
Chapter 4: Missions already

'Holy crap this ability is completely overpowered! Its only A rank I can't even imagine the higher ranks ones.' I immediately recalled its original user and the chaos he created with his abilities in the series.

"But wait a minute, Sukuna was pure evil in his world but... What about me? Im in a completely new world with new people. No one knows me, what should I become, NO! I asked the wrong questions, its rather what do I WANT to become..."

This is a very important question for me. After all, no matter how strong is the level of this world, with this system I got, I'm going to end up at the epitome of its existence either way. So the real question is how do I want to reach there. 

Becoming a Hero who saves people, Kingdoms wish to have me in their ranks and people love me everywhere? Or a cold-blooded demon causing destruction and despair wherever I placed my foot on? Or maybe a neutral existence maintaining the balance of evil and goodness in this world?

I pondered upon these thoughts for a few seconds before I got really frustrated by the lack of conviction in my mind. Although I suffered from people and was abandoned in my last life, I still want to think this through. Maybe I will do that when I settle somewhere.

"AAAGHH THAT'S SO ANNOYING! I will think about that later, let's get going Koji..." I shouted, but something seemed to hear my frustrated voice because it immediately retaliated.


It was a wolf howl, and from the sound of it, it appeared to be close to us. Hearing that, Ayanokoji became wary and on guard as he hurriedly rushed next to me in order to protect me from harm.

Suddenly a white furred wolf appeared, but not your normal wolf. This by no means looked like the one I used to see on TV in my previous world, this one was 4 meters high, completely muscular and seemed enraged. Its claws are as long as a freaking short sword, as for its fangs...

It seemed like its mouth couldn't contain them and drool was flowing endlessly from its mouth. Its eyes were as white as its fur, menecengly looking at us as preys.

While it kept staring at us a notification ringed in my head and I checked the panel that appeared in front of me.

[Generated mission: Defeat the Enraged Wolf Beast

 Reward: Unlock Mana]

'WHAT?! You want me to defeat that?' Looking up to see the wolf again, I noticed that it started sprinting towards us.

Ayanokoji seemed to find a plan since he was as calm as always, or is it because he doesn't feel fear? But he confirmed to me that it was the latter since he turned towards me as he shouted.

"RUN!" He swung his hand indicating for me to run from the back, and I immediately did that. I don't want to be eaten alive the first 15 minutes in my new life.

I was once again amazed by how fast I had became. The system said that im the lowest from C rank, while Koji is at the higher of the same rank. I know for a fact that in terms of physical abilities im way stronger than him because of my race, no matter how hard he trained he can never match me.

So why am I lower than him? Is it because he has a lot of other skills? Is t because he is an all-rounder, good at everything. Like martial-arts, sports, intellect? Yeah it probably must be that...

After this thought that clouded my mind for less than a second, proof of my new mental capabilities, I turned back to see the situation back there. Ayanokoji was running to the right side making noise for the wolf to follow him instead, wait... 

What is he doing? Is he trying to sacrifice himself to buy me time to run? HELL NO! He is my first summon and the only person I know in this world, also I need him a lot for later so im definitely not letting him go the easy way.

"AYANOKOJI!!" I shouted, making him tilt his head towards me while running between the forest trees, using them as objects to slow down the wolf's pace. But the wolf was just too strong, running though the trees as if they didn't exist, bringing them down in the process. At least it slowed it down a little bit...

"COME HERE! I HAVE A PLAN!!" I screamed again making him turn 130° to continue sprinting in my direction, the wolf following suit.

He was getting closer to me, and the wolf closer to him. It was indeed a dangerous situation but I just got a A tier ability, right? It should be enough, right? Well consider this a gamble of life because if the wolf is too strong for the technique then it's the end of me.

"In that case I have to make sure it DOES cut you!" I shouted, more to myself than anyone else, then I continued. "KOJI DUCK DOWN!" 

He seemed to understand well what I told him although the raised stakes and the complexity of the situation, with the momentum he gained from the sprint he knee-slided behind me revealing the beast chasing him.

With full determination to cut that thing in half I waved my hand vertically with a firm stance, spreading my legs slightly.

"DISMANTLE!" I screamed, and right after that, well...

