
I Don’t Die

A strong martial artist gets overwhelmed and is murdered but he is reborn into a new world where martial cultivation is the only way to obtain status and power. In this world the strong bully the weak and those with a high enough cultivation are akin to gods. This is the story of how Jun Tian goes from a complete nobody to an existence that is unparalleled in power.

Maxim_Stephens · Fantasy
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6 Chs

Becoming Martial Cultivators

Jun Tian was so surprised that he almost fell over backwards. He couldn't believe the Ren Zuo Qing managed to beat him. But even though he was mad he still couldn't figure out why he couldn't understand the energy. He let the energy penetrate into his body but all he felt was the pain of his muscles ripping apart.

Days passed and Jun Tian still hadn't moved forward while Ren Zuo Qing had managed to get knee deep in the water and she managed to break through to the third Chi layer.

"Ahhhhh" screamed Jun Tian who was furious as although the pain had lessened it wasn't due to his understanding, his body had just become stronger and more durable so the pain wasn't as intense. No matter what he tried he couldn't understand what he was supposed to understand.

Days turned to weeks and Jun Tian had only managed to get his toes in the water. But he hadn't broken through a single cultivation layer he had just overcome the pain. Ren Zuo Qing could easily bathe in the water and was almost at the fifth Chi layer.

"Brother Jun you need to relax and just let the energy wash over you. Then when the energy is inside of you allow it to circulate through you blood vessels, all the way around your body." Said Ren Zuo Qing.

"I'm trying" exclaimed Jun Tian. He tried to relax, he slowed his breathing but he still couldn't break through too the first Chi layer.

A few more days passed and there was only one day until the exams started. Jun Tian could stand waist deep in the water but it was extremely painful.

"This isn't good enough." Muttered Jun Tian. He looked furious as he couldn't understand why he had failed to comprehend cultivation.

Ren Zuo Qing walked out of the water and quietly sat down on the bank.

Jun Tian stood in silence for a few seconds and then suddenly jumped head first into the deepest part of the water.

"What?!" Shouted Ren Zuo Qing surprised. Did Jun Tian want to kill himself?

Underwater Jun Tian found that he could breathe but his surprise was short lived as he felt immense pain. Every nerve in his body felt like it was on fire, his blood was boiling and his skin was getting covered in frost. He was in more pain than he had ever felt but still he could not break through a single cultivation layer.

After spending about an hour underwater Jun Tian resurfaced and glumly walked up onto the bank. He still hadn't even become a first Chi layer cultivator. He was in a lot of pain and so Ren Zuo Qing had to help him walk out of the cave.

They slowly made their way down the mountain and found that the cold didn't bother them as much anymore. There was still thick snow on top of all of the mountains. The sky was completely clear and had a dark blue colour. The scenery was absolutely amazing. As they got to the bottom of the mountain they found a well worn path that led up another mountain twenty miles away. Going up the path to the mountain were thousands of people.

"That must be the path to the Heavenly Feathers sect." Said Ren Zuo Qing "Let's hurry Brother Jun theres only a couple of hours until sundown and we don't want to be late."

"Ok let's go. We should probably run though because it is pretty far." Replied Jun Tian.

As Jun Tian said that Ren Zuo Qing started running and on her first step she pushed of and ended up 50 meters away. The ground where she took of from had created a tiny crater.

"Wha..?" Stuttered Jun Tian. "How did you go so far?" He asked.

Ren Zuo Qing quickly came back and looked stunned.

"I'm not sure I didn't push off too hard I was just running normally." Replied Ren Zuo Qing.

"It must be because you're a fifth level Chi cultivator." Said Jun Tian thoughtfully "We already knew cultivators were much stronger than normal people and this proves it."

"Brother Jun you try see if you got any stronger." Said Ren Zuo Qing.

Jun Tian was rather sad because he hadn't increased his cultivation at all so he knew he wouldn't be able to do anything that special. He was now wishing more than anything that he could've learned to at least break through to the first Chi layer.

"Come on Brother Jun just try it." Said Ren Zuo Qing.

Jun Tian turned down the dirt road and stood right in the middle, closed his eyes and started spurious fast as he could.

"Ahhhh" screamed Jun Tian forcing himself to run as fast as he possibly could.

After a few seconds he opened his eyes and looked back.

"..." Jun Tian was speechless and completely stunned. In about 5 seconds he had managed to run about 250 meters. There were small dents in the ground where his feet had touched the ground.

Ren Zuo Qing arrived a few seconds later with a look of absolute surprise.

"Brother Jun you are almost as fast as I am." Said Ren Zuo Qing. "How? You aren't even a cultivator yet."

"I don't know." Replied Jun Tian. "I think that pool made all my muscles much stronger than before even though I couldn't understand cultivation."

"Well this makes it easier we don't have to rush now, so let's go up the mountain slowly and enter the exam." Said Ren Zuo Qing