
I cannot be Martial Ancestor, then I will be Emperor Yan.

After traveling through Wu Dong, Lin Yan immediately went to the small pond behind the Lin family to search for the ancestral stone, hoping to take it away from Lin Dong. Unfortunately, he arrived late and Lin Dong had already taken the ancestral stone. Just when he thought he could only practice step by step, suddenly the voice of the system sounded. 【Ding! Congratulations to the host, the login system has been successfully unlocked.】 【Successfully completed registration at the small stone pond behind the Lin family and obtained the Yao Lao Ring.】 Since then, Lin Yan continued to register and received several rewards from other planes. Lin Yan: "I may not be able to become a Martial Ancestor, but does Emperor Yan seem to have a chance?" So the question is, who is better between Emperor Yan and the Martial Ancestor at the same time? If you want to read the chapters in advance and support me, here is my Patreon. patreon.com/johanssen10 Chapters on my Patreon Soccer: I have the attributes of Messi in his Prime (up to chapter 85) I cannot be a Martial Ancestor, then I will be Emperor Yan. (up to chapter 75) Dou Po: Tie Xiao Xun'er at the beginning and get ten times feedback (up to chapter 47)

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Chapter 149: Killing Lin Langtian as if It's a Game?

Chapter 149: Killing Lin Langtian as if It's a Game?

Hearing the inquiries from Lin Dong and Lin Ke'er, Lin Yan did not hide anything.

He nodded openly to the two of them and said, "Yes, I did it."

Then he added, "Sorry, things were urgent at the time, so I took care of them all. I forgot to leave some for you."

Lin Dong and Lin Ke'er both involuntarily twitched at the corners of their mouths upon hearing this.

Lin Ke'er, unable to restrain herself, said to Lin Yan, "Mr. Lin Yan, that's not the point, okay?"

"The point is, you took down so many people by yourself. You're too incredible, right?"

"Is your level really just the Great Perfection of the Yuan Dan realm?"

"Have you already stepped into the third realm of Creation?"

Lin Ke'er expressed her doubt about life itself.

After all, the strength Lin Yan had shown had completely surpassed that of the Great Perfection of the Yuan Dan realm.

Lin Ke'er was a member of the Lin family clan and quite talented, so she was considered well-experienced.

She had seen many at the Great Perfection of the Yuan Dan realm, but honestly, among all those she had seen, none were as monstrously strong as Lin Yan.

Under such circumstances, Lin Ke'er felt her entire worldview being shaken and couldn't help but share her thoughts with Lin Yan.

"No, I am indeed at the Great Perfection of the Yuan Dan realm."

"If I had stepped into the third realm of Creation, my strength would be even greater."

"Then perhaps after I had dealt with them, I would have taken people back with me, and you might not have even caught up."

Lin Yan responded seriously to Lin Ke'er.

Lin Ke'er's mouth twitched again upon hearing this.

Although Lin Yan's words sounded a bit harsh.

From his serious expression, Lin Ke'er could tell that Lin Yan was not joking.

At this moment, she could only sigh helplessly after knowing this result.

She said to Lin Yan, "Mr. Lin Yan, just like Lin Dong said, you really are a freak."

After pondering for a moment, she added, "Even Lin Langtian, at your level, wasn't as outrageous as you are."

"Of course, his realm is higher than yours."

Lin Yan just smiled at this and did not continue the conversation.

Afterwards, he quickly went to ask Xia Wanjin and others if they needed help.

Xia Wanjin naturally replied that they did not need any.

Although they had suffered heavy losses this time, as long as they turned back halfway, there should be no problems.

And they knew that Lin Yan was here for the opportunities in the ancient tomb. Given their friendship and Lin Yan's personality, he might give up this opportunity for their sake.

But since they genuinely regarded Lin Yan as a friend, how could they let him give up such an opportunity over this trivial matter?

Therefore, Xia Wanjin also let go liberally, smiled, and then led the members of the Wanjin Commerce Guild away.

Seeing this, Lin Yan did not say more and followed Lin Ke'er back to the Lin family clan's team.

However, just before Lin Yan had arrived at the Lin family clan's team, Mr. Tao, who had also followed in secret, planning to help at a crucial moment, had just returned to the camp.

Obviously, he had also witnessed Lin Yan's terrifying strength and was completely dumbfounded.

After watching, he had returned to camp early, and upon arriving, he couldn't help but express his astonishment, "My friend, you really are fortunate."

Mr. Tao mused to himself.

Remembering the strength Lin Yan had shown, even he couldn't help being somewhat dumbfounded.

