
I cannot be Martial Ancestor, then I will be Emperor Yan.

After traveling through Wu Dong, Lin Yan immediately went to the small pond behind the Lin family to search for the ancestral stone, hoping to take it away from Lin Dong. Unfortunately, he arrived late and Lin Dong had already taken the ancestral stone. Just when he thought he could only practice step by step, suddenly the voice of the system sounded. 【Ding! Congratulations to the host, the login system has been successfully unlocked.】 【Successfully completed registration at the small stone pond behind the Lin family and obtained the Yao Lao Ring.】 Since then, Lin Yan continued to register and received several rewards from other planes. Lin Yan: "I may not be able to become a Martial Ancestor, but does Emperor Yan seem to have a chance?" So the question is, who is better between Emperor Yan and the Martial Ancestor at the same time? If you want to read the chapters in advance and support me, here is my Patreon. patreon.com/johanssen10 Chapters on my Patreon Soccer: I have the attributes of Messi in his Prime (up to chapter 85) I cannot be a Martial Ancestor, then I will be Emperor Yan. (up to chapter 75) Dou Po: Tie Xiao Xun'er at the beginning and get ten times feedback (up to chapter 47)

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203 Chs

Chapter 83: Investigating the Stone Symbol, Scaring the Ferret Silly!

Chapter 83: Investigating the Stone Symbol, Scaring the Ferret Silly!

Facing Lin Dong's inquiries, Lin Yan naturally couldn't provide him with an explanation.

After all, there were too many complexities involved, and explaining everything wouldn't be clear. Moreover, there was little benefit for Lin Dong at the moment in knowing too much.

Therefore, Lin Yan simply smiled at him.

Then he reached out and patted Lin Dong's shoulder, saying:

"Anyway, just trust me."

"I won't harm you."

Lin Dong could only sigh helplessly and then agreed, "Okay."

Although he still found it very strange.

But in Lin Dong's heart, Lin Yan was indeed someone he could trust completely.

So, in Lin Dong's view, if Lin Yan didn't want to say more, there must be a reason for it.

Since he didn't want to say more, Lin Dong decided not to ask further and just obediently listen to him.

Therefore, he didn't continue pressing on this topic.

And at this moment.

Inside the special space of the stone symbol.

The little ferret had already watched the entire conversation between the two of them.

When it saw Lin Dong voluntarily disclosing his situation, the ferret scratched its head in annoyance, muttering, "This kid really doesn't trust this ferret!"

"Does this ferret need to deceive him?"

"This ferret is the legendary Celestial Ferret!"

"Truly infuriating!"

However, after hearing Lin Yan's response, the ferret felt somewhat satisfied and stroked its whiskers, nodding secretly to itself, "This Lin Yan fellow isn't bad, quite to this ferret's liking!"

"But this kid doesn't seem ordinary either."

"Although this ferret doesn't know him, he seems to know some things about this ferret."

"And most importantly, this kid is quite familiar with this stone symbol. Even this ferret, there's still a lot about it that I don't know."

"What a peculiar fellow."

The more the ferret thought about it, the more it felt that Lin Yan was mysterious. It started to secretly investigate Lin Yan, suddenly sensing a powerful aura emanating from the black ring on Lin Yan's hand, which frightened it so much that it broke out in a cold sweat.

The ferret quickly withdrew its spiritual sense, not daring to continue probing outside, but its eyes revealed a deep sense of dread:

"Wow, what's that aura?"

"Frightened this ferret."

"Living Profound Realm? No, Dead Profound Realm, maybe even stronger?"

"It feels almost as powerful as this ferret at its peak."

"And that aura feels extremely strange, a bit different from ordinary people, but indeed very strong."

The ferret wiped the sweat from its forehead, couldn't help but sigh, "This Lin Yan is truly extraordinary."

"No, when that kid Lin Dong returns, I have to tell him. That kid looks naive, but now that this ferret and him are on the same boat, he must not let others deceive him!"

