
I died and now im alive

I am a 16 year old girl. I'm just a orphan and all I want is to have a loving family. but one fateful night some bad things happen and im murdered... when i wake up that's when I truly feel alive! and i literally reincarnated! (O.O)

SkeletonDeathAngel · Fantasy
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11 Chs


Me: Oh.

Me: Noah where are You?

Noah: here!

Me: come here let me hold you.

Noah: Okay

I held Noah for a hour and he fell asleep

Mind: We need some more food and clothes

Me: Ashton can you hold Noah so I can make lunch?

Ashton: Mhm...

Ashton took Noah from me and put him in his room then went to the couch and I went to the kitchen to prepare lunch.

When I was done I went to get Noah.

Me: Noah it's time for lunch come get up...

Noah: Mommy hold me please~

I pick Noah up and go the table I see Ashton at the table

Ashton: Noah You can walk by your se...

Me: I want to hold him...

Ashton: Chloe! Get over here...

Me: No I'm going to spend time with Noah now I haven't spent any time with Noah so to night I'm sleeping in Noah's room.

Ashton: don't take it to far your sleeping with me!

Me: No I'm not!

Noah: It is ok mommy I will sleep on my own. "Noah said with teary eyes"

Ashton: See Noah agrees.

Me: You are so mean Ashton!! Noah it's ok I'm going to sleep by you to night don't worry as long as I'm here your father won't bully you ok.

Noah: Ok mommy~

Noah said as he put his face in the crook of my neck. While Ashton was sulking by him self

After we finish eating I washed the dishes I went to Noah and asked if he wanted to watch a movie

Noah: Realy can I mommy~

Me: Yes you can

Noah: Can daddy watch it to~

Me: You can go ask him...

After I finished saying that he ran away

So I went to the kitchen and made some popcorn and got some juice for Noah I went and got the movie and set every thing up but Noah still didn't come back so I went to find him.

That's when I herd crying I ran over and found Noah crying on the ground holding his ankle

Me: Noah are you ok!?

Noah: Mommy it hurt's"sniff sniff" am I going to die"sniff"!?

I go over to him and grabbed his ankle and checked for broken bones but it was only sprained and has a wound but not to bad it should heal as long as it is taken care of. I squat down and wipe his tears

Me: Dont worry it's going to be alright.

I pick noah up and take him to his room I prop his foot up with a pillow and get him ice for his ankle.

Me: Noah im going to get you something I'll be back in a second...

Noah: ok...

Ashton: What happened...

Me: Noah was looking for you then got hurt so Im helping him heal his wound

Ashton: ohh is he hurt badly?

Me: he sprained his ankle.

Ashton: so will it heal?

Me: yes.

Ashton: Good.

Me: Lets watch the movie.

I went back to Noah's room and took him to the couch and watched the movie and I seen it was getting late so I started dinner when the movie was done I finished dinner

Me: Its time for dinner...

Ashton and Noah sat at the table and we began to eat after I washed the dishes I went to Noah's room

Me: Noah are you ready for bed... It's time to put your pajamas on

"I grabbed a little bunny onesie"

Noah: yes mommy~

I put the pajamas on him and he looked so cute so I pinched his cheeks

Noah: Mommy stop pinching me~

Me: I can't help it your too cute...

I pick him up and lay down on the bed then I started to rock and hum to him

When he fell asleep I opened shop



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