
A Mother's Heart

Amira and Zin enter the infirmary where she is greeted by her siblings as Ginny is feeling better. "I see Shai can't get over the fact you're powerful haha." Vex says. "I was sitting watching the match earlier and he wouldn't let up." He continued. "Yeah I don't know what that guys problem is. By the way everyone this is Zin. I just met him but he seems alright." Amira says as she begins to sit down. In a blink Zin sits first causing Amira to sit in his lap. "Just alright???" Zin says wearing a teasing smile holding Amira. "WHAM!" Amira sits with her legs crossed and arms folded blushing, and Zin is on the floor beside her on his knees and hands in his lap with a big knot on his head. "I'm sorry." Zin says as he pouts. "Since we've taken our placement exams we should meet back up with everyone at the at the theatre." Vex says gesturing everyone to get up. As they make their way down to the theatre whispers and murmurs can be heard as everyone's gaze is fixated on the family. "It's insane how she threw a noble like that, like a ragdoll." "Well I think she was pretty badass." "She should be punished for even breathing the same air as the queen of our school." Such mixed emotions and glares, but as usual the siblings and now their new friend didn't pay any attention to it. As they take their seats the announcer begins the show. "I see everyone was pretty energetic! Most of you surprised me!" He says enthusiastically as he glances at Amira, she looks the other way. "Now for the announcements for the highest class! Here are the names!" "Jack Hilthrow, Lussy Draye, Chyna Ruthcleaff" The announcers continued, and finally "Shai Celestial" The crowd goes crazy as they begin congratulating him. Most confused at the fact they did not hear Amira's name but she seems uninterested by it. "Seems like you're all in confusion about why a few names were not admitted to the elite class. I can explain here and now. Due to the Nobility statues, if someone of humble birth was to be admitted to the class I am afraid it would cause an uproar." He explains. Boo's can be heard but most understood and agreed. Now that the announcements were over the school dismissed the masses and they could enjoy a free day until they're return in two days. As everyone's making their way to their carriages smirks and laughs can be heard all around as Amira, Vex, Ginny and Rin all make their way. "In the end they're just filth trying to be somewhere they have no business." "That's so embarrassing, getting outed like that, he practically called them peasants." However the siblings still held their head up high. "Absolute trash, you should be hanging your heads down in shame but what? You have the nerve to hold them high." Shai says as he's walking up with his groupies. Shai grabs Amira's chin and lifts it up meeting him eye to eye. "The best thing you can do and are good at would be becoming someone's mistress, perhaps I'll make you mine." He says with a vile smirk. "Unhand my daughter this instant you pompous fool!" A woman's voice says filled with anger. She grabs his hand ripping it away from Amira's face and throwing it like three day old trash. "Mother!" They all say in-sync. "Shai, dazed at the fact he's being treated like trash is furious. With the crowds watching Shai's father rushes over to the altercation. "My apologies Lady Trissex, it would seem my son needs to re-learn his manners." He says glaring at Shai. "You would think the eldest thinks he owns the country or rules it with the way he parades around!" Paline says in a stern threatening manner. "Goodness no my lady, the King would have my head if I let him continue about. If you will excuse us i will begin punishment at home." Mr. Celestial says dismissing themselves and grabbing Shai by the arm pulling him to the carriage. "Woah, we've never seen you this way mom." They begin saying with happiness glossing over their eyes, beginning to walk with their mother. "Well I won't just sit and watch as someone bullies my children." She says in her usual soft tone. There is news I have for you all as well." She says as they all sit in the carriage making their way home. The sun is now on the horizon setting, coloring the skies orange with pink, blues, and red. The carriage finally arrives to the estate and the family is exhausted, they begin walking into their home. "You guys go on and wash up, when you're finished come down to the front room, I'll explain a few things to you." Paline says with a warm smile. They look at eachother clueless and make their way upstairs to their rooms and wash up.

It was now late in the night about 10:30pm and Vex, Ginny, Rin and Amira walk down from their rooms to their mother waiting for them in the front room. They find their places to sit and wait for Paline to speak. "So, I haven't been completely honest with you all." She begins letting out a sigh. Everyone looks at one another confused. "What do you mean?" Ginny says. "Well, my name as you all know is Paline Trissex, but it's not a common name." She says looking at them nervously. "The distant relative that left us our new home was actually my father. He and I had a strained relationship due to my choices of wanting to live a humble life instead of a silver spoon fed one. He was Duke Trissex the king's younger brother." She says watching them intently. As if time itself had been frozen the siblings were in shock except one. "Soooo you're the king's niece?!" Rin blurts out. The house erupts in loud voices of excitement and happiness from finding out the news. Amira still sitting unaffected by the news due to her already knowing earlier that day. "Amira?" Paline says. "Are you alright?" She continued. "Yeah, how come you're all nonchalant about it?" Vex says. "Right." Ginny says sitting down watching Amira. "Well, I am excited about finding out about the news, believe me I am. It's just I found out earlier today when the Duke called me to apologize to the eldest son of the celestial family." Amira explains.

"Apologize?" Paline says in a serious tone. "Yes, apparently I disrespected him, but all I did was not worship the ground he walked on! He's a complete embarrassment and very disrespectful, just because we come from humble beginnings he thought to bully us." Amira adds. "I see." Paline says. "Well you all go on upstairs and get some rest, tomorrow we will go to the shopping district and get new clothing." She says hugging her children as she sends them upstairs. While she watches them head upstairs to their rooms Paline goes back downstairs contemplating on what she just heard. "I'll protect my children no matter the cost, and I won't let that putrid family stain their happiness." Paline thinks to herself as she sits in her chair by the fireplace with a glare in her eyes.