
Start of a dispute (Part-2)

That day was worse compared to any other days. Hoping to start the day with a beautiful side of Tokyo it couldn't have been more worse. The street started looking more and more pretty while ignoring my troubles.

I didn't know how much I ran. But tiredness and soreness coursed through out my whole body. I felt the numbness spreading. I decided to sit down and cool off at the park.

It was a small park relatively comparing it to others. But it's beauty was second to none in my eyes. The tress emits a sweet and mind warming fragrance which waves around the park, giving it's appearance more significance. Countless birds would also rest around as it stays empty for a reasonable amount of time. The reason might be that it is in an isolated and deep vicinity where a small number of people live, which most of them were elderly. The most captivating force of this park is that it stays beautiful even when it's alone.

I sat at the only bench of the park and drank my juice which I got from the salesperson. I took a sip and to my suprise, it tasted good. I gently took sips and stared at the park.

I gave a glance at my watch and noticed I was a bit late. Though it isn't that far away I can't expect to be late. I quickly chugged down my drink and got up to leave after throwing the can into the trash bin. I took my bag and mounted it to my shoulder and suddenly both the sleeves of my shirt got pulled, scaring me. And it was just another anonymous person but two fold! Talk about coincidence!

They're faces were hidden but I immediately knew they were girls. And why do I say this? Cause they both just started to move their hands to and fro while making cute girly noises. How weird to meet some people in this isolated city!

They were the shortest bunch from everyone whom I met. They held each other's hand giving away they were close. I gently guessed as though not to scare them, "Are you two sisters?"

In which case they nodded.

Encountering this type of situation two times made me strongly familiar how to act.

"What are you doing here? Are you lost?"

They stood nonchalantly.

"Then do you know how to go back, right?"

They swung their heads at sideways.

"Oh," is all I had to say. Nothing surprises me at this time thus so far. "Care to go for a walk around the city? If you see anything familiar you might just full my hands."

I carelessly extended my hand towards them to grab a hold on to. I didn't want to think about anything at that point.

The girls hesitated for a moment but took my hands at the end. I was glad they didn't think anything about my behaviour and saw me as a good guy.

We took some detours here and there. I had a good look around the silent city one last time. This type of scenario in a dense crowded city was extremely rare. So I wanted to digest every moment.

The city was beautiful no doubt. But the charm that a city isn't taking any form here. The city felt really unfamiliar to me. The sound of people doing their jobs, the sound of people talking, gasping, walking etc. is what made the city charming and special. Empty, it's just like a shell.

"Do you like this city?" I asked.

The girls nodded.

"What about right now? It's as quite as it can get."

The girls nodded.

"When it's full of people?"

The girls nodded.

"Should this city be lively or empty? Which suits the city more better?"

The girls didn't answer. It would remain a mystery which city they preferred more. Though it's clear that the two states of the city are spectacularly beautiful to look at.

After reaching at the overbridge the girls pulled both of my hands at the same time. "Oh, this is your stop then."

I let go both of them and patted them both as an impression of goodbye, "I'll see you guys around. It would be night after a while. You should go back home before it's too late."

I was also getting ready to go when they stopped me and again, I was handed around another two orange juices, "Umm. Can you please tell us your name?

I smiled and accepted their drinks, "Aikawa Akihiko."

I was putting their drinks when I noticed I had other two of that brand in my bag. Then what was the other one that I had? I stopped for a moment. Then I realized not thinking much is the best option right now. Many bizarre things happened at this time. I went straight to home and reached when it night came.

My parents stood at the front door, surprisingly without making a scene. I was tired from today that I didn't want to talk about anything if they didn't bring up something. I silently went to my room and freshen up by taking a quick shower. I got at the dining table wearing my pajamas. We ate dinner while dad started watching TV for the news. There was nothing to know about until a particular news popped up which shook the whole of Tokyo.