Moreover, the most outrageous part was that Lin Yan clearly had not used his full strength.

As he effortlessly took down two warriors at the Great Perfection of the Yuan Dan realm, it was as if he was simply dealing with something trivial.

This clearly showed he had not given his all.

Thinking of this, Mr. Tao's face showed even more shock, and the more he thought about it, the more ridiculous he felt, eventually saying, "It seems that even Lin Langtian at his age wasn't this powerful."

He couldn't help but chuckle bitterly, "Maybe, give him some more time, and he might become another Lin Langtian."

"My friend, you really are lucky to have such a genius in your family."

Lin Yan naturally would not know just how much shock his actions today had caused Lin Ke'er and Mr. Tao.

After returning to the camp, he continued his usual practice of meditation.

Early the next morning, Lin Yan emerged from his meditation, and the group set off again towards their destination.

However, observant individuals could tell that both Lin Ke'er and Mr. Tao seemed somewhat off today. Especially when facing Lin Yan, they even showed a hint of respect.

This surprised many people.

After all, Lin Ke'er was the beloved daughter of the Lin clan and ranked high within the clan, second only to figures like Lin Langtian. She was proud and arrogant, and no one dared to challenge her. As for Mr. Tao, with his seniority and strength at the Great Perfection of the Yuan Dan realm, many couldn't understand why he would show a hint of respect towards Lin Yan.

Of course, Lin Ke'er and Mr. Tao couldn't be bothered to explain. After experiencing last night's events, even if they didn't deliberately act this way, their bodies couldn't help but subconsciously set an example, which left them feeling helpless.

After traveling for half a day, as they neared the mountains, the number of demons increased, and their strength grew.

At this moment, Lin Yan's pet, Little Cai, woke up from its slumber.

This left Lin Yan speechless. He patted Little Cai's head and scolded, "You little rascal, you always wake up when something good happens. I wonder if you're really sleeping or just pretending."

Little Cai smiled very humanly at Lin Yan.

Seeing Little Cai's expression, Lin Yan couldn't help but be stunned for a moment, then began to communicate with Elder Yao using his mind: "Elder Yao, did you notice that Little Cai seems to be merging more and more with the Medusa Queen? Just now, she even showed a bit of the Medusa Queen's aura."

Elder Yao nodded. He had been following Lin Yan closely, so he was well aware of the situation between the Medusa Queen and Little Cai. However, he said calmly, "That's normal. After all, you've been feeding her good things, so she's growing quickly. The speed of the direct fusion of two souls is naturally affected by this."

"Following this trend, it won't be long before she becomes the Medusa Queen. But when that happens, she should still retain her current memories, so you don't need to worry too much."

Lin Yan nodded at Elder Yao, then turned to Little Cai and said, "Alright, little one, since you're awake, you might as well help us out."

"There are many demons around here, so why don't you clear the way for us?"

Lin Yan said to Little Cai.

Little Cai obediently started clearing the way for them.

This made the surrounding demons dare not approach.

After all, with Little Cai clearing the way, once the demons approached, they would feel a suppressed feeling in their bloodline. Many demons couldn't help but feel a deep fear from the depths of their bloodlines, so the journey became smooth and unimpeded.

"Mr. Lin Yan, your pet seems quite extraordinary."

Lin Ke'er also said to Lin Yan with surprise.

She was also proficient in spiritual power, so naturally, she noticed that after Lin Yan released the Nine-Colored Devouring Python, all the demons around them avoided them.

Combined with the peculiar appearance of the Nine-Colored Devouring Python, Lin Ke'er felt quite shocked at this moment.

"Hehe, just a little pet for fun."

Lin Yan just smiled.

Lin Ke'er didn't believe Lin Yan's words at all. After all, in her eyes, Lin Yan was already a complete monster, so the pet he kept naturally couldn't be ordinary.

The group continued to move forward and finally arrived at their destination.

Then they waited at the foot of the mountain and soon noticed that there were already many warriors gathered here, obviously all here for the opportunity in the ancient tomb.

Lin Yan and the others waited quietly, and soon noticed a figure on a high ground ahead, watching them.

"Wang Clan, Wang Pan."

She immediately recognized the person, just like the Lin Clan, the Wang Clan was also one of the four major clans of the Great Flame Dynasty, and Wang Pan was one of the outstanding young members of the Wang Clan.

"At the Great Perfection of the Yuan Dan realm?"

"Not very interesting."

Lin Yan glanced at Wang Pan but quickly withdrew his gaze. After all, for Lin Yan now, warriors at the mere Great Perfection of the Yuan Dan realm were not worth paying too much attention to.

