
I can Tame everything (Dropped for now)

Gaia’s Dungeon is a peculiar place filled with beasts, monsters, unknown races, wealth, power, and death. Willing or unwilling, hundreds of humans are sent there every month to participate in a little game made by the goddess Gaia. The goal? Entertain her. How? By clearing every floor to the last. The reward? The fulfillment of a wish. Eric Knight, one of the humans recently summoned, unlocks the legendary class: Tamer. A class with the potential to literally tame everything. An enormous dragon? Tamed. That floor’s boss? Tamed. A rude dwarf smith? Tamed. The beautiful elf woman? Tamed!!! That kid’s little dog? Not tamed, because stealing from a kid is bad and that dog seemed useless anyway. *cough* Follow Eric’s adventure as he ventures deeper into the Dungeon to tame myriads of living beings, clear bloody challenges and discover the dark secrets of this place. His legendary, supra not-so-OP-but-still-OP cheat class will help him pave the road to success. Driving him? The desire to resurrect his little brother, the only person he had ever considered family. WARNINGS: -There will be mature content, obscene language, gore and violence. -A bit of comedy here and there. A few times fourth wall breaking. -The MC will become strong quite fast.

YoanRoturier · Fantasy
Not enough ratings
6 Chs

Novice Explorer's Set

"Ehehehehe…," Eric laughed at the sight of the unexpected opportunity, truly a heaven's fortune. "Ehehehe…."

He bought the novice explorer's starter pack for 1 DP since the price couldn't go lower than that.

Eric hastily stored the potions in his inventory. He noticed something quite interesting. A slot could store five same items. Meaning his (F) five mana potions and (F) five healing potions each occupied one slot, leaving him with three more open slots.

Of course, to avoid needlessly using a slot, he wore the compass as a necklace and kept the dagger in his second weapon slot, which still gave him the +2 Agility bonus.

He then continued to peruse the shop in search of interesting items. Eric stumbled on an F+ rank combat whip, that would normally cost 300DP. Apparently, it could shred most living beings under level 10. It also gave a +5 strength boost.

Eric bought it for 1 DP and replaced his current weapon with it, then sold his previous whip for the meager sum of 2 DP. With that he had 10 DP left.

He stumbled on a portable BBQ set for roasting meat. Hell yeah. Infusing mana into it was the only condition to get a fire started. No wood was required.

A great advantage of it was that it made for a good portable fire source. Just in case. Fire was always useful—and he very much liked roasted meat.

Eric bought it for 1 DP and stored it in his inventory, which meant he had two empty slots left and 9 DP to spend.

His eyes then settled on the equipment sold in the Tutorial Shop.

[(F-) Gambeson]

Price: 10DP

[(F-) Gambeson Pants]

Price: 10DP

[(F-) Straw pants]

Price: 10DP

Pretty basic stuff that offered bonuses in physical resistance. In fact, most equipments offered bonuses in physical resistance.

'It appears that the first three floors don't have many enemies dealing magic damages,' Eric thought. Although he could be wrong, his gamer's instinct told him he might just be right. After all, it wouldn't make sense for a shop to sell items that would have no use in the following floors on which the hidden shop was supposedly found. Right?

Anyway, Eric wasn't interested in that basic stuff only the plebs, common folks, could buy. He was rich as a king right now. A discount king.

The legendary tamer wouldn't settle for less than the most expensive items in this shop. So he scrolled down and finally found what he was looking for, well, it was the most expensive stuff out there anyway.


[(F) Novice Explorer's Vest]

Description: A cool vest crafted from linen, beast furs, and hardened leather. Three layers in one. Great for novice explorers. There is a bonus set effect if all the parts are worn together.


*+5 Physical Resistance

*+50 HP

[(F) Novice Explorer's Gloves]

Description: A cool pair of gloves crafted from linen, beast furs, and hardened leather. Comfort, maneuverability and protection in one! Great for novice explorers. There is a bonus set effect if all the parts are worn together.


*+3 Physical Resistance

*+2 Strength

*+2 Agility

[(F) Novice Explorer's Belt]

Description: A cool hardened leather belt useful for strapping items on its. There is a bonus set effect if all the parts are worn together.


*+2 Physical Resistance

*+1 Agility

[(F) Novice Explorer's Trousers]

Description: A cool leather trousers with a fur layer for added comforts. The leather pads on the outer layer will guarantee protection against even a beast bite! Well… kind of. There is a bonus set effect if all the parts are worn together.


*+ 4 Physical Resist

*+ 2 Agility

[(F) Novice Explorer's Boots]

Description: A cool pair of leather boots. Run or walk with style! There is a bonus set effect if all the parts are worn together.


*+ 2 Physical Resist

*+ 3 Agility

[(F) Novice Explorer's Cloak]

Description: A cool cloak that will keep the wearer warm or simply hide his/her face. There is a bonus set effect if all the parts are worn together.


*+ 1 Physical Resist

*+ 1 Agility


It was by far the best pieces of equipment that could be bought in the shop. Mostly because it had additional status bonuses that other didn't have.

