
I chose to be a barista.

"In a world ruled by OP classes, I chose to become a barista. Why? No reason. ;P" Klodian an Albanian 20 year old guy, became an enlightened one after his near death at the hands of one of the scarlet moons, saved by his guardian angel, he gets a second chance to regain all he had lost, his family, his pride and most importantly his revenge againts the demons who sent his world down a hellish spiral.

H0Nored1 · Fantasy
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22 Chs

System Explanation

A dark figure could be seen drinking a cup of tea, in a room enlightnened only by the dim lights of a chandelier as the figure could be seen chuckling.

"Greetings there my dearest readers, I am Ronin and this chapter is my domain of miscellaneous information about my novel!"

The figure clapped his hands as the room got lit on bright lights revealing a studio of countless books.

"Because I do not wish to scare you, I'll keep this short, sweet and simple!"

The figure chuckled as you followed him.

"First let us begin with the stats!"

Strength [STR] - Strength reflects on the user's physical and combat capabilities, the higher this stat is, the more dangerous the person is in terms of pure physical strength and combat skills!

Intelligence [INT] - Intelligence of course reflects your intelect and mental prowess in strategizing, planning and breaking down information faster.

Tranquility [TRN] - Tranquility acts as a window to your soul, it shows your mental state and if your soul is broken or traumatized due to events of the past. This stat reflects on the user's resolve and will and grows the user to be more stoic and cold hearted in terms of tragedies or lossess.

Mana [MNP] - Mana reflects your affinity with magic and how strong you are to control it, a stat that is mostly used by mage and alchemist classes to boost their work!

Aura [AUR] - Aura reflects the will and authority of a person, the stronger the aura the more authority one can have. This stat amplifies everything that makes someone dangerous, blood lust, killing intend, intimidation, things like that.

Then the masked figure dressed in a black coat with a buttoned shirt followed by a pair of gloves, black pants and shoes tells you to follow him somewhere else.

"You'll now be met with some miscellanous info! do not worry, I'll keep these short as well!"

Classes - Classes are a represantation on a person's life and what they are opted to do more. Classes can heavily depend on how much a user enjoyed doing something in their life for example: Our MC Klodian was a barista who loved making drinks that made his customers happy, this followed him to his class. Depending on your passion and love for doing something, that can become your class.

Aura battles - These types of battles are to determine if the two conestants can be on an even fighting field, if one's aura is weaker than the other's, then they will be killed immideatly as it is a ritual that is followed both by demons and angels to initiate combat.

Mana flows - Mana has diffrent flows depending on the mana core of a person, if a person has a green mana core they can have grass or nature as their flow so is for many people depending solely on the mana core. The max flows one can have is 4 man flows of 4 diffrent elements, but one flow will be more dominant than the others, subjecting them to become a combination with the dominant flow on top. So like Light + Lighting = Holy Lighting, Space + Darkness = Dark void, Earth + Fire = Magma etc.

"And with that my explanation is now done, I hope you enjoy the rest of my novel and be well wherever or whenever you are, please come by and drink a cup of tea with me. Ok?"

The figure waved goodbye as you left his studio, to now embark on your journey to reclaim the world with your new found knowledge! Good luck Enlightened!