
I Command You

Beau Orenciana grew up in a rich family, most people consider her a Princess. Her family got into debt with a loan shark, who was a member of a syndicate and they wanted Beau to be a payment to her parents' debt. When she found out about that, she ran away. Until Beau ran into a lot of people. They were standing in line. Since she had nowhere else to go, she closed her eyes and followed the queue and went inside. Only then did she find out that it was actually a military training camp! She is mistaken for being a trainee. What will happen to Beau at the training camp? Will she be able to handle the training inside even if she is certified bratty and a nitpicky queen? She will also meet Apollo Madrid there, who will be her trainer inside the camp. Can she tame her grumpy and strict trainer, who does nothing but scold and punish her for all her mistakes and clumsy act?

AnneMaye · Urban
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2 Chs


Tears and sweat are mixed all over my face. My feet hurt. I'm tired of running. The heavy downpour, accompanied by thunder and lightning, didn't help either. I had a hard time running. My feet sank into the soft ground. Every step I take is torture. My fancy clothes are in tatters. Its color has also changed. The previous pink color had become brown because of the mud that stuck to my clothes. I hardly recognize myself anymore.

'God, please help me'

That's what I keep saying in my mind. I never thought that the joyous celebration of my twentieth birthday would lead to me running away from my parents.

Why did I end up in this situation?

It started when I accidentally overheard my parents' conversation on the balcony of our mansion. According to them, our business has been failing for a long time. The little land we have with the Aguirres is the only thing that sustains us. That's why we can still eat every day and pay the house bills.

As a solution to the problem, they took a loan from a loan shark in the hope that they could recover the lost businesses. But they were wrong. My parents were more and more in debt. They can no longer recover from the amount of debt they have and it has grown a lot in the past year.

Now that the big boss of the syndicate is charging them, they have nothing to pay. Our bank account has zero balance. Our house has been sold to the bank, so they don't know where to get the payment from. If there is, it is not enough. The land we farm in the Aguirre family is small. My family had no interest in farming, so my family did not pay attention to that land. But now that's where we get our daily expenses.

The exchange is life if they don't pay their debt. When it was time to pay and they couldn't take out the money, the big boss almost killed them. That was only stopped by giving them an option. The Syndicate want me in return. Maybe, even if my parents don't want it, they involuntarily agree. A gun was pointed at them in the head. Make them sign a paper as an agreement that they will give me to them as compensation.

I was really shocked by what I heard. I never thought they would hand me over to the syndicate. Is it my fault that we are suffering? Okay, let's say it's my fault because I'm too spendthrift. I was raised in luxury. Everything I want I get with the snap of my finger. But is that a solution for them to agree to give me?

They raised me as a princess. If the poor drink milk. For me, I just bathed it. I am conscious of my appearance, so I can't see myself ugly in the mirror. When a pimple grows on my face, I go to the dermatologist to prevent my skin from scarring immediately.

Yes, I'm a bratty bitch. I agree with that. What could I do if my parents raised me like this? I'm a self-centered person. I don't care about anyone but myself.

Then I will find out that my parents agree to give me as payment for the syndicate. And the day they agreed to pick me up was on my birthday. So when I found out, I ran away immediately. I don't want to live as a syndicate member. And worse, be the wife of an old loan shark! Over my dead body before they get me!

So here I am, even though it's raining heavily, I ran away. I don't know where I am anymore. I just keep running. Until I reach the forest. I didn't think about the snakes I would encounter. I just want to escape the hoodlums.

I'll think about everything I'm afraid of next time, especially what I look like now. I'm thinking about how ugly I am right now. My make-up must have been scattered all over my face.

My branded shoes and clothes are covered in mud! Oh my! I cringed, just thinking about my appearance. If I can really escape now, I will take a luxurious bath. I wanted to go back to the mansion to take a shower, but just thinking about the syndicate waiting for me made me back away. Why did I get into this mess? Why me,of all the people in the world?

If this is just a bad dream, I hope I wake up soon. I don't want to feel like I'm stinking.

I stopped when I saw five buses. There are people coming out and they are lining up at a big and tall gate. Even the walls are too high. I can't see what's inside. There is also an inscription above the gate. Its shape is arched. But I couldn't read because it was raining heavily and it was still dark.

"It's up to you.." I whispered to myself. I'm getting cold. So I didn't hesitate to line up with the people who got off the bus. I followed them. I think it's perfect for me to hide for the time being.

People are looking at me. Maybe they wonder why I look like this. Annoyed, I rolled my eyes at them. What do they care about my appearance? Do I care about their appearance even if they are ugly in my eyes? I look like a mess wearing a gown full of mud, but I am still prettier than them.

"Name", the man called my attention. I looked at him. He is wearing a military uniform. I was relieved. I feel safe in this place. There's a military person here.

"Your name, woman. I don't have time to wait any longer for your answer." He told me strictly.

Hmp! Did he think he was handsome? He is ugly, his attitude is also the same as his face.

"Beau" I answered sparingly.

"Full name" he asked me again, annoyed. His forehead was already wrinkled. He was holding a folder and a ballpoint pen. I can see the impatience in his ugly face.

"Do I really need to give my full name? I'm not a criminal for you to ask me like that" I answered flatly. I crossed my arms. I'm ready to fight this ugly man.

"Miss, if you don't want to give your full name, you can leave. You weren't forced to come here. You came voluntarily. If you're just going to waste our time, just leave. The queue is still long. You are the one delaying their entry. Next one!" He shouted loudly to the person behind me.

I'm alarmed! I can't leave here. I need a hiding place.

"My name is Beau. Beau Orenciana"

I saw the man write my name on the folder he was holding. I was also made to sign a waiver. I didn't read that any further. I just signed it right away. After that, he let me inside.I waited a few more minutes before everyone got inside. Someone came to the front of our group. He is also wearing a military uniform. Just like the man at the gate. He's also ugly. I mean, he's uglier because his complexion is black. It's like his skin burned in the sun.

"Welcome to training camp everyone! I know you are tired from the flight, so I will let you rest now. Someone will hand you your uniform and bed number. I will orient you tomorrow. For now, enjoy this night." the man said. After that, he left us.

Only one thing stuck in my mind from what the man said. Training camp? What kind of training camp is this? I started to freak out.Another man approached me. He handed me a uniform and a key with a bed number.

"Just a moment", I stopped him. The man stopped and looked at me. I need an answer right away. If not, I'm going to be crazy.

"Why?" He asked me with a poker face. What's up here, and they're all poker faces?

"What place is this?"

"What?" His poker face turned to a clueless one. Maybe he was wondering why I asked that question.

"What kind of place is this?" I asked again. Is he deaf and I have to repeat my question?

"It's a military training camp, Miss."

"A what?!" I exclaimed loudly. I never dreamed of entering here! And many places that I can go to. My feet brought me to the training camp. For real!

Oh no!