

-Even when the sun is up I'm still

Surrounded by your shadow-

Most times when I think of all the things I would have done if I had just smiled and chatted with whoever came my way maybe I would have friends by now, but that didn't happen and hence my question...how the fuck am I supposed to react or respond?! Sure I've spoken to most of them but that's different telling them what to do is different from actually engaging in a conversation.

So maybe I shouldn't have come, I should have come up with a lame ass excuse about my cat which I don't have or a flu which is non existent you know but this, this is something different all together. My phone vibrated in my back pocket it's probably from them.

"Hey...so late minute changes we are at Manda Hill instead sorry for the mix up the guys thought it would be better there" I took a deep breath

" No its okay I'm not yet there even, I'll text you when I get there."

"Yeah okay, straight to the top yeah."

Of fucking course they wanted to change malls maybe this is a sign from the heavens, maybe I shou- stop it Rain you have to do this ! Tomorrow at this time you will be on a plane to a different country,with different people. A new start and a new beginning, a fresh page, I took one maybe breath and got on the Ulendo app and typed my location and destination.

I'm so glad the Ulendo driver wasn't far he arrived fast and I was nearing the mall, I texted Tracy telling her I'm almost there she said to meet her at Shaka's Grill. The weather was perfect even through it was evening it wasn't cold just cool enough for a light jacket, my outfit wasn't too flashy just causal for the chill. I wore a black skinny jean with a white and black off shoulder crop top with white Nike airforce and a black denim jacket, I let my hair fall in it's curls I don't have time to put it in a bun.

I got to Shaka's Grill , looking around trying to find Tracy or any of my co-workers I spotted Michael,he was waving his hand. Well didn't he look fine as always in a black and white striped t-shirt with a black fitting Jean with white Nike air force, would think me and him are twining gosh his hot, unlike most of my co-workers he was light skinned with brown eyes lighter than the others but darker than mine his one of the hot ones, Joshua sat net to him in a white shirt and dark blue jeans with whit, blue and black Jordans his fair skinned with dimples on both sides of his cheeks his hot too. Shawn was sitting at the end of the booth rocking an all black outfit with white Nike 270 and man was his looking good. In front of the boys sat Tracy, Natasha, Lucy and William. Tracy looked fine as always in a pink strapless fitting dress with white strap slippers, Natasha wore the same outfit in black with pink slippers I guess it's was a bestfriend twining thing and both of them did black braids so you know and they both had hour glass bodies they were hot though Tracy was a shad lighter than Natasha they still made it work, Lucy was in a blue high-waisted denim skirt with a white string top with combat boots her small curves just right in her outfit which looked fire if you ask me in shorts braids and William wore a pink shirt written friends in black, fitting black jeans with black and white vans he was darker than all of them but his skin looks smooth to touch that dark chocolate skin with pretty eyes if he was dark you would think his Chinese.

As I approached the booth, Michael noticed me first then all of them turned to look at me it's like the whole room just went quiet and my heart was beating super fast and so loud I thought they could hear it. Tracy then stood up and rushed to me and hugged me like we are the best of friends which is weird and I'm the awkward type of human, as she wrapped her arms around me I just patted her back and slightly smiled which looked like a grimace.

"Rain! I'm so glad you're here, sorry for the mix up yeah but hey you made it" she said overly excited.

" No its okay, thank you for inviting me" I said slightly pushing her away which she didn't notice and forced a smile which to her would seem real.

" Come come we haven't ordered yet, we were waiting for you" she said pulling me to the booth but seeing as the booth was a six seater we moved to a bigger table.

So Michael, Joshua, Shawn and William sat on one side then Tracy, Natasha,Lucy and I sat on the other the thing is I was sitting directly across from Michael, Lucy from Joshua, Tracy from William and Natasha from Shawn. If anyone saw this they would think it was a date of some sort but no people this is just co-workers having dinner then hitting the club. That even feels weird to say but hey.

"So Rain, have you ever been to a club?" Natasha asked .

"No" in a small voice

" Its no big deal I'm not a club person either" Natasha said in a sugary sweet voice, why did she say it like that.

" Who are you trying to fool Tasha?" Lucy said snickering " Really?" She laughed more.

" What I haven't been to the club in so long" she said faking innocence

" Shut up" Lucy nagged her " so last week if so long huh?" Shaking her head.

"Are you excited about going to school Rain?" Michael asked looking directly at me " Which school are you going to maybe we're at the same one" he put his elbows on the table and leaned in with a smirk on his lips. That made me blush.

" I don't think so, I'll be schooling in the copperbelt " avoiding eye contact I'm such a bad liar.

" Well that sucks, we never had time to talk, school and work just messed it up for me" he said scratching the back of his neck.

" Yeah you seem cool, I don't know why we never just hang out you know" Shawn pipped up and I looked at him he smiled at me like we are old friends.

" Yeah" I shrugged not feeling any different I know they didn't like me I heard them always laughing when I passed by or passing comments. I would never tell them where I'm going to school it's just too personal even when I see them in a long time it doesn't matter.

" Anyway let's make this moment count yeah" Michael said leaning back, his shoe pushed mine I looked at him and he was on his phone like he didn't just do that maybe it was a mistake.

