

When I was little everything was fine we were like a regular family until one fall night the first leave fell from the biggest tree in our backyard. From inside a trunk I watch the Devil unleashed his raft as he laughed while his eyes slowly turned red.

"Mommy are we there yet I can't wait to see daddy" Nathaniel said. Looking at his mother an the driver seat.

" almost" she said ecstatic.

Nathaniel knew his mother was more excited than he was since the last time she saw him was three months ago. After they had a big fight he left her alone when he went on his big business trip in France.

"Mommy, are we going to stay in this country?" Nathaniel said. Looking out the window so she won't see his eyes feel with sadness. As she looked in the rearview mirror she said.

" I've taken a liking to Boston we'll stay here for awhile if things work out"

Smiling as he turned and looked at her his eyes field with joy. As he says " Ok"

He return his gaze once again towards streets of middle-class apartments an houses with fancy architecture. Soon they reach their house pulling up into the parking lot behind a white Toyota thats next to his father gray mustang. He realized his father must've invited guest over. She takes out the keys as she unbuckle her seat belt and then gets out the truck, grabbing her purse as she made her way towards the passenger seat to unbuckle Nathaniel. Then grabs the grocery's as Nathaniel wiggle himself out of the carseat and hop down landing perfectly on his feet.

"I can get down by myself cause I'm a big boy" Nathaniel states.

" did you see! I did it by myself" he says confining his success

" I saw, I guess you won't be needing my help getting out of the car any more " showing acknowledgement as she walked through the yard. Nathaniel takes his green dinosaur backpack from off the car floor then slams the car door shut in runs towards his mother.

" Mommy can I sing you a song" Nathaniel asked

"Yes sweetie u' can " Nathaniel mother says

His singing was soft and high what you accept from a 4yr old

" There was a woman under the cherry treee smell of sugar an honey tea there was a woman under the cherry tree who dance so gracefully. Comming to a Stop at the door fishing her keys out of her purse as Nathaniel continues to sing. With the man dress in white with large dark yet white wings they both danced to the moon came out the man smell of red wine and lies. They had a son under the cherry tree his name was Pasean beauty shines like the blossoms did on the cherry tree how they bloom and fell gracefully. The woman under the cherry tree with one kiss from the man she fell asleep the man under the cherry tree took his son to the Holy Land never to be seen again. Unlocking the door she pause wondering how Nathaniel knew this song with a scared look an her eyes while Nathaniel Finnish the last verse. woman under the cherry tree woke with sadness then took her life because her son wasn't by her side". Taking the keys out of the door she bent down Nathaniel turns to face his mother

" did you like the song " asked Nathaniel.

" sweetie it was lovely can you tell me who you learn the song from" she asked. Messing with the buttons on Nathaniel yellow coat. " I can't tell you that I'll get in trouble" Nathaniel answer as if it was obvious he then turns in opens the door and ran inside the house. She gets back up in follow behind him into the house shutting the front door behind her. Nathaniel takes his shoe's puts them in the closet along with his coat, while his mother seat the groceries on the counter as she puts her looking up at her with smile " come on mommy! Come on! let's go see daddy" Nathaniel says.

Pulling her through the hallway towards the living room " ok, ok Nathaniel I'm coming I'm coming" she giggles.

" is that you Adalie ?" Nathaniel's father yelled down the hall

"There's something I need to talk to you about" his father said, with a silvery and strong voice as it traveled down the hallway. Nathaniel still pulling his mother down the empty hallway, humming a song underneath his breath, Nathaniel paused. Entering the living room he let's go of the hem of his mother's dress, he retreated behind her. She fiddled with the Lockett around her neck while one hand rest on Nathaniel's head to assure him that it was fine. His mother's eyes bug out his father that was sitting on the white texture sofa with the pillows neatly space out. His square face and sapphire eyes filled with worry as he glimpsed at Nathaniel. His tie was undone and his sleeves were rolled up. He wore a dark black tux with polished black shoes, the jacket to his tux laid on his thigh along with his arms. Nathaniel observes the woman siting beside his father. strawberry blonde hair pulled back an a franch twist, light Olive skin, and honey brown eyes. the women was sitting so close to his father making it very clear they were more than just friends. She smiled at Nathaniel locking eyes with him, Nathaniel looked up at his mother knowing very well what was about to happen. Seeing the sorrow and pain in his mother's eyes, even though she knew what was going on but unwilling to faces the truth. she cleared her thoart and said

