
I choose to be a maiden

I died but it doesn't mean it's the end, I got reincarnated so this means I got my new beginning.

Ceinn · History
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I slipped on the stairs by accident and died at the age of 25. Before I knew it I was reborn. I remember a few things, like how back then my name was Ada. As I wiggle my tiny little hand and came to the realization that I become an infant again with my tiny little ears and blurry memory, I heard a beautiful lady named me Eivuel--- Eivuel Muilet Ainzworth.

After awhile I started roaming my eyes and scanned my surroundings, the room looks so extravagant with white walls with decorative soft light teal florals. It seems that this is my own room and apparently I'm in my crib like bed. It was night time and I can't see my room cleary then I suddenly felt a bit sleepy, I closed my eyes and let myself drifted into dream land. I'll just throw this at the back of my mind and rack my brains out afterwards, just lemme be lazy for a while.

As I grew a custom to my surroundings, I figured that I no longer lived in my previous world. This sorta feel like I'm in a medieval era? or maybe some sort of historical era. Damn I should've have listened in history class. Gyaaaah, I don't know anymore.

Maids are present as well they'd come and go, they feed me or play with me and some stay and just watch me. I'd also hear the passerby maids talking about my father, he was a Marquis and while my mother was called a "Maiden" in which she's connected to the King but not blood related. This maids sure has some loose mouths.

As I could hear I understand the chattering noises that my father was also a famous business man whose nobility has fallen into ruins not until he worked his way up. Yey! Go daddy.

As I learned to walk, I still couldn't used to what I'm seeing. Since I got reborn learning the alphabet letters of this world is a bit easy so I secretly started holding books. I started reading yet I do not dare to talk. It was one of things that made the maids and my mother worried.

I grew out to be an odd child, because in reality I haven't grasp how people talk here. It's the reason I haven't been talking !!

I so wanted to make my own Isekai Manga, totally got hooked on those famous manga and manhwas. I really don't know what I'm doing so feel free to drop some advice and what needs to be fixed.

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