The next few minutes were filled with them sharing jokes which I smiled or snorted to and they also talked about there countless chills and happy moments which made me realise they are all at the same school just different courses. Michael was the only one studying law which I'm also going to do but I didn't say anything, Shawn, Joshua and Lucy are all studying clinical medicine, Natasha and Tracy are Bio medical students then William is studying Medicine he even looks like the doctor type with his glasses. They asked what course I'm going to study I said I wasn't sure.

" How can you not know?" Natasha asked sounding annoyed .

" I'm just not sure" I shrugged with a bored tone

" You'll find something it's no problem I also didn't know what course untill I walked in there and just randomly selected and I'm so excited though it's crazy hectic with all the assignments and all but I really like it" Michael backed me up and shot a glare at Natasha, which she just rolled her eyes to.

" Yeah whatever" then she looked at me like I made him glare at her and looked at her phone and showed Tracy who was busy chatting with Shawn.

A waiter came asked what drinks we wanted and if we are ready to order food, which we did. The drinks came shortly after, most of the girls choose non- alcoholic cocktails and the guys Coca-Cola but Shawn and I picked chocolate milk shakes. We were laughing at some joke and I excused myself wanting to use the ladies room, when I got in I liked at my reflection and saw a girl with a smile on her face I it wasn't for the contacts I'll see them tinkle. I've never seen myself like this, I removed my jacket as it was getting really warm I'm not as small as Tracy or Natasha lightly thicker on the curves and a bigger more round boob area but a small waist and this shirt was crop so you could see my belly button. In high school girls always said I look like I use some type of cream to enhance my curve or got a boob job , which sucked because I really didn't like the fact that at thirteen I always had that body the teachers always used me as an example for early bloomers . Like yeah make me a target I already am, I shook my head and did my business came out to wash my hands and walked out only to bump into Michael he was coming out of the men's too

"If I didn't know any better I'd say we are matching outfits" he said with that stupid sexy smirk

" You don't know any better" I said with a shirt laugh slightly blushing and guess what people because of my coloured like skin you can tell when I am.

"You look amazing though not gonna lie" slowly coming in front of me not too close but I could catch his body scent which I really like his got this really addictive scent like earthy sweet pinewood or something not sure but I really like it I'd just lean into him to have it completely covered on me.

"Thank you" looking down then tacking my curls behind my ear, looking up only to find him right in front of me.

"There is something about your eyes though I've never been this close up but when you're in the light I could always catch different colour like a super light brown and now I can't see anything" he said only mere inches away from me, his hand slowly coming up to brush the curls that got into my eyes oh shit "I've always seen you but always been afraid you wouldn't give me a chance, but now you are leaving for school on Monday and today is the only day I'll see you" he said like a whisper,like a secret his telling me.

"Umm" I couldn't even form words as you can see his got me in a trance, I've never been this close to him, his been to my office but just for a few minutes.

" Can I see you tomorrow ?" His hand still playing with my hair and his other hand slowly holding the other but not completely just a brush that's slowly moving up and down my arm.

"I'm packing my stuff I-" word get caught in my throat because his nose is caressing my cheek then his hand on my arm has now moved to slightly brush my exposed waist, a shiver runs down my spine.

"You can also do that on Saturday Rain" his hand is now fully on my waist and his face is now on my neck just slowly brushing his nose on it and moving to my shoulder " God you smell so good" he takes a deep breath like his inhaling all he can get.

"Michael" I said more like a whisper, raising my hands to his chest like telling him to stop, how is his even doing this.

"Rain I don't know why I just didn't talk to you or ask you out or something,I really like you I always have I'm just a weak bustard" now looking at me in my eyes, his eyes intense " look at what you do to me" he shifted his waist towards mine and I gasped feeling his semi boner ,his breath is raspy and his eyes are darker than his usual light brown.

"Michael stop we have to go back" trying to push him away only for him to push me to the wall and kiss my shoulder and forehead.

"Look I'm sorry I just had to tell you how I feel and if you give me a chance we can go for icecream or pizza whatever you want and I can drop you back home I can even help with packing I swear" he looked pleadingly at me " I asked them to ask you I know I should have done it but I was just scared you'd say no, please Rain?" He said now giving me some space to breath but not enough to leave.

"Okay, okay fine tomorrow morning, I have a lot to do okay?" I said looking anywhere but him.

"Thank you Rain" he said lifting my chin to look at him, he softly kissed my cheek " You won't regret it I promise" he said with a smile to die for which made me blush even more "You're so beautiful when you blush" he whispered kissing the corner of my mouth which cause me to gasp .

"Michael" I said in a whiny voice.

"Okay okay, fine" he said moving back and rubbing the back of his head and smiling shyly " Lets go " he said taking my hand in his bit I shaked it off which made him frown.

I don't know what his intentions are but just because I agreed to this doesn't mean anything I don't trust him or any of them what if this is all a sick game I've been through this I'm not going through it again not this time. Why now when I'm leaving?

We just have to wait and see I hope I'm not wrong about this...


Second chapter down I hope you liked it lol

Its longer than the other one like I said I will improve and don't mind any mistakes

I'm listening to "Don't look back in anger" by Oasis❤

So where are y'all from ?

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