
I Don’t Want To Be a Hero

What happens when a lazy person with no desire of being a hero gets reborn into the One Punch Man world as Tatsumaki and Fubuki's brother? But for the sake of surviving he had to get strong. Join Ye Zai in his journey through the animeverse. I don't own the image cover or even anything in here tbh... __________________________ First of all, I'm not the original author of this fanfiction, I'm just a translator. This fanfiction has 900+ chapters so this is going to be a long ride. Original Author- Salted Fish With Rice Link To Raws- https://sj.uukanshu.com/book.aspx?id=137375 He would be having multiple women from various anime worlds but he doesn't accept them at first due to him thinking that he wouldn't be able to return to said anime world but that gets solved later on so don't worry. Also, this is a weak-to-strong novel so don't expect him to instantly defeat Saitama or something. He would eventually reach that level but not in the start. Also mostly the rewards from the system are unsatisfactory but it doesn't stop him from getting strong so don't worry. I hope you enjoy~ Also, you can consider the anime worlds AU since there are some minor changes here and there. If you realized this is a synopsis from my fellow translator -ExReality anyway imma steal your synopsis nyehehe~ (hehe jk I'm too lazy to even write synopsis on my own anyway my original purpose was just to read this fanfic with MTL but I might as well help y'all by putting the translation here I'll also edit the chapter if i feel like it anyway peace~)

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366 Chs

Chapter 40 The Underground King Appears!

Looking at the shiny bald head on the TV, not only was Yezai stunned, Saitama was also dumbfounded.

He and Yezai had clearly taken the meat together. Why was he the only one blacklisted?

Although only the back of the head was shown in the photo, Saitama was still quite dissatisfied.

However, it wasn't that Saitama was dissatisfied with being blacklisted by the supermarket. He was just unhappy. Yezai had eaten as much meat as he did, but why was he the only one to take the blame?

Fortunately, the supermarket that had recently suffered heavy losses didn't have a discount, so Saitama didn't patronize it.

Otherwise, with the back of his head, Saitama would have been caught red-handed.

However, these things weren't important. What Saitama was worried about now was how to deal with Yezai.

He was really unlucky. He had casually blamed a thief on the TV, but it turned out to be him …

"What do you have to say now, Saitama?

You admitted that my collection was stolen by this baldy. "

"Then, should we discuss which direction we should cut open this baldy's head from? That will make the brain juice splatter even more brilliantly."

Yezai took out a huge hammer from nowhere and stared at Saitama's shiny bald head, as if he was looking for a place to strike.

"Yezai, calm down. You've really turned evil. This isn't your character at all."

Even though Saitama was stronger than Yezai, for some reason, Yezai's expression was as terrifying as it could be.

"Yezai, wait a minute …"

Before Saitama could beg for mercy, Yezai had already struck with the hammer.


The hammer came into close contact with Saitama's bald head, making a loud noise. However, the result was disappointing to Yezai.

The scene of brains splattering everywhere didn't happen as Yezai had imagined. There wasn't even a bump on the baldy's head. Instead, the handle of the hammer broke directly into two, and the hammer bounced back and embedded itself in the ceiling.

Saitama was still trying to stop him. When he saw the hammer being knocked away, he blinked in confusion.

Was he bitten by a mosquito?

Why didn't he feel anything at all?

After a brief moment of shock, Ye Zai was unable to restrain his anger and punched out. His target was the bald man's mocking face.

"Kacha —!"

A voice that was even clearer than before rang out from Ye Zai's hand.

Then, Yezai's entire arm drooped powerlessly as if it had lost its bones.

That's right, Yezai's all-out punch just now had caused Saitama to be completely fine, but Yezai's bones were broken instead.

That punch just now didn't seem to have landed on flesh, but on a diamond.

Saitama also felt that he had gone a little overboard, so he planned to let Yezai punch him a few times to vent his anger.

However, the result was obvious. He was fine, but Yezai was seriously injured.

Seeing the bald man pick his nose in a daze, Yezai almost couldn't hold back again. He wanted to take out the Demon Blade Muramasa he had just obtained and cut a few holes in the bald man's body.

However, he was also worried that the famous blade he had obtained with great difficulty would be cut into pieces because of this. In the end, he could only swallow his anger.

At the same time, Yezai also understood why the weirdos felt that Saitama deserved a beating when they saw his face.

Yezai had clearly used his full strength, but the baldy's 'blank' face was the most silent humiliation to his opponent.

At this moment, Yezai was even more determined to become stronger. He even wanted to go to the 'Dragon Ball' world to train and come back to rub the baldy on the ground.

Yezai's' desire to become stronger was not because he wanted to 'save the world', but because he wanted to teach a certain arrogant baldy a lesson.

It was a farce. Yezai couldn't do anything to Saitama. In the end, the farce disappeared.

Yezai ate all the food by himself. Saitama looked at him pitifully as he ate and ended the dinner with an empty stomach.

Since he couldn't do anything to Saitama with his strength, Yezai could only punish him in other ways to vent his dissatisfaction.

On the first night after returning to the Origin World, Yezai slept peacefully.

If it wasn't for the dazzling sunlight, Yezai wouldn't have known that he was sleeping outdoors.

Did he transmigrate again?

Why was the cooldown time so short this time?

Yezai opened his eyes in a daze. This time, he was hanging from an antenna on the side of the road.

Yezai looked around, trying to figure out which time he had transmigrated to. However, he found his surroundings familiar.

"Isn't this the road outside our dormitory?

In other words, I'm still in the 'One Punch World'. Then, how did I get outside? "

Yezai looked at the familiar road. He had lived nearby for a few years, so he couldn't be mistaken.

Looking at the opposite floor, Ye Zai immediately understood what was going on.

That bastard Saitama was sleepwalking again!

Furthermore, he had thrown him out of the room like he was a piece of trash.

Yezai had just returned from the 'One Piece World'. He was physically and mentally exhausted. He slept so soundly last night that he didn't even wake up when Saitama threw him out.

"In other words, I slept on the antenna all night and was exposed to the cold wind all night?"

Yezai felt that he had another bad debt with Saitama. Just as he was about to go back and settle it with him, there was a sudden movement on the ground.

A strange man who was all black with purple stripes on his body and holding four big swords emerged from the ground.

"Ding! Mission 1: Eliminate five underground monsters. Reward: 1 random card draw."

"Ding! Mission 2: Assist others to defeat the Underground King. Reward: 2 random card draw."

"Ding! Mission 3: Defeat the Underground King alone. Reward: 1 random card draw and 2 random card draw."

As the Underground King appeared on the road with a group of minions, Yezai, who was hanging from the antenna pole, also received the mission issued by the system.

It was the same as before. Although the reward for the third mission was rich, it was the kind of difficulty that could be seen but not eaten.

Yezai vaguely remembered that the Underground King was an existence on par with the 'Sky King' and the 'Deep sea King'.

(He wasn't the underground people that Saitama dreamed of in the original work. The Underground King after waking up from the dream was the real deal.)

Although he didn't have the terrifying 'Dragon Level' strength like the 'Vaccine Man' and the 'Biceps Giant'.

However, to be on par with the 'Deep sea King' who had defeated several 'S-Level Heroes', he should be at the peak of the 'Demon Level'.

Yezai's strength had barely reached the weakest 'Demon Level'. It was almost impossible for him to kill the Underground King alone.

"I, the Underground King, have finally come to the surface world. This time, I must conquer the entire surface world and then further invade the sky and sea!"