
I Can Travel (Chapter 1)


Everyone, my name is Aldi Rifqi. I'm an ordinary high schoolboy. 16 years old right now.

I go to Jasmine High School. I know that name sounds feminine or something like that. But this is an old school that has a bigger history in the city I live in.

Build-in 1930. As right now is 2015 this school's age is 85 years old. By the way, as this place is this old my grandfather and grandmother go here too. From what I hear that is. Well, it's not really important right now after all.

"Yo, my friend!" The one who called me is one of my best friends. Janu, as he is known. A boy that is the same age as me, 16 years old. He had brown skin and all in all. He is quite a cool guy if I say so myself.

"Sup!" I replied to him.

"Have you done your homework yet?" He asks nervously.


"Of course I have. There is no way I would forget if the one who gives them are titled "Dragoness" right?" Indeed.

For a high school boy like me. Even if I have power the existence called 'Dragoness' is very scary. It's not that she is really a dragon.

The one we called Dragoness is an old woman who teaches Nationalism to us. Around 50 I think.

Judging from the paleness of my friends I guess, "Don't tell me you haven't done it yet?" I ask him nervously.

He nods as a reply.

"What? Hurry you stupid? Are you want to sacrifice the whole class for you?" I'm more nervous now while giving him my homework so that he can at least finish it.

Indeed. As I said. Even if there is only one who hasn't done one homework the whole class will get blamed for it too. And usually, the punishment is that we have to get the garbage. It wasn't that bad actually. Even I like that. Doing good things.


What is bad is that. We have to get all the garbage in school while wearing the tag that this is a punishment for the whole day.

Even so, I didn't mind it if that's just one occasion.

But this.

We have to do this for the whole week.

Such a terrifying teacher.

While I sat on my seat I can see the others just go on with their activity.

I grab out 1 silver from my pocket.

Ordinarily, people might just think this is Rp.500 coins. People are wrong.

This is genuine silver. What's more, it's worth Rp.180.000 if not more.

I hope this is enough to buy a high-end laptop.

My dream of playing the Greatest Game In The World is finally closed.

After the class start, we are studying as usual.

Luckily Janu already finishes the homework and luckily no one is stupid enough to forget about it.

"Well, I would like to go to meet my uncle first. You guys can go home first." I said to a bunch of my friends.

There are Janu, Haydar, Tina, Tia, and Andi. The six of us are friends since we are children. Well, it's given that we are friends as we always go to the same school.

"Oh, what for?" Ask Tina curiously

"Nah, nothing urgent. Just want some help from him. You know. Getting some work."

True. Since I have gone to a different world I have been stronger. At first, when I was 12 years before I have gone there I was a chubby child.

But after having somewhat fun in that world things become even easier in this peaceful world.

The other then left me.

I was walking to the store my uncle had. My uncle from my father's side is the owner of the jewel store. Besides that, he also has an antic store.

"Uncle, I'm here!" I shout calling him.

From inside comes a fat old man. That person is my uncle. One of the rich ones in the family. Uncle Reno.

"Hehehe, you come here already? I have seen your message from WA. Come, come inside nephew." He is a chill guy actually. Besides as he is very generous everyone in the family likes him.

"Yeah, as you know I found this near the lake. I don't know if there is more of this there. But this all I found." I show him the 9 gold coins I found. More like I earn. But he didn't need to know.

My uncle's eyes glint seeing the gold. He brings out the lens to see authenticity of the gold.

"Oh, pure gold too. Hm, the quality is very good indeed nephew. But seeing as you found them there and there is no document for this. I can only buy this Rp.500.000/gram." Actually, this is the best I can hope for. Like uncle said there is no document for this.

And this is indeed my profit than lose if it comes to that.

"It's better than I expected too. Thank you, uncle." I said to him.

Fortunately, there is Calmness of mind skill so that I was calm instead of exciting show up right now.

He counts the gold I have and it comes up to 255 grams.

"You are indeed a very lucky nephew."

"Yeah, uhm Uncle. I know it would be too much. But can you not tell the other about this?"

Certainly, I would be troubled if someone knows that I have this much money? I didn't even want to tell my mother.

Our money is stable for now. But I won't tell them that I have this.

"I understand. Sigh, thinking that you actually have this much is a shock to me too."

I can only nod and saying Thank You to my uncle as with this he helps me so much.

With this. It will help me with my new plan.

His stat until now.















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