
I Crossdressed and Accidentally Offended a Bigshot

After an accidental rebirth, Qin Yi turned from the king of mercenaries into a wealthy, wasteful young man who everyone spurned. Qin Yi: “I was reborn as a man?!” Just when Qin Yi was so excited as she thought she could finally be a true man, she felt her chest a little tight. She looked down and realized… Oh, those were chest bindings. Qin Yi’s wish to be a real man was dashed, but the person she was reborn as pretended to be a man for special reasons. Qin Yi: “Great! This is something I’m familiar with!” Her classmates mocked her for being a sissy and unmanly, and Qin Yi easily turned it against them and said, “Come on, say it again!” When the teacher was being dodgy and said that Qin Yi couldn’t study well and that it would be difficult to be a capable person, Qin Yi slapped a test paper with full marks on the table and said, “Isn’t it just studying? What’s so hard about it?” “There is nothing in this world that can defeat the king of mercenaries!” Qin Yi built her career up slowly, from being a bullied kid, to a scholarly tyrant, to a Prince Charming highly sought after by thousands of people in the entertainment industry for both her looks and acting skills. She was flamboyant and reckless in public, taking both men and women into her arms and accidentally provoked Lan Baiyuan, the most powerful man in the country! When Lan Baiyuan confessed to Qin Yi one day, Qin Yi, who rarely lost her temper, shouted, “I’m a man! A man!” Lan Baiyuan smirked arrogantly, “So what?” Qin Yi: “...” Oh, so it turns out that the most powerful man in the country liked men. To get rid of getting involved with Lan Baiyuan, Qin Yi didn’t hesitate to expose herself, “I forgot to tell you. I’m actually a woman.” Lan Baiyuan smirked viciously. “I don’t care if you’re a man or a woman, as long as I’m on top.” He liked Qin Yi as a person. He didn’t care about her gender, he liked her anyway! But his position in bed will never change!

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40 Chs

"Uncle, I'm Qin Yi." Qin Yi smiled. She followed Su Yanbao's way of addressing him and also called Xiao Zhiran 'uncle'.

Xiao Zhiran was dumbfounded and looked at Qin Yi in a daze. Qin Yi continued to smile. "Don't you remember me, uncle?"

He did remember, but his impression of Qin Yi was that he was a man with a face full of makeup. He was clearly a boy, but he did not have any manliness at all. However, the current Qin Yi was fresh and handsome. 

"Ahem, so it's Qin Yi" Xiao Zhiran coughed awkwardly and laughed dryly." "Look at you, so handsome! It's obvious that you have all of your mother's good points." After saying that, Xiao Zhiran quickly changed the topic. "By the way, why are you two so free to come to my shop today? After I'm done with my work, I'll take you guys out for a good meal. "

"No need, uncle. Qin Yi is here to buy herbs." Su Yanbao shook his head.

"Buy medicine?" Xiao Zhiran looked at Qin Yi, a little worried.""What happened to your body? What's wrong? Give me your prescription, I'll take a look. "

"No, I'm not sick. I'm just here to get some tonic for myself." Qin Yi shook his head and handed over a prescription. The prescription was written by Qin Yi himself. The writing on it was very beautiful and it was completely different from his previous writing. Xiao Zhiran could not help but sigh. This was really different. Not only did Qin Yi become good-looking, but his words also became good-looking. What on earth happened to this kid? In an instant, it was as if he had been reborn.

Xiao Zhiran took a look at the prescription and realized that it was something he had never seen before. Some of the medicines were even incompatible with each other, and eating them would cause problems for the body. Xiao Zhiran frowned."Qin Yi, your prescription is wrong. Some of the herbs are incompatible. You can't take them." Although he wasn't a doctor, he had a medical background. Although these medicines wouldn't kill him, they were very harmful to his stomach. Long-term consumption would cause problems.

"Who says I want to eat them?" Qin Yi smiled.

"Then this is ...?" Xiao Zhiran was puzzled.

"It's for a medicinal bath. " Qin Yi said indifferently.

"A medicinal bath?" Xiao Zhiran's eyes brightened. That's right, using it to soak in a medicinal bath would not hurt his stomach. Wonderful! This was really wonderful! Xiao Zhiran looked at the prescription happily. It was obvious that the prescription was meant to nourish the body. The method was very advanced, and he had never seen it before.

"Uncle, how much is it to get all the herbs?" Qin Yi asked.

"It's fine. We're all family. This bag of medicinal herbs doesn't cost much. You can have it." Xiao Zhiran waved his hand graciously as compensation for the embarrassing situation of criticizing Qin Yi in front of him.

Qin Yi raised his eyebrows but did not refuse. "Alright, thank you, uncle."

After packing up the herbs, Qin Yi and Su Yanbao were about to leave when a middle-aged man walked in from outside the pharmacy. He was dressed in a rustic style and his clothes were full of patches. He should be from the countryside. This person's actions were sneaky. He leaned on the counter and whispered to Xiao Zhiran, Boss, do you accept medicinal herbs?"

"Medicinal herbs?" Xiao Zhiran sized him up from head to toe. Generally speaking, pharmacies did not buy medicinal herbs from individuals, because there were too many fake goods, and the quantity was too little. The price was expensive, and it was not worth it. "I don't accept them here," Xiao Zhiran said, shaking his head. "You can go somewhere else."

The middle-aged man was not willing to give up and said, "Boss, you can take a look at it first before deciding whether you want it or not. My baby is still waiting for the money I earn from selling the medicine to save his life." As he spoke, the middle-aged man took out a green rag bag from his arms. He mysteriously took out an item that smelled like dirt and placed it on the counter. A human-shaped root hung under a yellow vine. The root was very strong and exuded a faint fragrance.