back took this chance to fire many arrows at him. Azviel merely started cut the arrows as they were flying towards him. The girl started backing away to a corner, but something hit the back of Azviel's head.

He turned around to see Bert holding rocks in his hand. "Lay off of Tei! Leave her alone, you monster!"

Azviel stumbled back a step at that. Monster. "I'm not a monster! It's not my fault I was dragged here!" However, his words became growls, and Bert flinched back even harder.

Bert continued throwing rocks and Azviel sliced each one, then ran towards him. He held the blade to Bert's neck, but didn't kill him. "I don't want to kill you! Just take me to the exit of this dungeon!"

Nobody even moved a muscle. The voice chuckled.

[You think they believe you? They can't even understand you? And hurry up and kill him. I'm getting bored.]

Azviel continued holding the blade against Bert's throat, but suddenly a gust of force pushed his arm to slice off Bert's head.

Xia's scream echoed in the chamber. "N-No! Bert!" Another gust of force made him throw the sword in his hand. It pierced silently through the archer's throat.

Then, against his will, Azviel picked up Xia by the throat. Tears filled her eyes and before she died, she whispered, "Monster."

Azviel heard the crunch of her neck breaking echo across the room. The voice giggled.

[This is what happens if you don't kill them! Do your job properly! I'm in control here!]

He groaned and fell to the floor. "They're all dead...I killed them."

[If you don't pick up your sword and guard yourself and this place properly, I'll forcefully summon your family here just so you can kill them! Do you like that?]

Azviel shuddered. "No...Not my family! I'll do it properly! Just don't threaten my family!" He picked up the bloodied black sword from the ground and sheathed on his back. "I'll kill everyone that comes here if it means that my family will be safe."