
chapter 1 // i can

Hey !

It's me Hikaru. I am 25 years old and from Japan.

I am a singer or you can say an extremely popular singer. 

At first i enjoyed being popular but now it's getting too far !

Let me tell you how all this started. 

When i was 14 i was so into music and wanted to become a singer just like 

Taylor swift AKA my idol. She was my inspiration .

So i auditioned for several companies but unfortunately i didn't got selected.

But i was determined to become a singer.

So after a year i again auditioned at the age of 15 and thankfully i got in !

And I was so estatic .

After 2 years of training i released my debuted sonG "SPOTLIGHT" 

at the age of 17. And that song was a HIT!

I immediately gained alot of fame.

I was invited to various talk shows , interviews  and parties

 where only celebrities were invited and i also met my idol Taylor swift.

 And you won't believe i got to perform my song at COACHELLA 

 the largest music festival. There was a massive crowd gathered infront of me.

 I started to sing my song and the crowd AKA my fans also started to sing along with me.

  It was so overwhelming . I had tears of happiness in my eyes .

  And when i was about to hit the high note , everyone cheered for me by

  Calling my name Hikaru Hikaru repeatingly.

  After some time i started selling my concerts in different countries.

  I was making alot of money too . And i was also enjoying my popularity.

  Even my songs appeared on Billboard charts . It was like a dream come true.

  And on my 18 birthday i received millions of emails,DMs

    And birthday wishes from my fans.

    I began to release more songs and i was becoming popular overnight.

    At the age of 22 i was world wide famous.

    But then my fell apart and that all changed soon.... 

One day when I wake up from my sleep I got a call from my company where I work as a singer I picked up the call and said hello in my sleepy tone.

The words I heard freak me out!

Hikaru: hello..... 

Company: sorry!  hikaru your contract is ended. 

Hikaru: but we can renew it ー 

( Before she could say anything she was cutted off by ) 

Company: We hired someone else and that girl is so talented so we don't need you anymore !    ( Hung Up ) 

Hikaru was so enraged she threw her phone and screamed in frustration.

Hikaru pov : 

how could they !

How could they be so ungrateful!

I made their company popular and wealthy

and now-now they just fired me for some-some jerk.     ( breathing heavily ) 

Let's found out who that jerk is!

Author pov:

Hikaru Grabbed her car keys  and went straight towards the company

 when she reached there she stormed towards the CEO's office.


Hikaru:  who do you think you are!?     

( hikaru asked while glaring at him ) 


Ceo: I am the CEO of this company and you! you are just an artist in this company.  NO!  I guess you WERE  because you are not anymore .

(CEO smirked) 

Hikaru : you ungrateful old man!

I made your company wealthy 

and now you are kicking me out for some jerk !


Ceo: yeah.....  so what!

 and we already hired another artist she is talented, beautiful

 and she can sing better than you! 


Hikaru: so where is that jerk right now! 


is she hiding from me or she is afraid of me!?

Huh..... Go call her ! What are you waiting for!?



The company's Ceo  took his phone and called someone. 

when that person Enter the room..... 

Hikaru's jaw dropped 

Hikaru: no-no ! what is she doing here!?  this can't be happening

Kazuha : well..... it happened!  

I am the new talented and beautiful artist! 

and yeah nice to meet you SIS!

Hikaru's  fist tightened.

Hikaru pov:

I really want to Punch her on her face!

I Cursed them both under my breath and

 suddenly kazuha went towards the CEO and said:


Kazuha: uh dad ! I missed you

Hikaru pov: 

What! he was her freaking dad!

Oh I see that's why he replaced me with her !

well.....  I will get revenge on them both

Hikaru: you just wait and watch what I am going to do!

Kazuha/ceo: haha we are waiting( both laughed and said ) 

(Hikaru rolled her eyes)

Hikaru pov: 

I stormed out of there and went back to my car.

Hikaru:  How could she!  How could they!  (Sobs)

I will get revenge on them!

( her eyes were burning with fire as she started to drive )

 Author pov: 

Hikaru and kazuha were both step sister. 

hikaru was 7 when her mom passed away.  

so her dad married Kazuha's  mom right after 

when kazuha's mom and dad got divorced.  

Both kazuha and her mom were mean to hikaru all the time.

Hikaru's dad was so blindly in love with kazuha's mom

so he never noticed his daughter was being mistreated.

One day while doing chores hikaru heard

 kazuha and her mom talking about her and her dad.


 So she started to record. 


 K-mom :  don't worry.  honey!  I have took all the credit cards and jewels


 Kazuha: so.....  mom,  when are we going to leave? 


 K-mom: we will sneak out at the Midnight.


 when everyone is sleeping 

 Hikaru pov: 

Oh my God ! they are gonna Rob us! 

I cant believe!

I have to tell this to dad immediately!

Author pov: 

When hikaru's dad came back from work

 she immediately told him everything.


 she even played the recording.


 Her dad was shocked at first but then they made up a plan..... 

 Midnight pov :

Kazuha and her mom were about to leave..... 

when they heard police sirens.

they almost reached the main gate

but hikaru caught them by their wrists.

Hikaru: oh!  so.....  gold diggers are running now!

don't worry we already called the cops!

They tried to run but police caught them

and they were arrested ! 


After that hikaru and her dad lived peacefully

this all happened when she was 13.

 Currently her dad is in hospital. 


 he has been in coma since four years. 



 ( back to presence)

 After that incident of she being kicked out . 


hikaru stayed at home for a month.

she wasn't even on any social media branches. 


Her fans got so worried .

 She was devastated and she also gained a lot of weight


 One day hikaru was scrolling through her phone 


 when she saw a post about kazuha. 


  she searched  and found out 


 Because of her absence kazuha gained popularity


 on her debute song. 


and hikaru also lost millions of followers

on her social media.

she threw her phone out of frustration and screamed! 

Hikaru: Ugh! I've to do something or else i will lose everything!


Hikaru joined gym and she was back in shape within 2 weeks.


She signed up a contract with another company 

and she started to prepare for her new song