"It's quite bad wasn't it? The road blockade which caused quite a stir among the country." said my dad, with a sigh.

"I wanted to do buy something for tonight but the whole road was unavailable at times." my mom joined.

They mumbled on and on about the blockade while I was too focused on the food. Some of the words from the interviews' came to my ears. Words like 'four...', 'beautiful....' and 'rich....'. I didn't hear much about anything else while I quietly and swiftly finished my plate. I got up and started to head for my room, when dad called me, "Did you had any problems getting here Akihiko? You took your sweet time today."

"Nah. As the news said the roads were empty but I didn't had that much of a problem. I took a detour that's why I was late."

"How if I may ask?" asked my mom out of the blue.

"Why? Do I need to answer that?" I expressed my suspicion.

"If you want to, if that's not to much of a problem for you. Or is there something going on?"

"What?" I said. "Why would that even be a problem? It was as usual."

"Hmmm," my parents went into their deep thoughts. "Alright. We understand."

"Now please don't joke about that. I'm tired right now. I want to finish my work and go to bed as fast as possible."

My parents still were into their deep thoughts. I escaped by making that moment my opportunity.

I started to concentrate on the homework we got assigned with. I slowly completed all my revision one by one. After finishing I look at my room clock and saw it was 12. I fell upon my soft bed making my drowsiness take me over. All of a sudden, I remembered about the juices.

I reached out for my bag and took out the cans all at once. I decorate them at top of my desk and stared at them, thinking, "This day was really bizarre from the start. Why were my parents grinning and acting weird all day? Who were those girls that I saw? There was also an extra can in my bag which my parents might've gave me. But was there anything extra in that? My parents don't usually don't bother me about this drinks. Why today?" My mind couldn't make any heed of it.

After the thoughts started pouring in my mind I couldn't get a wink of sleep. When I closed my eyes my parents' grin comes to mind. When I try to distract myself by looking around my room the cans pop up in my gaze. These two combos made my lose my dear sleep the whole night. I told myself that nothing happened but my mind couldn't settle down and I didn't get a shut eye let alone a sleep. This day felt wrong from the very beginning.

"Wahhh. You look horrible dude." said Adachi after looking at my bed-head and drop dead beat eyes at the school entrance. "Did you play games pulling up an all nighter?"

"What makes you think that?" I asked, annoyed. "Don't lump me in with you."

"Now, I'm not being harsh. The one with the dead eyes is you, not me. Also you're not interested in anything and I came to the conclusion that you gamed all night."

"You know, you just said that I'm not interested in anything and you brought up me being a gamer right now. You're not making any sense dude."

"You always look at the gaming news whenever I see you messing around with your phone. So that might've happened," he laughed. "I'm also not being harsh. That's the truth."

I couldn't disagree, even though I wanted to.

"But I'm not an obsessive gamer. I also don't play games that much."

"Hahaha. Ok ok. I understand dude. I'm just cracking up a joke to cheer you up."

I noticed that the school was getting kinda excited. Saying things like, "Hey hey. Aren't some cute girls going to transfer here today?"

"Yeah. I heard that. I also heard that they're crazy beautiful and popular and rich around the whole world."

"Hmm. Their families are one of the most richest families among the business world."

"Hey, you know anything about this hot topic?" I asked, being curious.

"Oh, I heard some big wigs daughters are transferring here. I also heard that they were studying at America."

"Wahh," I suddenly blurted out being amazed. "Why would they want to come here even when they were studying in America? That seems kinda bit of a waste."

"Well, it's their life, their decision."

"As for me I wouldn't have never given up for this school."

"Beats me. Let's wait for now and see what do they look like."

We head for our classroom and wait for the big reveal.

The classroom wasn't as noisy as it was before. It was way beyond that. The reason was the hot topic. Everyone started sharing their own opinions and words filled up the air.

"It's like we are in our first year again right now. Though we are in our third year we still act like kids."