" you didn't tell me you were having company over"

As he sigh he said " that's what I want to talk to you about"

"Daddy, Daddy look at what we found under the lose floor board next to the chest" a boy said. Walking into the living room with another boy following him as he puts the box in Nathaniel's father's hand. It was dusty and old, it looked to be around a b.c. time period. The box was fragile as if it would crumble from the slidest mistake, their was a dragon going through a triangle into an island Made of gold and silver.

"When were you going to tell me about the box? You hide this under the floor boards the hole entire time in what's this about some chest" Shawn said. Nathaniel's mother looked horrified for the first time and years. He turned the box slowly to the side and saw writing and a unknown language never seen before in human history, as he tried to open the box Nathaniel's mother shouted

" don't!"

"What ever you do, you can not open that box"

Shawn looked at Nathaniel's mother and back at the box then looked at Nathaniel.

" Nathaniel would you do me a favor and take ken and Kevin to the toy room there's something I need to talk to your mother about" said shawn.

Nathaniel knows no other languages expect the one from the island, there's only a few people who did know the language. it took a few tries to the point of getting the hang of it, but Nathaniel's father could speak it fine.

"Ok" Nathaniel said looking at both of the boys pointing in the diction of the staircase. Walking into the hallway and then up the staircase, the sound of his mother's voice grow faint with every step he took up the stairs as they make there way into the empty hallway. Nathaniel turns around to see if the boys where still following him and they looked at him like why you stop. He turned back around and then continued walking down the hall. Coming to a stop at the very end of the hall in front of the door to the toy room Nathaniel struggles to reach the door knob.

Kevin looks at Nathaniel and bent down beside him, he asked " do you need any help"

Nathaniel nod his head; Kevin then stood back up ruffled Nathaniel hair and then opened the door. Kevin turned around and begin to smirk, as the brother ran into the toy room. Opened the toy box and begun to pull out all different kinds of toys, deciding which one he should play with. Nathaniel stood there not shore what he should do as he messed with his fingers, Kevin walked toward Nathaniel he looked worried as he squats down.

"What's wrong? " Kevin asked

" um....." Nathaniel paused. He knew that if he tired to speak to Kevin he wouldn't understand what he was trying to say, so instead of talking Nathaniel lowered his head. Kevin frowned as he looked at Nathaniel, he realized that Nathaniel couldn't speak English. So instead Kevin looked around for something he can give Nathaniel to write on. He then finds a notepad and pencil on a small table fit for toddlers, Kevin gets up in walks over to the table as Nathaniel watched him. He waves for Nathaniel to come over, Nathaniel walks over and looks up at Kevin who was smiling at him.

"So since you can't speak English I figured you could write it out I saw one of your drawings with the names of the people In English " Kevin said handing over the notepad and pencil to Nathaniel. Nathaniel flippes the notepad open skipping a couple of pages than writes " is my mommy and daddy fighting" Kevin looked at Nathaniel unsure how to answer his question.

"You see Nathaniel sometimes ....grown-ups are complicated there not really fighting they're aurging" Kevin said rubbing the back of his head. The other boy looked up an grin

"Call it like it is Kevin no need to sugar code any thing for the little guy" the other boy said with a snort as he got up and tossed the toys he had in his hands to the side. Then walked over to Nathaniel he stopped right an front of him and grabbed him by the shirt as if he was trying to scare him.

"Wonna know why? Because our dad doesn't love your mom any more so they gonna get in divorce so they want have to be together again. Oh and by the way, his not your daddy, so stop calling him that, your nothing more than that woman's child who took averaged of my dad's love and used it against him " the boy mocked. with anger in his voice.

