
Time to run and have chat

"Yes I do" I reply to the person shaking. Calm down take a deep breath and tell me about what happened. as they look around slowing they shaking we sat down. "Ok first who are you." As said in soft voice trying to calm them down " Atticus and your?" "Mick." first thing that popped into my mouth. As they was just calm down that voice came up again saying "that time head gym." than arrow on lighted up, as this to show way to gym imagine I got up with Atticus we headed to to place they pointed out. we saw people right to left walking around we entered place and saw a gym, then with a large volume voice "THAT IT, NO MORE THAN THAT WHO DOESN'T GET STAY OUT BETTER LUCK NEXT LIFE." screens echo all over place and stop. "YOU CAME HERE GOOD ON YOU BUT UNLESS YOU HAVE IT YOU CAN'T STAY." as some people with confused and sacred look on their face otherwise are so relieved and happy. "OK YOU WILL HANDED A BOX PUT WHATEVER YOU GOT IN FLOOR -10 PUT IN SAID BOX, OK." I did was ask than I do box display a welcoming to they school "You are know what going on pick skip, if not than press nothing."