"It's feels kind of unusual for our class in this kind of environment. It seems a little too lively."

"Our class is always like this. Haven't you noticed?"

"Huh? When?" I seemed confused.

"Oh, sorry. Forgot that you ain't a social bird."

"Well, sorry." The way he said that made me feel a bit of guilt.

The bell rang. The class would've remained silent but the discussions was still going on. The news seemed to hit a big blow on our school.

Our homeroom teacher walked in and cleared his throat to get our attention, "Please remain silent."

The noise slowly went down but whispers stayed.

"Thank you. Well as you all might know that some big people are going to join us today. They came all the way from America. So I hope that you might treat them well."

The whispers started to grow intensely. The teacher came and informed us firstly means that they will join in our class.

"Though they might be a little noisy to have them around but please don't mind them," our teacher said politely staring at the door. "Please come and greet them."

As those words came out the whole class became dead silent.

First came in a girl who looked like nothing out of the ordinary. She had a pink low bubble ponytail and pink eyes. But she quickly gained the eyes of the class like cherry blossoms gain the heart of many who watch it bloom. "Hello. My name is Itou Akemi." she bowed.

The next came was a young women who looked like in her 20's. She had a white long hair and light blue eyes. She looked like a cool woman but the calmness inside her light blue eyes made her coolness more expressive. "I'm a not a student but your homeroom teacher from now on. My name is Aiuchi Eiko. Call me Sensei."

The last ones were two sisters. They had the same deep red eyes and the same light blue hair. They were a bit small compared to us, which made their cuteness bloom more. "Hello. I am Kobayashi Haruka." "And I'm Kobayashi Kaori." "Nice meet you all." They said simultaneously at the end.

That caused the whole class to uproar after a while. The boys screamed and started fisting the air. On the other hand, the girls started complimenting their attire and how beautiful they were. All the other classes also came to witness the event.

Our school was really big. It had 1st grade student to 12th grade, containing about 4000 students total and 40 students in each room. It was regarded as one of the biggest school in Tokyo. So it was really crowded and really noisy when our class started screaming.

"Our teachers aren't even complaining." Adachi came right next to my ear. "They are worldwide celebrities and phenomenon in that category. They are also interested in them."

"Though I didn't know it would be this rough."

"Please keep quite everyone," Sensei spoke up. "We don't want our first introduction to be this crowdy and unsettling. We would come and visit your classes one at a time if you want us to."

The whole crowd died down from that small speech.

"Please sensei. Continue."

The teacher talked about his final goodbye but sadly, everyone focused on the girls. I felt bad for him.

"So, I would retire from today onwards and hope everyone of you stay healthy and continue on with your studies."

He then took his exit.

"So, as you may know," Sensei initiated. "We are quite famous. Even though this school is large and many people are studying here, I hope we can be friendly with each other and you may treat us like you treat others."

"This experience may be just for a year, but we hope that you would take of us for this year." Itou-san continued.

"People might see us as distant people but we are friendly." "And we would be happy to be friends with you." "So let's make this year a memorable one."

The whole school cheered together.

With their charisma they won over the whole school. They were elegant, perfect and very pretty. It was crystal clear with just one look. That's why I didn't want to be involved with them. People like them attract unwanted attention which I'm not a fan and a big hater. So, I wanted to mind my own business.

"Are you Aikawa-kun?" Sensei called out to me.

It made me jump and I answered immediately, "Yes."

"It looks like we made the right choice." Itou-san added.

"Right right." the twins also joined.

"Oh my god. You're in big trouble dude." Adachi whispered.

I noticed everyone looking at me with their surprised face and whispering to one another. Confusion, nervousness and many other unlikable emotions took form within me. The tensity they send within me grew strong horribly.

"Umm. Am I supposed to know you guys?"

Without answering anything, they came towards me and took out a peonies flower each, "Please, marry us." they screamed and it echoed pretty hard. The sound of my perfect life coming to an end.