
I DIED AND WAS REINCARNATED AS...A GOD? [Will be moved to a new link]

There I was... I was a successful man, many people envied me, and I was about to be the biggest arms manufacturer in the world, and because of a betrayal, I died and lost everything .... but it's not the end!!!, god gave me the option to choose my next life in a game of chance, now I will reincarnate in...a god???? I don't know what will happen next, but now begins my path in divinity and make my universe number One! Discord Link: https://discord.gg/QFQMerBrNP

DreadxRuby · Fantasy
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22 Chs


Good morning, afternoon and evening, here writes your favorite duck DreadxRuby. In this chapter is where the characteristics of the personages will be specified, (including some things that are not mentioned in the other chapters) that will appear as the story progresses. At the moment not many characters have appeared, I know that. but that's just for now, since I have many ideas planned to continue with this and I hope with all my heart that you like it. well, let's start with the characteristics.


Zandor (Mortal): He was a man of average height, around 1.75 cm. Long, jet-colored hair, pulled into a long ponytail. Of somewhat robust complexion, created from his time in the army, to later finish defining it by going to the gym. His face, although somewhat attractive, was overshadowed by his gray eyes without any kind of affection or empathy. Since childhood he had an analytical mind, capable of processing and analyzing large amounts of information quickly and accurately, which allowed him to make objective decisions and solve problems with complexity in his time in the army, to later dedicate himself as a weapons manufacturer. He managed to reach the age of 28 before being killed by mercenary soldiers. His personality is somewhat objective enough to make decisions based on facts and data, rather than being guided by his emotions or prejudices, reasoning logically and coldly. He has great self-control, as to keep calm in stressful situations, but is short fuse when his measures are questioned, and when some incompetent does not do his job.

Zandor (God): once he has become God, his appearance changes drastically, he now looks like a handsome young man in his early 20's, his hair, formerly jet-colored, is now a shiny silver tone, focused on attracting attention, giving him a unique and sophisticated look. His face is well proportioned, with defined features and an intense gaze that reflects intelligence and determination and an indescribable warmth, making you unconsciously lean into his presence. well toned body, but maintaining a lean build, like that of an athlete in his prime. His personality is practically the same but as time goes by, he gradually breaks down his inner walls, becoming more open in expressing emotions such as joy or sadness, while maintaining his logical and objective side. Focusing on the welfare of his people.

(battle form coming soon)

Sarasvi system : the novice god support operating system does not have a physical form as such, but manifests as a tattoo on the user's forearm, its design being a sort of bionic eye, from which cybernetic wires emerge as roots. Apparently his personality is kind, giving everything to support his user, although with slight flaws that make him have more free will than he should have.

Orion, God of Knowledge: In his physical form he looks like a Caucasian man in his 30s. Golden hair long to his ears. On his face he wears a dark cloth of unknown material, without this cloth it can be seen that he is sharp jawed, symmetrical complexion, with sea blue eyes. His body is slender, with no apparent musculature. He wears a Victorian gothic style outfit, as of the XVII or XVIII century, carries a cane in his right hand, on his left side hangs a pocket watch with runic inscriptions that serve as an enhancer of his abilities. His main ability is to change the very concept of what is an existing object, managing to turn a simple doll into a killing machine. His personality at first glance is that of a quiet man, passionate about the things that interest him. He shows a slight joy disguised as terror when Zandor is elected god. But when he is irritated he changes drastically to that of an apathetic, emotionless and very, very angry man.

(battle form coming soon)

Gallad (ex)God of life and death: about the ancient God of life and death we do not know very well for sure how his personality was, we only know from what Sarasvi commented on occasion to Zandor (not shown, only intuited) that it was a humanoid life form, one of the first to exist, this being a precursor to what today would be humans.

Kaltor god of Ruin: his physical form looks like a lizard with humanoid shape. Vertical yellow eyes. with membranous wings on his back. He has battle scars all over his body (it is intuited that they were made by the Nephilim, but also by disputes between gods). on his hands and feet, his fingers end in sharp claws capable of disemboweling a cow in a single movement. there is not enough information about his personality, it is only known that he is of an aggressive nature, having a strong grudge against Orion.

(battle form coming soon)

Big One. Progenitor of the gods: his physical form is humanoid, but having 6 arms. Of robust complexion. He had 7 eyes, 2 normal, 2 in his cheeks and 2 in his forehead, and the last one was located vertically in the center of the first two. His face was symmetrical and overflowed with an indescribable beauty. Her skin was reddish. She had no sexual organs. His personality is a mystery, but he shows great loyalty to his own kind.

(battle form coming soon)



talasecond: Equivalent to 6 Earth months.

Lunistro: Equivalent to 20 Thalaseconds or approximately 10 Earth years.

Estremes: Equivalent to 30 Lunistros or approximately 300 terrestrial years.

Chronoluno: Equivalent to 10 Estremes or approximately 3,000 Earth years.

Stociclo: Equivalent to 12 Cronolunos or approximately 36,000 terrestrial years.

Millenasecond: Corresponds to 14 Stochs or approximately 504,000 terrestrial years.

This may vary as history progresses.


i know that the list is missing some characters such as the primordial gods. i would not like to give spoilers of their characteristics and personality and what they are focused on, because yes, after the rise of Gallad, they were also named in due time.

if you find any typographical errors, please write a comment in the specific paragraph.

Greetings to all

I moved this chapter, it was previously in volume 1. Now it will be here, and it will be updated as new personages come out.

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