
I Design Your Fate

Zeus makes a special request to the fates, a request involving the change of fate for Sarah Benson, Mathew Trell, Trinity Fawn, and Max Fredrickson. Why wold Zeus want to change the fate of 4 humans so badly that he is willing to pay 140,040,000 Golden Drachma? This is a fictional story based off of the Greek mythology of the 3 fates; Clotho- the spinner of the thread of life Lachesis- the choser of destiny Atropos- the decider of death What did their original fate hold that made Zeus want to change it so badly? Cover is not my design. If it is your please let me know if you would like me to change it.

Peanut_Brittle2 · Fantasy
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1 Chs


I Design Your Fate is moving under another account!

To continue your reading of I Design Your Fate, go to the account:


The book will be under a new title:

Zeus Changed My Fate

All of the previous chapters can be found under the title but removed from under this one, another novel will soon be added as well so be sure to check it out!