
I can Summon anything from toasters to weapons of mass destruction.

Ivan, once an ordinary student with a craving for instant ramen and procrastination, found himself reborn (of sorts) in a world ripped straight out of a fantasy novel. The good news? He could summon anything from his old world—a cozy armchair, a life-saving bottle of ketchup, or even a cute top hat (because why not?). his powers are hilariously unbalanced, and his character sheet looked like a blank page ripped from a forgotten notebook. Strength? Zero. Dexterity? Zero. Stamina? But hey, at least he wasn't useless. Ivan could, in theory, summon weapons of mass destruction. The real challenge wasn't raining down fire and rocket-propelled grenades (though that was an option); it was surviving in a world filled with orcs, mages, and creatures with names you couldn't pronounce—all while his body resembled that of a slightly less-scrawny person.

sallysally69 · Fantasy
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4 Chs

picking my first quest

The sun dipped below the horizon, painting the sky in fiery hues of orange and red. Exhaustion gnawed at Ivan's bones as they finally reached the outskirts of the capital city. One day of travel with the Ragtag group had been an eye-opening experience. He'd learned a lot about their world—a world filled with magic, mythical creatures, and landscapes far grander than anything he'd ever seen back home.

But an equal part of him craved solitude. Traveling with a boisterous group, especially Eldarion and Elara, whose bickering never seemed to end, left him drained. He longed to explore this new world at his own pace, to experiment with his powers in secret.

As they approached the grand, imposing gates of the capital, Gareth, the leader, ordered Eldarion to put the carriage to a halt. "We'll be heading straight to an old friend of mine," he announced, his voice gruff but kind. "The Adventurers Guild is not far from the entrance; you can register there as an adventurer and take on quests if that's what interests you. Most newcomers do this to earn some coin and gain experience before venturing out on their own. It's a good way to get to know people and make connections with other travelers."

Ivan nodded as he got out of the carriage, followed by Elara, the elf. The idea of using his abilities to level up and carve out a place for himself in this strange new world held a certain appeal.

Eldarion, the high-ranking mage, poked his head out from the front of the carriage. A sly grin spread across his face as his gaze landed on Elara. "Looks like I win on our little wager, Elara. You're officially our young champion's guide through the capital."

Elara's emerald eyes narrowed. "Don't push your luck, Eldarion," she hissed, her voice laced with annoyance.

Eldarion chuckled, hearing her annoyance. "Just a bit of fun, my dear elf. Don't take it so personal. And also, don't do anything stupid with the kid."

"You!" Elara shot back, her voice sharp with anger. But before she could retaliate, Eldarion whipped the reins, urging the horses forward before Elara could retort.

"Hah hah hah ha! See ya!" Eldarion called out, his laughter echoing behind him as he rode ahead. Gareth on the other hand, simply settled back into his seat, seemingly unfazed by the bickering. The carriage lurched forward, leaving Ivan and Elara standing awkwardly at the entrance to the bustling capital city. Elara gritted her teeth, her hands balling into fists, as she watched them disappear into the distance. Elara cleared her throat, her cheeks flushed with a hint of pink.

"Well then," she began, her voice strained. "Shall we get started on this little tour?"

"Lead the way ," Ivan replied, acting like he hadn't heard the two of them arguing earlier.

After their stroll through the city, they got to the adventurers guild. There were already a few curious eyes on them; bringing a foreigner must be a rare sight in the city. Ivan thought as he noticed the whispers and stares directed their way. "Hi there, I can see that you're new here. Welcome to the Adventurers Guild. How may I help you?" one of the receptionists greeted them with a warm smile. She was a demi-human, with her features strikingly similar to those of a catgril wearing some kind of leather armor.

"My friend here wanted to register as an adventurer," Elara said, forcing a smile. This was her first time bringing a newcomer to the guild.

"Certainly," the receptionist chirped. "To register as an adventurer, we require a simple blood magic inscription on your new guild license. It acts as a verification of identity and allows us to track your progress by the time you finish a quest," the receptonist explained. "The process of reading your stats through your license won't take very long."

Ivan eyed the small silver pendant dangling from a leather cord. It was surprisingly intricate, with swirling patterns etched around a central blank space. A prickling sensation snaked down his spine at the mention of blood magic, but he had to do it.

He extended his arm, offering his palm. The receptionist produced a delicate needle, barely thicker than a hair, and, with a practiced hand, pricked his finger. A single small droplet emerged. She guided his hand towards the pendant, where the blood sank into the blank space with a soft sizzle. The metal pulsed with a faint light for a moment before settling back to its original state.

"Excellent," the receptionist beamed, handing him the pendant. "Now, to finalize your registration, could I see your current stats?"

Elara, catching Ivan's slightly hesitant look, cleared her throat. "He's new to these parts and hasn't had much experience with adventuring," she explained with a touch of forced nonchalance.

