
I died and became all for one?!

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Master_Of_Ohio · Fantasy
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16 Chs

Season 2 ep 2 encounter time?!

Markus was in front of Rias and her peerage (including issei)

Markus was using a quirk to cover his entire face..they have asked for him to disable it..but he simply doesn't want to..plus they can try to force him..one minor issue..they don't know what he is capable of..if this "human" was able to bring issei out of a near death..who knows what could happen

Markus:so..why am I here?..I'm a very busy man

Rias:well..we have to make sure you aren't a threat..

Markus:I mean I already destroyed a world once…I'm pretty bored rn…

Kenako:no offense but how could a human like you..destroy a world…

Markus:…are you testing me rn…because I could kill all of you and take issei with me :3

Akeno and kiba had guarded issei..

Markus:…hmmm I think I should wait awhile before..doing anything..once you guys do your first mission..maybe I might step in..and take issei

Markus loved seeing them on edge and alert..and he wasn't kidding..he will take issei to train him to master the scared gear he was gave..

Markus:I'm not a enemy or an ally..for now..I'm gonna be watching for now on..

Markus used smokescreen and teleported out of the club

The devils..to say the least were suspicious of this person…and issei was affiliated with this person..to say the least

They tried to press issei for answers but all he knew was that he saved issei life and told him about the supernatural world..

And their first mission had begun..

They were tasked to go to some church..and check it out..and eliminate fallen angels..

(This time issei didn't bump into Asia :]

Markus was watching…and he should probably work on hiding his presence more since the ORC club was able to find him easily in the middle of the hallway with a bunch of horny teens..

Issei was actually doing a good job..and kiba..they do make a good team..somehow..

But…another one of the fallen angels killed Asia and took her scared gear

Markus had teleported behind one of the fallen Angel and touched their back


The fallen Angel turned into nothing but feathers

Markus simply smiled and picked up Asia body and threw her over to rias

Markus:now..do your thing..

To them he was just standing there..hands in pockets..and while smiling..

Akeno and koneko were on guard..while rias did the ritual to bring Asia back to her peerage

Markus:idk why your so on edge..like come on..I'm just simply waiting for the right moment…

He looked at the used to be fallen Angel and a panel popped up..

[extract scared gear?]


Markus pov:sure why the hell not…

A green glow went into Markus and it passed on to Asia

Markus:there your welcome…

Markus teleported away…

Oh yeah remember that huge ass nuke he created..yeah everyone started to investigate that shit

Sirzechs:…damn…who did this…

Sirzechs was flying while looking at the huge spider like crater and some type of energy coming off of it..

Sirzechs:…if someone did this in my sisters territory…I should probably give her a heads up..

Markus(telepathy):hm nah I'm sure she will be fine

Sirzechs unleashed a wave of magic but nobody was behind him

Markus(telepathy):sheesh thank god I used telepathy..also I did that..she also needs some training

Sirzechs:..okay..but why should I listen to you..

Markus(telepathy):well..she's pretty dumb..book smart..but not combat IQ so..she doesn't die…

Sirzechs:….sure….what faction are you from..

Markus(telepathy):unfortunately I can't tell you…but in due time I will..but you will probably not like it

And so…the day passes…Asia become part of rias peerage and then issei said something that shocked everyone

Issei was in the ORC club and decided to state his opinion

Issei:guys…do you think..we are weak..

This made everyone stop what they were doing..and look at issei with anger and curiosity (they have pride ;)

Akeno:well..not us..but you are definitely weak

Markus grabbed Akeno by the back of her neck and lifted them into the air

Markus:alright enough shit talking, I want you all to fight me…imma show you true power

Markus cringed internally when he said that..then again maybe he should have fun once and awhile

Rias, Kiba, kenako, and issei were about to attack him but they were all teleported outside

Markus pov:plot is taking way too long…it's so fucking slow..this is basically a fucking fan service anime..they will all perish if they don't get off their high horses and actually TRAIN FOR ONCE!!!

(Fight next chapter)