Nathaniel begin to sob, tears ran down his cheeks. His cheeks turned pink and the boy let go of Nathaniel's shirt. As he was about to reach for Nathaniel's hand Kevin smacked his head a way and looked at the boy as if he did something he shouldn't have.

" Ken Why did you say something like that? Why are you being so mean just leave him alone" Kevin scolded.

"why should I? What will u do about it?" Ken questioned.

"I'll....I'll-" Kevin answered. Nathaniel looks up at Kevin tugs his shirt to get his attention than looks back down to write in his notepad than holds it get his face as blushed the note read "you don't have to" Kevin sigh giving up on making Ken apologize giving and to Nathaniel cuteness "ok,ok I wanted do anything" Kevin said

"Shawn how could you do this" Nathaniel's mother shouts.

Kevin saw the sad experience on Nathaniel's face patted Nathaniel's head he says " know need to worry to much let's play a game it'll be fun and it lighten the mood a little" Kevin suggested.

"fine" Ken said

"and what about you Nathaniel " Kevin asked Nathaniel surprise that someone other than his mother or father would want to play with him he became a bit more happy as he node his head.

" good here's the game were going to play hidden - seek the last one standing is the winner and the who gets caught is the person loser got it " Kevin explained .

" but how well decided who's it?" Ken questioned.

"well play rock paper scissors shoot to determine who will be it" Kevin answered

Nathaniel watched how they ball their hands into a fisted and than copy as they count down throwing out there hands showing what they choosing Ken choose scissors Kevin choose rock and Nathaniel choose paper

"hmm...will Nathaniel you lose so you have to count while we hide" Kevin pointed near the toy box. Nathaniel node his head wonder off towards the toy box and started to count Kevin and Ken ran out side the to room soon as they find there hiding spots Ken shouted " ready"

removing his hands from his eyes Nathaniel runs out of the toy into the empty hall wondering were Kevin and Ken was as he sreaches the rooms and bathroom there was only one room left that Nathaniel was not a loud to set foot in Nathaniel stood there looking up at the oak door as he was about reach for the door nob the lights started to flick on and off for a moment he saw a lady with paste pale skin almost garish skin tone long wet curly hair her clothes soaked and wet she wear only a long dirty ripped up gown as she twist her way out of the wall where dark mess poor out of Nathaniel could hear the cracking noses of bones as she twist her body than twisted her head and 360° as her hand and feet touch the floor it took off running towards him it had no eyes but black holes and a very wide open mouth it screamed so loud that his parents came rushing up the Nathaniel stood there to scared to move a mulse as he screamed "Mommy, Mommy help"

as the lady came to a complete stop in front of him unwillin to look this thing in the eyes tears rolling down his face as he sniffles balling his little hand into a fist.

" boy, why do you cry?" the thing said looking down upon him "know one Will be able to help you even if they can hear you weep time has be altered which we are now between the rleams of Time and dimension. There's know point of crying now besides I can't hurt you for I'm just a messager even though you do look tasty. It said with a wide smile are you not going to look at me".

Nathaniel had his eyes gulled to his shoe's with the standard scared look and his eyes as. the lady twist its neck The sound of bones sniping as its neck grow longer as her face drift little by little between the gaze of Nathaniel and his shoe's he could see the bold big dark holes were her eyes used to be they look like a drak tunnel as she smiled.

"Nathaniel baby were are you are you hiding" his mother said with a teary voice. Ken and Kevin look puzzle as to how Nathaniel disappear remembering back when they hard Nathaniel cry for help than a voice of a female they could hear Nathaniel screaming as they opened the door. He was gone with the bust of wind forcefully blown open the window Ken rush to close the window turning back with a panicked look as if there were going to be in trouble and that's when there parents came up the steps.

Shawn turn and look at both of the boys putting both hands on the boys shoulders he looked them both and the eyes.

"I need you to tell me if you saw or heard something anything that could help us find him" Shawn asked with a serious tone no signs or hints of lying.

last bit needs some fixing up I try my best to fix it today

Ssoulcomic22creators' thoughts
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