Ivan, relieved by her cover, simply nodded in agreement.

as she peered at the information, the receptionist's smile faltered slightly, projected by the pendant . "Name: Ivan... Level 7, MP: 1, Strength: 2, Dexterity: 3, Resistance: 1..." Her voice trailed off, a flicker of surprise crossing her features.

An akward silence stretched between them. Finally, Leela coughed, trying to regain her composure. "Right, well, these numbers… they're certainly… unique."

She cleared her throat again. "Considering your level, Ivan, your starting rank would be F-rank."

Elara, ever the pragmatist, stepped in. "Leela, you know me," she said, her voice firm. "I wouldn't bring someone here unless they had potential. I will cover his registration fee. Consider it a favor."

Leela hesitated, then sighed. "Alright, Elara. Since you stand for him, I can waive the fee this once. But next time, bring someone with a bit more… experience." she then winked at Ivan with a small smile playing on her lips. As she processed the paperwork, but Ivan only gave Leela a curious look.

"First time seeing a demmi-human, huh?" Leela asked, noticing Ivan's puzzled expression before handing over his student ID.

"Yeah, my hometown is mostly isolated from the rest of the world," Ivan replied with a slight shrug. Another lie he had to tell to protect his true identity as a champion as he patiently waited for his license to be processed.

"So, with your registration complete, Ivan," Leela, the receptionist, said, a hint of amusement lingering in her voice, "let's take a look at the quest board. There are all sorts of opportunities here, from simple fetch quests to monster eradication."

Ivan peered over the counter, his eyes scanning the densely packed parchments pinned to the large wooden board. There were all sorts of tasks listed: retrieving a lost noble's doll from a well, gathering rare herbs from a remote mountain peak, and even eliminating a particularly stubborn infestation of giant boars near the borders of this kingdom.

"Hmm," Ivan mused, tapping his chin thoughtfully. "This one looks interesting," he said, pointing at a quest that involved hunting goblins in a nearby forest. "It says it offers a hefty reward and seems perfect for someone new like me."

Elara, who had been patiently waiting beside him, let out a sharp scoff. "Goblins? In all seriousness, Ivan?"

Leela, ever the professional, chimed in, "While goblins are considered low-tier threats, they're still unpredictable creatures. It's never advisable for a beginner to tackle them alone."

Ivan frowned, a flicker of disappointment crossing his features. "But Gareth, the leader of the group I traveled with, mentioned that hunting goblins is a good way for new adventurers to gain experience."

Elara shook her head. "Gareth might have meant it as a general starting point, but trust me, goblins are more cunning than they look. They often travel in large packs and can be quite vicious when cornered. It's best to avoid them until you've gained some combat experience and have a party to back you up."

Leela nodded in agreement. "Exactly. We wouldn't want you to end up as a goblin's midday snack on your first day as an adventurer, would we?"

Ivan winced at the image that conjured. He may have underestimated the dangers involved. Back in his world, goblins were mostly depicted as bumbling, comical creatures in video games. Here, it seemed, they were entirely a different breed.

Leela then chuckled, a knowing glint in her eyes as she finished processing Ivan's paperwork. "However, that goblin hunt you were eyeing..." she trailed off, letting the suspense hang in the air for a moment.

Ivan leaned in curiosity. "Yes?"

"There's a party already planning on heading out for that one this very afternoon," Leela explained, a mischievous grin spreading across her face. "Led by a fiery young mage named Ramset, whose rank is currently Class-D, she is very skilled when it comes to fighting fast moving foes."

Ivan's eyebrow shot up. A Class-D adventurer? That was practically double his own measly F-rank. "A Class-D, huh?"

Leela winked. "Quite the prodigy, that one. Though some might say a bit… spoiled."

Then the wooden doors of the Adventurer's Guild swung open with a dramatic flourish, announcing the arrival of a new party. All heads turned, conversations ceased, and a hush fell over the room. At the forefront stood a young woman, no older than Ivan, with fiery red hair tied in two high pigtails that bounced with each arrogant step. Her armor gleamed in the afternoon light, more ornate than practical, adorned with unnecessary flourishes, and polished to a mirror shine. Her two companions, a sturdy young man with a rapier strapped to his waist and a wiry elf wearing round glasses with a sling full of arrows, followed behind her, their faces etched with a mixture of annoyance and resignation.

Ramset, for that was the young noblewoman's name, surveyed the room with a haughty air, her ruby eyes scanning the crowd before settling on Leela, the receptionist with the cat-like features.

"Leela, my dear," Ramset called out, her voice dripping with affected sweetness. "I trust you've taken care of everything? Those goblin pelts won't collect themselves, you know."

Leela forced a smile, her cat ears twitching slightly with suppressed amusement. "Indeed, Lady Ramset. Your party's registration is complete." She gestured towards Ivan and Elara, who had been observing the scene with interest, if not a hint of apprehension.

