
The start of a forbidden string

"Ulphanheime University is the top tier of all universities throughout all the lands. With families enrolling their children from various kingdoms, truly shows how prestigious and great our school is. From the teachers all the way down to the janitors we make sure your child shines!." A voice can be heard roaring from a few streets down as they near the entrance of the school. "I wonder what it's going to be like. How the other students from families will act." Rin says with his chin on his hand as he enjoys the fresh air. "Probably a bunch of stuck ups who can't even feed themselves properly I bet." Vex says. While everyone laughs at the joke the voice gets louder and more carriages come into view. Even though many carriages have their own flare, Trissex carriage definitely stands out, and in a good way. While they have finally reached the entrance it's as if eyes everywhere have fallen upon them. "Well this is most certainly awkward." Ginny says while covering her face with a fan. "You can say that again." Amira adds. As they begin their walk through the gate Lady Paline is giving her children a sweet wave until she picks them up later. Behind them an unsuspected party emerges. Duke Celestial has exited his carriage and with him follows his son Shai, the eldest son of 3. "You must hold your head up high remember son, never let anyone outshine you." He says while fixing his sons uniform. "You are a celestial, don't embarrass us." The duke adds. "Stop pestering our son on his first day of school Kron." Lady Celestial says gently swiping her sons shoulders as she exits. "He is already nervous enough, we mustn't add to it." She says with a sweet smile on her face as she stands in front of her son. Side by side in front of their son the Celestial's give their son confidence. "Huh?" The duke says in his head. He squints his eyes to catch a better glimpse as he sees Amira walk through the gates with her siblings. "Must be my imagination.." He thinks again. "Kron?" Lady Celestial asks. "Y-yes? I'm sorry sweetheart I must have been lost for a few haha, let's let our son go on in." He says as he leads his wife into the carriage and sends their son off. As Shai makes his way through the gates he smirks at the whispers he hears as he holds his head up high.

As Shai makes his way through the gates he smirks at the whispers he hears as he holds his head up high

"Oh my, it's the young master Shai!" "He's so handsome, I wonder if he'd talk to me." "I'll marry him for sure!" "He's the dukes eldest son!" "I have to be friends with him!" "Ugh, do you hear these people? He's just a regular guy coming to university. It's nothing special." Vex says while walking hearing the comments. "Yeah it is pretty ridiculous." The siblings start to giggle, and Shai pinpoints where it's coming from then walks up to them. "I'm sorry? Did I hear correctly? Nothing special? Ridiculous??" Shai says to Ginny. "You have a lot of nerve especially as someone who was abandoned." He adds fiercely. "A bunch of nobody's criticizing the Duke's eldest son?" He laughs. "As if my day couldn't get any better, crawl back to the hole you came out of. I don't know how you got into this prestigious university of Ulphanheime, but you can count your days until you leave." He says poking Ginny's forehead. As they hold back, Amira urges them to walk and ignore him. "Come on, it's no use talking to this filth. He's so full of himself he's practically overflowing." Amira adds with a smirk. As they continue walking into the entrance a lightning strike grazes Amira's cheek exploding the statue in the fountain before them. The students outside scream as they watch the scene. Shai walks towards the backs of the siblings to Amira, you can hear his shoes coming in contact with the concrete below. "Did a bottom of the barrel woman just call ME filth??" He says walking up, as he raises his hand again Amira turns around and he smacks her. *THWACK!* Amira's head turns sideways and as Vex, Rin, and Ginny were about to take action they see their sister signaling to stay put. Ginny shooting a death stare at Shai along with her brothers, they are severely angry. Shai gets so worked up noticing ginny, his hand fills with lightning charging as he gets angrier. He goes to Punch the unsuspecting Ginny, his fist balled sounding as if it's cutting the very air itself. Amira Stops his fist with her right hand and he's taken aback. He's astonished that this woman before him just stopped a powerful punch that's charged with his mana. She grips his fist and says "If you know what's good for you..I'd advise leaving." Glaring at Shai through her white fluffy hair with her lavender eyes, It's almost as if he's staring into death itself. He lunges back out of fright and shoots a powerful lightning spell at her, the ground being cracked upwards from the drag it has. People start to murmur "Omg if she's hit with that she won't survive!" "How can he launch a high level spell light that at someone weaker than him?" As the clouds begin to swirl it's as if winter has come and it didn't come willingly.

People start to murmur "Omg if she's hit with that she won't survive!" "How can he launch a high level spell light that at someone weaker than him?" As the clouds begin to swirl it's as if winter has come and it didn't come willingly

The wind picks up and Amira's hair begins to glow a white shine and her body engulfed in it, a circle forms at the bottom of her feet as she's lifted into the air and a spiky crown begins to form. She starts to raise her right hand being in attack mode, Shai shoots the lightning making contact. *ShhwwwwwipBAAANNNNG!!!!!* It sounds as if the entire school was just blown off the face of the planet. As the smoke clears a male figure appears between the two, Amira notices and drops back down as she begins to calm down. As everyone is confused a voice emerges as well. "you youngsters sure know how to make an entrance!" The man says laughing. As the smoke clears the man is seen more thoroughly, his hair is jet black very long and half of it is pulled to the back in a bun. He's muscular and looks scruffy, with eyes the color of a ruby. "My name is Mr. Awlin, nice to see some of you have spirit!" He laughs as everyone stands around and the fountain in rubble, as the students begin to gather Amira is checked on by her siblings.