
I cannot be Martial Ancestor, then I will be Emperor Yan.

After traveling through Wu Dong, Lin Yan immediately went to the small pond behind the Lin family to search for the ancestral stone, hoping to take it away from Lin Dong. Unfortunately, he arrived late and Lin Dong had already taken the ancestral stone. Just when he thought he could only practice step by step, suddenly the voice of the system sounded. 【Ding! Congratulations to the host, the login system has been successfully unlocked.】 【Successfully completed registration at the small stone pond behind the Lin family and obtained the Yao Lao Ring.】 Since then, Lin Yan continued to register and received several rewards from other planes. Lin Yan: "I may not be able to become a Martial Ancestor, but does Emperor Yan seem to have a chance?" So the question is, who is better between Emperor Yan and the Martial Ancestor at the same time? If you want to read the chapters in advance and support me, here is my Patreon. patreon.com/johanssen10 Chapters on my Patreon Soccer: I have the attributes of Messi in his Prime (up to chapter 85) I cannot be a Martial Ancestor, then I will be Emperor Yan. (up to chapter 75) Dou Po: Tie Xiao Xun'er at the beginning and get ten times feedback (up to chapter 47)

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Chapter 186: The Shocking Force of Lin Yan Shakes the Great Eagle City!

Chapter 186: The Shocking Force of Lin Yan Shakes the Great Eagle City!


In the streets, there were crowds of people.

Pedestrians hurried back and forth, each busy with their own affairs.

Suddenly, a short young man shouted in the street:

"The Blood Vulture martial mansion has been annihilated!"

"It was a single person brought by the Eagle Mansion from outside who did it!"

At first, the people on the street were a little perplexed, but soon they shook their heads and laughed.

Obviously, they considered the boy's words a joke.

An elderly passerby kindly approached the young man and said:

"Child, you shouldn't speak without thinking."

"With the power of the Blood Vulture martial mansion, within our city, only the Eagle Mansion could face them with difficulty."

"Their leader, Luo Shan, is even an expert at the Perfect Formation Stage."

"With such an expert in charge, how could anything go wrong in the Blood Vulture martial mansion?"

"You'd better stop talking nonsense, lest the men from the Blood Vulture martial mansion come looking for you to settle scores."

But the young man responded determinedly:

"I'm not lying, I heard it from others too, then I went to the Blood Vulture martial mansion to check, and it's true!"

"The Blood Vulture martial mansion is full of corpses, no one survives, the man brought by the Eagle Mansion is truly terrifying!"

The old man shook his head resignedly.

He only saw the young man as a fool who understood nothing.

It seems they only learn not to speak without thinking after a good dose of reality.

He was about to leave.

But it wasn't long before he saw a group of people carrying corpses in his direction.

The old man was puzzled for a moment and was about to inquire, when he realized someone else had already stopped him.

The detained person seemed impatient, but his response was exactly the same as the young man's.

"Ah, who knows where that monster came from?"

"A single person annihilated the Blood Vulture martial mansion."

"A few days ago, Luo Shan was at his peak after reaching the Perfect Formation Stage. I didn't expect him to die so soon."

The person carrying the bodies sighed:

"So, it's better not to be too arrogant."

"Even a local power like the Blood Vulture martial mansion can't avoid offending some powerful outsiders at some point."

"This incident is a good example."

After saying these words, the person carrying the bodies quickly left.

Only the old man who previously believed nothing remained.

After hearing these words, he was completely stunned.

He stared blankly, with an expression of surprise and bewilderment, feeling that his worldview was being greatly challenged.

After a while, he finally managed to articulate some words:

"The Blood Vulture martial mansion was annihilated, that's terrible!"

"Who is that person who acted? Who is he?"

Similar scenes like this unfolded throughout the city.

After all, the Blood Vulture martial mansion was powerful and had a great local reputation.

Therefore, when people received the news, their first reaction was not to believe it.

But soon reality would prove them wrong.

At that moment, they would all be amazed, surprised, and stunned, staring blankly, not knowing what to do.

Meanwhile, Jiang Xue and Jiang Yinyin had already returned to the Eagle Mansion.

However, they were a little far from the Blood Vulture martial mansion, so they still didn't know that Lin Yan had already exterminated the entire mansion.

After Jiang Xue and Jiang Yinyin returned to the Eagle Mansion, Jiang Lei immediately summoned them, apparently preparing to ask them about Luo Shan.

But after hearing the details known by Jiang Xue and Jiang Yinyin, Jiang Lei's expression suddenly turned cold.

He sighed and said:

"So, that's what happened."

"This time, we must thank younger brother Lin Yan."

"Otherwise, if you fell into their hands, the outcome wouldn't be so good."

After saying this, Jiang Lei turned to Jiang Xue and asked:

"And what about Lin Yan? Has he gone into hiding?"

"He killed Luo Shan, but Luo Que won't stay quiet so easily."

"It would be better for him to leave the Great Eagle City."

"As for us, we will confront Luo Que for the last time. After all, they have always been intimidating, even forcing me to fight for my life."

"These last few days I've been looking for an opportunity to move you and Yinyin, then I'll handle all this myself."

Jiang Lei had flashes of anger in his eyes.

Although it was Lin Yan who killed Luo Shan, Jiang Lei didn't blame him in his heart.

It could even be said that Jiang Lei was grateful to him.

After all, Jiang Lei knew who Luo Shan was. If his two daughters fell into his hands, their future would be completely dark.

Lin Yan's movements could be said to have pulled them out of the abyss they were about to fall into.

That's why the first thing that came to his mind was to send Lin Yan into hiding.

Then, he thought about facing this himself.

"Dad, Lin Yan only went to the Blood Vulture martial mansion."

But Jiang Xue, beside him, suddenly said.


"He only went to the Blood Vulture martial mansion?"

"That's too dangerous!"

"Why didn't you stop him? Luo Que is also an expert at the Perfect Formation Stage, why didn't you stop him?"

Jiang Lei was surprised to hear this.

Jiang Xue replied with a forced smile: "I couldn't stop him, and besides, you know Lin Yan's strength. Maybe he can handle it for us?"

Jiang Lei shook his head: "It's very difficult. Luo Que is not an ordinary person either, his strength is very great."

After saying this, Jiang Lei sighed and decided to go to the Blood Vulture martial mansion.

Even if he had to risk his life today, he had to save Lin Yan.

After all, Lin Yan had saved him from death once, so if he had to risk his life now, he wouldn't owe Lin Yan anything.

"Boss! Something serious has happened!"

But just as Jiang Lei walked out the door, he saw several disciples running hastily from outside.

The disciples quickly spoke when they saw Jiang Lei.

"What happened?"

Jiang Lei felt a weight in his heart and instinctively thought that something had happened to Lin Yan.

Therefore, he asked nervously.

"The entire Blood Vulture martial mansion has been annihilated by Lin Yan. Even Luo Que has died."

"It is said that the scene of his death was extremely tragic. Lin Yan blew Luo Que's head!"

The martial mansion disciples replied quickly, their tone filled with uncontrollable astonishment.

Obviously, even this disciple was dumbfounded when he heard what happened.

Jiang Lei was shocked on the spot.

The same went for Jiang Xue and Jiang Yinyin.

It took them a long time to recover.

But now, Jiang Lei's face was filled with intense astonishment.

He felt like his mouth was a little numb because he had opened it too much and now it was completely immobile.

Then, he could only let out a bitter laugh.

"So, this is Lin Yan's power?"

"It's really, too terrifying!"

(End of chapter)