He promptly bought all of them for 1 DP each with a happy face—which amounted to 6 DP—, then stored them in the armor slots. Once the armor pieces were stored in their slots, they automatically appeared on him.

Together, the set offered quite a range of interesting bonus effects:

*+2 to all stats

*+10% Exp per kill

*+Active Skill (F) Detection

Detection worked like sonar and would reveal all enemies in a fifty-meter radius for 30MP.

Eric felt like an anime protagonist that was summoning his mythical equipment and couldn't help taking a stupid pose since no one was looking.

"Hum… what might you be doing master? *Confused face*." Tuto asked.

"Oh… don't mind me, I was just… hum… moving around in the armor to see how if it fits me," Eric said, regaining his previous composure.

"Oooh… as expected of master. *Impressed face*."

Eric nodded then perused the weapon section for something that might help him kill enemies faster. He already had a dagger, but it wouldn't be enough. Also, he didn't want a sword, ax, or anything of the sort.

No, what he was looking for was a ranged weapon. Since he was a tamer, he'd be mostly staying behind his pets. A sword would force him to go into melee to make full use of the weapon.

After a few moments, he found something interesting.


[(F) Manalock Pistol]

Description: A one-barrel pistol that can fire one bullet before it needs to be reloaded. It requires 10 MP to reload and, of course, a bullet. If the user do not have a bullet, a rock or any solid item the with the right size could replace it—provided it can handle the power. The manalock pistol might be just a one shot pistol, but its firepower, for an F rank item, should not be taken lightly.


*+3 Magic

*+30 MP


Eric bought it promptly. Considering its original price of 200 DP—turned 1 DP thanks to his discount—it came with a holster and five bullets.

He strapped the holster to his belt, then settled his new gun inside it.

'Now, I have 1DP left, what should I buy?' Eric thought, looking through a list of mischievous items.

Finally, something caught his attention, an item that was extremely expensive considering, even for a hidden shop.

[(F+) Balor's Medallion]

Description: A silver medallion left behind by Balor, the Last Tamer, in hope that it would find a worthy inheritor. Balor has created different Trials hidden around Gaia's Dungeon to test his inheritor. When nearing one of Balor's Trial, the medallion will vibrate to warn its wearer.


*+5 Charisma

*+5 Magic

*+5% Tameability to all living beings with a similar level to the user and +2% Tameability to living beings with one level higher than the user.

Price: 10000 DP


"Holy moly," He said, buying the item right away before it disappeared. Well, it wouldn't, but you never know. This medallion left behind by an unknown tamer that apparently unlocked some sort of hidden access to trials was a one-time opportunity he should seize immediately.

Eric strapped the compass to his belt then wore the silver medallion with a lot of weird rust on it around his neck. It wasn't as fashionable as his "compass" but it sure had interesting bonuses.

Finally, he used his last DP to buy a skill scroll. There were many of them, such as [Pebble Skin], [Ruthless Strike], [Fireball], but one interested him in particular. As a Tamer, he couldn't simply bypass that opportunity to buy


[(F) Cowardly Heroic Shout]

Description: Shout like a true cowardly hero! Inspire your allies, boost their morale so that they can rise stronger! Or die slower while serving as your scapegoat while you bravely turn your tail and flee.


- Boost yours and up to your allies's strength and agility by 1% of the total amount of your Magic stat. Current Boost: 2.

- Your agility is further increased by 5 while abandoning your allies and running away on your own.


With that skill, Eric would be able to give a small increase in power to his pets. By no means it'd be incredible now but he saw potential in that skill. Once it leveled up and he also acquire more Magic stat, then… surely it could become a great asset.

The only drawback to this skill was its ridiculous name.

Standing in the shop with a brand-new look, Eric felt more powerful than before. A satisfying feeling swarmed him as he stared at his new stats, only to realize he had level up too.

[Eric Knight]

Class: Lv2 Tamer

Title: (F) Operator Tamer / (F) Beast Tamer / (F) Explorer


HP: 180/180 (+70)

Mana: 160/160 (+50)

Strength: 26 (+9)

Agility: 31 (+13)

Charisma: 27 (+12)

Magic: 20 (+10)

Physical Resist: 34 (+19)

Magical Resist: 12 (+2)

Exp: 0/1000

Attribute Points: 5


Skill Points: 2

Passive: (F-) Whip Mastery / (F+) Tamer's Eye

Active: (F) Taming / (F-) First Aid / (F) Detection / (F) Cowardly Heroic Shout

Pets (3/3): Tutorial Operator/ 2x Blood Wolf Lv1


Looking at his stats, Eric thought about a new possibility to make an achievement that just opened itself to him. Moreover, it'd be good training for his two pets that had yet to level up. Although risky, he had a simple yet effective plan.

"Tuto, is it possible for me to take on the Tutorial part 2 again?"

"Yes, of course, master but…, alone? *Worried Face*"

Eric summoned his two Blood Wolf. "No, not exactly alone."