
Chapter 1 Dream

Dream is a unavoidable feeling, sense and action that may happen in almost everyone sleep.Dream is a feeling of the person most want desire that cannot full fill in the day so it happen at night.

Have you ever heard that people dream about the future or they have precognitive power that can predicted the future ? I an sure most of you but what if I tell you I have something like that but far more worse.

I can't predict the future unlike others theory. Yet I can sense a person emotion during sleep and it come randomly.I don't have the power to control my dream or the person I want to feel it just came naturally.

I always have been a sensitive child unlike my sister I dream a lot at a young age.I dream about many thing but most of the thing that I dream revolve around the reality of the world.The first time that I encounter this was during my primary years.I dreamt about a girl in my class I don't even know her name.I dreamt that I was chasing her in alley that was covered with flower bright beautiful flowers with hundred ,thousand of flowers.It lasted until when I reach to an alley.Suddenly,It was dark very dark and I felt a girl crying out for help than I was my classmate ran away her eyes was filled with horror the only think she did was ran.I woke up confused not even know what to do the next day I found out that one of the upperclassmen was harassing her .Luckily, it was caught by the teacher.

At first I thought it was coincidence I have many dream some that are insignificant and some that are so impactful I remember till this day. On 16 years old I dreamt about the worse possible scenario that most want to avoided.When I enter the dream world I saw a funeral it dark and hazy.To be honest here I don't even know why I know is a funeral as I never been to one my body just know or to be precise my mind just know.

The worse one was for me when I was 16 years old I dreamt about a funeral it was so dark and hazy, so hazy.Suddenly, I felt cold really cold and shivery that was a wave of emotion shocked through my body I grasped for air as I felt like I was swimming in sea water my body shivered and the only thing i could do is reach out my hand to the surface while grasping the air hard.

Then,when I was just about to give up I was a light a person was there.I want to shout for help instead he beat me to it.He was shouting Li Na,Li Na save me. Weird, Li Na my Chinese name was not called my anyone even my closed friends call me Veronica.It must be one of my relative i thought as only them will call this name.That what i thought I swam furiously trying to help him but the more I swam I could not save him.His voice was going further away the more he shouted my name his voice become hoarser and hoarser.

My heart ache I don't even know who is he as it was so dark all I know is I have to save him,help him the further way he drifted away my heart ache, tears was running through my eyes.I don't know how long was I was in the sea or how long was I trying save the men my mind was in a haze and I slowly drifted a way...

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