Ramset acknowledged, her gaze finally landing on Ivan. His clothes look plain but surprisingly high-quality, wearing a hoodless jacket, cargo pants, and hiking shoes—offering zero protection from attacks compared to her own expensive armor. A sneer played on her lips. Another rich noble, she thought, probably paying for his way into adventure with his family's coin.

"Leela," Ramset continued, her voice taking on a patronizing tone, "does this... newbie express any interest in joining our little goblin hunt?"

"Actually, yes," Leela interjected, her voice laced with a hint of amusement. "Ivan here was just considering the same quest."

Ramset's eyes narrowed. The idea of sharing the glory with an unknown newcomer clearly displeased her. "Well, that's simply marvelous," she said, her voice full of sarcasm. "But just so we're clear," she turned towards Ivan, "this isn't a picnic. We won't tolerate any dead weight. If you can't keep up, you become goblin bait. Understand?"

Ivan met her gaze unflinchingly, a flicker of annoyance crossing his features. He rolled his eyes subtly. "Loud and clear, Lady Ramset," he replied nonchalantly. "We'll see how long your bravado lasts once we're in the thick of it, though I wouldn't underestimate someone based solely on their attire."

Ramset's cheeks flushed a faint pink, whether from anger or surprise who knows? It was hard to tell. She opened her mouth to retort, but Leela cut her off.

"Excellent!" the receptionist chirped, clapping her hands together a little too enthusiastically. "Then it's settled! A party of four it is. Now, off you go, brave adventurers! And remember, safety first!" Leela cheered.

"I'll wait for you outside the capital tomorrow morning!. And don't be late or well leave you!" Ramset

Ramset stormed out of the guild, her companions trailing behind her with weary sighs. As the doors loudly swung shut behind them, Ivan couldn't help but let out a small chuckle.

A ripple of surprised silence followed Ramset's departure, then the tension in the air shattered as a booming laugh erupted from the corner of the room. A grizzled old man, his face crisscrossed with wrinkles and a battle scar obscuring his left eye, slapped his thigh with such force that it echoed through the guild.

"Hahaha! Did you hear that, lads? 'Don't be late, or we'll leave you!' That fiery little noble thinks she's leading an army!" The man's laughter was infectious, and soon a wave of chuckles and guffaws swept through the room. A group of burly dwarves at a nearby table exchanged amused glances, their tankards clinking together in a toast.

At another table, a wizened old mage, his beard as white as snow, chuckled into his mug. "Reminds me of myself when I was young," he mumbled, shaking his head with a smile.

Amidst the amusement, Ivan and Elara remained silent. Ivan couldn't help but feel a sliver of amusement himself, though he kept a neutral expression. Elara, however, shot him a worried glance.

One of the younger adventurers, a brash fellow with a mop of unruly hair, leaned over to his companions. "That kid's got guts; I'll give him that," he said, nodding towards Ivan. "Talking back to Lady Ramset like that, though, he probably won't last long. She'll have him fetching tea by the second day."

Ivan said nothing about the comment. Elara, on the other hand, couldn't help but feel a pang of sympathy for the young champion. "You're more unpredictable than I expected ," she whispered to Ivan.

As the laughter of the veterans faded, Elara whipped around and landed a sharp pinch on Ivan's arm. "Ow!" he yelped, surprised by the sudden attack.

"What was that all about?" Elara hissed, her emerald eyes narrowed in a mixture of annoyance and concern. "Talking back to a noble like that? You're an F-rank adventurer Ivan!, not a seasoned fighter!"

Ivan winced, rubbing the spot where she'd pinched him. "Sorry, Elara," he mumbled, looking down at his feet. "I guess I just... don't like people acting all high and mighty."

Elara sighed, her features softening slightly. "I understand that," she admitted, "but trust me, causing a scene with a noble like Ramset won't do you any favors, especially not on your first quest."

Ivan looked back up at her, a faint smile playing on his lips. "Maybe," he conceded, "but I couldn't just let her walk all over me. It reminds me of my sister back home. She could be a real pain sometimes, always acting superior."

Elara was surprised to hear about Ivan's sister. "You have a sister?" she asked.

Ivan nodded. "Yeah, but that's a story for another time. The point is, I guess I'm just used to dealing with spoiled brats."

Elara chuckled, a hint of amusement returning to her eyes. "Well, consider Ramset a well-armored brat then. But seriously, Ivan," her voice turned serious again, " know your place; disrespecting a noble like that could get you in serious trouble. Ramset might not appreciate you challenging her authority, and you don't want to be the target of her temper on your first goblin hunt."

Ivan nodded, considering Elara's words carefully. "I'll keep that in mind," he replied, a thoughtful expression on his face. "Thanks for looking out for me, Elara."

Elara smiled warmly, her gaze softening. "No problem, Ivan. I'm just trying to help you because I lost a bet." Ivan laughed in understanding.