He continued to wait in place. As time passed, when the sun reached its zenith in the sky, a strong breaking wind suddenly sounded from the distant horizon.

Lin Yan looked in the direction and quickly discovered a red light breaking through the sky, stirring up the elemental forces of heaven and earth and flying towards them.

Using his spiritual power to sense, Lin Yan realized that the red light was actually a giant red eagle, and on the eagle, a handsome young man in blue stood with his hands behind his back, accompanying the eagle as it flew towards them, his long hair fluttering, exuding an extraordinary aura.

"This aura..."

"It's so strong that I can't tell what realm he's in."

Lin Yan's brow furrowed slightly, and for the first time, a hint of seriousness appeared in his gaze.

"Lan Langtian is here," Lin Ke'er said from the side.

"Is he Lan Langtian?" Lin Dong frowned.

Although he had always regarded him as his enemy, thinking of defeating him one day, from the current perspective, the gap between them seemed significant.

"Little ferret, what realm is he in?" Lin Dong couldn't help but ask the little ferret.

The little ferret didn't hide anything and said directly, "Three Realms of Creation: Forming, Qi, and Creation. He is in the Qi-Forming Realm."

"You can tell from the eagle under his feet. It's not a physical object, but this giant eagle not only looks like a real one but also exudes a hint of eagle qi. So he's at least in the Qi-Forming Realm. As for whether he's in the Great Perfection or the Pinnacle, it's hard to say, but definitely not at the Initial Stage."

The little ferret smiled and said to Lin Dong, "Speaking of which, kid, your enemy is quite formidable. At least for now, you don't stand a chance against him."

Lin Dong's heart sank upon hearing this. Although he had expected it, knowing this still dealt him a blow. He asked again, "Then, what about my brother, Lin Yan?"

The little ferret remained silent for a moment before saying, "That kid Lin Yan is also quite extraordinary."

"Don't be fooled by his current Great Perfection in the Yuan Dan realm. Judging from the strength he has shown, even those in the early stages of the Forming Realm might not be able to beat him."

"But there's still a considerable gap when facing someone in the Qi-Forming Realm, as it spans two major realms. Even if he's exceptional, it's not possible."

Lin Dong's heart sank again.

In a way, his brother Lin Yan was even more impulsive than him.

Because he couldn't stand seeing others mistreating his family.

Lin Dong had known about the relationship between Qingtan and his brother Lin Yan for a long time, and he fully approved of it. But precisely because of this relationship and his friendship with Lin Yan, Lin Dong felt that Lin Yan might do something irrational.

If Lin Yan really went after Lin Langtian, that would be troublesome. Because now, it seemed like Lin Dong wasn't a match for Lin Langtian either.

"Just rest assured."

"That kid Lin Yan is not simple."

The little ferret shook its head with a smile.

"Although Lin Langtian is strong, he can't do anything to your brother, Lin Yan."

"After all, your brother, Lin Yan, has many tricks up his sleeve. Even if he can't beat him directly, he seems to have a special soul inside him."

"That, is much more powerful than me right now."

The little ferret couldn't help mentioning the sensation it felt from Elder Yao earlier.

Lin Dong was slightly stunned. He didn't know that Lin Yan had such means.

"Elder Yao, did you sense it?" Lin Yan began to communicate with Elder Yao.

As the little ferret had expected, Lin Yan couldn't possibly defeat Lin Langtian now.

But the problem was, he had Elder Yao and Little Cai on his side. If things got serious, Lin Yan could just shake people. So Lin Yan asked Elder Yao for his opinion directly.

"Yes, this Lin Langtian is indeed quite capable," Elder Yao replied to Lin Yan.

"Although I haven't cultivated the power system here, according to my calculations, he should be at the level of a Fighting King in the Qi-Forming Realm, and judging from his current momentum, he should be at the peak of the Fighting King."

Saying this, Elder Yao shrugged and said, "But just a Fighting King is nothing to worry about."

"Although I don't have a physical body and can't act recklessly with my soul power alone, with the help of your body, I can still exert some strength."

Lin Yan asked Elder Yao, "So, how far can I go with that?"

Elder Yao smiled and replied, "Not much, just a one-star Fighting Emperor. Although it can only be reached for a short period of time, killing a Fighting King will be like killing a chicken."

"So, if he dares to touch you, I'll be the first to kill him."

With a smile on his face, Elder Yao's tone was full of confidence.

After all, in his peak period, he was a Fighting Emperor, even a semi-saint level powerhouse.

Although he had lost his physical body now, dealing with a Fighting King was still like child's play.

(End of this chapter)