Lin Dong, on the other hand, was unaware that the ferret inside the mysterious space had been frightened after foolishly trying to probe Lin Yan's ring with its spiritual sense. He was chatting and drinking tea with Lin Yan in his home. When they talked about the mental strain caused by the Spiritual Grinder, Lin Yan raised an eyebrow.

"Using that for cultivation, will it impose a significant burden on your mind?"

"But that's normal."

"After all, everything has its pros and cons! You've accepted the benefits it brings you, so naturally, you'll have to pay the corresponding price."

Lin Yan smiled and took a sip of tea, then continued, "But this is a minor issue."

"I'll refine some pills to help you recover your mental strength when the time comes, so there won't be any problem."

Lin Dong was overjoyed upon hearing this. If there were indeed such pills, he could train his mental power without any worries.

So, he quickly thanked Lin Yan.

"Thank you, Brother Lin Yan."

Lin Yan just waved his hand indifferently in response and said, "It's nothing, don't mention it."

After chatting and drinking tea with Lin Yan for a while, Lin Dong soon left.

Afterwards, he returned directly to his home, intending to rest and recover his mental strength.

But as soon as he lay down, he heard the voice of the ferret directly in his ear.

"Kid! Come in!"

Lin Dong raised his eyebrows upon hearing this.

But after recalling Lin Yan's words from earlier, he entered the mysterious space of the stone symbol on his own.

He asked the ferret, "What's the matter?"

The ferret said somewhat annoyed, "What's the matter? You've spilled the beans about this ferret's situation!"

"Fortunately, this ferret sees that your Lin Yan brother doesn't seem like a bad person. If those people who previously harmed this ferret found out about this news, we'd be done for!"

Lin Dong was stunned.

"You can know what's happening outside?"

The ferret gave him a look, "Of course!"

Then it said seriously to Lin Dong, "Anyway, from now on, just like what your Lin Yan brother said!"

"Don't let anyone else know about the stone symbol, otherwise, both you and I won't survive."

"The strength of our enemies is something you, at your current level, can't handle."

Lin Dong nodded in response to the ferret's words.

Then he asked, "So, what realm is he exactly?"

The ferret snorted disdainfully and said, "Just a fart could crush hundreds or even thousands of you directly to death!"

"If you don't believe it, then forget it."

Lin Dong gave the ferret a speechless look.

But after recalling Lin Yan's words from earlier, he chose to get along well with the ferret.

The ferret didn't hold onto this matter either. After all, it could understand Lin Dong's feelings. Suddenly encountering so many strange things and wanting to discuss them with the person he trusted most was just human nature.

However, the ferret felt it was necessary to remind Lin Dong.

So, after a moment of silence, the ferret said to Lin Dong again.


Lin Dong responded, "Hmm?"

The ferret said, "This ferret wants to remind you again, it's not to sow discord."

"This ferret just wants to say that your Lin Yan brother is not simple."

"This ferret is certain that it doesn't know him, but he seems to know some things about this ferret."

"And judging by his appearance, he seems to understand this stone symbol even better than this ferret."

The ferret paused here, and Lin Dong gestured for it to continue.

The ferret continued, "Moreover, on your Lin Yan brother's body, this ferret sensed the presence of a powerful soul."

"The current state of that soul should be similar to this ferret's. It doesn't have a physical body and can't exert its full strength."

"But this ferret can be sure that if that soul really regains its strength, its power will be no weaker than this ferret at its peak."

"So, there are many more secrets on your Lin Yan brother's body than on yours. You must be on your guard."

The ferret stopped speaking at this point.

As for Lin Dong, he filtered out the part about being on guard.

He wouldn't guard against Lin Yan, as there was no need.

However, he believed in the truth of what the ferret had just said.

Especially when he heard that there was a soul on Lin Yan's body that was no weaker than the ferret at its peak, because Lin Dong remembered that the ferret had always boasted about its strength.

But now, it actually said that the soul on Lin Yan's body was not weaker than it was at its peak?

This made Lin Dong feel somewhat astonished.

Thinking of this, he couldn't help but open his mouth wide and exclaimed, "So, there's such a powerful existence on Brother Lin Yan's body?"

(End of this chapter)