
I can upgrade using my Experience Points!

Chris Drake , a young orphan who was forced into hiding and left fending for himself at such a young age. One day , he found something that will change his life for the better and even the world itself. Join Chris on his great adventure and rise to the top! ******* ps: my first time writing so no bashing please. i'll try to improve my writing as i advance.

eLReQuiem · Games
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72 Chs

--- Incoming Danger

"My Lord! Big news, my lord!"

*Bam!* *Bam!* *Bam!*

"My Lord!"

"Uhhh...Geez...who the hell is knocking on my door this early...?"

Inside a luxurious room, a handsome man with light green hair can be seen lying naked on a huge bed. On the left, beside him, there were three women, all naked, piled on top of each other with only blankets covering their bodies. Another scene can be seen on his right side, but this time, there were four. All of these women had smiles on their faces while sleeping. They truly had a great night.

Groggily standing up on his bed, the light-green-haired man walked towards the door buck naked, not caring about his appearance at all.

*Bam!* *Bam!* *Bam!*

"My Lord!!!"

"Shut the hell up already!"


"Ah! My Lord, you finally woke up!"

Opening the door of his room, he was greeted by the sight of a chubby, black-haired man full of freckles wearing polka-dot pajamas. He probably just got up from bed as well.

"Geez Tony, I swear to god, if you disturb my sleep just for some useless shit, I'll definitely beat your ass up!"

"Eh!? Did my Lord had some wild night again? Seriously, it's bad for your health, you know?"

The man named Tony said, looking at his lord's strangely naked appearance, then looked behind him, trying to check out the girls.

"Shut up, this is a good exercise! So, what is it?"

"E-exercise...? Ah! The man that you asked to look out for has just cleared the beginner's dungeon's highest difficulty. It seems that he managed to slip past all the people who are watching out for him to appear on each of the temples they were guarding."

"W-what!? How did that happen? If I remember, he's a warrior class."

The light-green-haired man was shocked at what he heard; it completely woke him up.

"They said he probably had some sort of invisibility skill or something similar..."

"I see. Such luck getting something that helped him in his predicament."

"He's truly lucky, because there's more!"


"A few hours later, after beating the dungeon, he got one heavenly and two divine items from the three world lottery tickets he used; he even has a divine piece of equipment currently listed at the very top of the equipment rankings; and lastly, he boldly made a post showing the stats of the god item he got from the beginner's trial!"

As the man named Tony was telling him bit by bit what the person they were looking for did, he was getting even more dazed, to the point that he was wondering if what he was hearing was just a mere joke.

What Chris did a few hours ago caused such a huge commotion around the world that every world power and organization is already on the move to hunt him down. Heck, even the church that rules the central great continent of Gilona wants a piece of him and has started their crusade against him.

The temptation of a godly item is not something to be left alone, not to mention that there are at least three divine and some heavenly items with him. Who will let that pass up? Even saints will have greedy intentions.

He just made himself the enemy of the whole world, and the people wondered if he was some kind of idiot or someone with balls made of steel.

"W-what the fuck!? Are you serious!? Tony, you're not messing with me, are you?"

"100% serious! My Lord, use your phone to access the forums and check it out."

And the light-green-haired man did just that. His eyes bulged after reading the forum posts, and he almost lost it after seeing what the god item stats were. He was even murmuring while looking at it, as if he had already lost it.

"Holy shit...! A god item that can make another god item...does it work on talents too...? Won't my S-rank talent become SSS-rank with this... Fucking Hell! I want... I want this..."

"M-My Lord?"

"Haha! Hahahahahaha! Tony, arrange all the elite guild members and tell them we are going on a hunt as soon as possible. I also want you to employ the Seer's Guild to look for two people: one is that man, and the other is either one of his female party members!"

"This...! Won't our sponsors be against this? Your leveling speed might be hindered by doing this. If we lost their monetary support, we might get screwed... Not to mention, other powers around the world, should be mobilizing their own troops by now..."

"Hmph! Once I obtain those incredible items, it'll shut them up. Besides, with our current progress, it will just be a matter of time before we get rid of those sponsors and become independent on our own. As for the other powers, we just need to find the targets first; I'm sure they will give us some face, or else they will pay a huge price for crossing us. Once I get that item, those powers will even give me their daughters to curry favor with. Hehehe..."

The light-green-haired man said with confidence and lust, as if everything were under his control and he was already thinking of pressing down young rich women, especially the princesses, on his bed. He was the leader of the largest and "strongest" guild in Gaia, Heaven's Legion. His name was Mark Alguem, also known as Ardent Blaze.

The guild now has more than 50 billion members and is still growing. so big that the second guild only had about 5 billion members. Thus it was named the "strongest guild", the very reason for his confidence. It was being funded by multiple conglomerates and big companies around the world.

The guild started with these two men, Mark and Tony, and some females that Mark managed to seduce. They were just some casual players a year ago, until Mark managed to seduce the female CEO of a big company. And from then on, his guild grew up exponentially, and more big companies invested in it as time passed, all thanks to his good looks and cunningness.

Each company has a seated officer in the Heaven's Legion that decides the direction of the guild through voting. Aside from funding it, they also put in all the people, whether gold slaves or regular ones. Thus, one of the reasons for its exponential growth.

The other reason was that Mark was known as the "highest-level player" throughout the world; he is currently level 120. Although most of the players knew that there was someone with a higher level than him, no one has made it public. So Mark and his whole guild capitalized on that publicity to expand their guild.

"I understand looking for that man, but do we find the females? Won't it be better to find one of those two other dudes? They seem to be closer to that guy..."

Tony said with confusion as to why choose women as targets as two men are more sensible as targets. He clearly forgot that his friend was a womanizing gigolo.

"Stupid shit, as if I will seduce men! The hunt will be easier once I get my hands on one of these women. Stop whining and go get to work!"

"T-this... I understand! How about you my lord?"

"I'll take a rest first, then log in later this afternoon. Be sure to be ready."

"Alright. Then, see you lat-"


Before Tony could fully say what he was about to say, the door closed in on his face.


He fell on his butt.

Standing up and patting his butt, he left the place with a darkened face. He was even murmuring while walking.

"You have changed, my friend. You have completely changed after tasting power and women. I hope someday that old friend of mine returns..."

Upon logging in to Gaia, he started to do what he was ordered by contacting the Seer's Guild first. Although the price was too high, they had lots of sponsors, so money wasn't a problem. Afterwards, he started calling out the elite members and asked them to return to prepare for the hunt.

The Seer's Guild had trouble finding Chris; they thought he was offline, but a few hours later, he appeared a few miles from the Moon Empire. This is when he polymorphed back to his original appearance, as he didn't want others to see his HighRoller grinding in the wilds.

All the powers that are not based on the Moon Empire teleported there to start hunting him down. The Empire was filled with players who knew that if it's in a computer game, the PC will definitely freeze, even if you have the highest specs. They thanked the heavens that the Heavenly Group was using otherworldly technology.