The consequences of the technique were immediate and drastic, the air itself seemed to shudder as my strike sliced through it, a raw display of these otherworldly powers.

The monster that was chasing us was cut vertically in half. I t was probably running at least at 60km/h so the two halves separated each one passing by my sides getting dragged on the ground until they slowed down and fell down like a building due to their size.

Turning to look at the monster corpse, I saw a scene that wouldve made me laugh if not for the seriousness of the situation. Ayanokoji was kneeling, completely covered by blood giving me a thumbs up as if to say that he was okay.

Directing my gaze to the monster, it was only now that I realized the level of danger we were facing. "What the hell was that, it was a close call..." I turned once again to face the other side, and the sight of the aftermath my technique did was almost terrifying. A true sight to behold, it made me unconsciously hold my breath.

The ground beneath my feet was sliced asunder, a jagged chasm tearing through the earth like a gaping wound. The force of this technique is so potent that it rips through the very fabric of reality and space, cleaving even the lake in half.

Water erupts from the newly formed crevasse, cascading down the steep incline created by the destructive force. The once serene surface of the lake is now in turmoil, its waters churned and tumultuous as they rush to fill the void I've created.

As the water flows into the gaping hole, it adjusts to the contours of the land, carving out a new path with an almost sentient determination. The landscape is probably forever altered, a testament to the awe-inspiring might of the system.

"Did I over do it...?" Ignoring the first question I asked, it wasn't really important anyways. The real questions was... "Is this really just A rank? DAMN!"

[Mission passed! You now have access to mana.]

I immediately after reading that felt a strange change of atmosphere, as I felt it become more rich, heavier and a lot fresher. I was as if I was holding my breath all this time and it was only after having access to mana that I breathed a sigh of relief.

"Wow! So this is mana? It feels so good and... refreshing" Looking at Ayanokoji with a amazed expression, I asked. "Can you feel it now Koji? The mana! with this we will be able to do a lot of things without necessarily relying on the system!"

"Actually I felt it the moment I realized I was here with you. I thought it was the same for you, this is why I did not mention it." He said while standing up.

"What? So the system status, buff and debuffs as well as other effects only apply on me, not my summons, huh?" Pondering this idea for a while, I turned my gaze once again to Ayanokoji. "It is very interesting, this means that you are not bounded by the system rules and laws, which gives you room for growth. Perfect!"

"Nouflex-sama are those powers you are talking about from other worlds? Not only can you create life but you are capable of such feats. That is truly incredible." He asked.

'Then why don't you seem that surprised...?' I thought with a wry smile looking at his face, then I turned that smile into a small grin. "Wel, yeah, these are indeed the powers I was granted, but I will l have to learn how to control them or else I might destroy a building or two accidentally."

Turning my back on Ayanokoji, I placed my fingers on my chin as a pondered for a moment. "This reminds me of the one for all of Midoriya, he had to learn the right output to exerce in order to not destroy his body, but now it's to not destroy everything around me..." 

"Well these things will come with time and practice, I just have to hold back. Right Ayanokoji?" I turned my head back to look at him.

He simply nodded his head to show that he agreed with me as he changed the subject. "But Nouflex-sama, I think we should take a bath in the lake then get moving immediately, we dont want people suspecting us of doing that, do we?" He pointed to the new huge demographic slash I created here, then at our bodies and clothes covered in blood.

"Humm yeah your right, we are still too weak to protect ourselves and we dont know how things work here, so let's avoid unnecessary problems." I said that while walking to the wolf I just defeated. "But before that let me take a souvenir, maybe it will help us later."

I cut its right ear using dismantle, bit this time I produced the least output I could to not make another mess, the I walked over to Ayanokoji and handed it to him. "Here you go, keep this for me Koji, and now... Now we cam finally take a quick bath." I slowly walked to the lake as I stripped naked, followed by Ayanokoji who did the same.

Observing the naked figure of Ayanokoji from head to toe, I started having those thoughts again. 'Looks like I will have some competition in terms of body structure although im slightly better, but when it comes to the facial features and handsomeness... Nah I'd win.'




After cleaning ourselves, we dressed up and began our march to the place where many smoke towers were visible from the distance.

"If it was only one or two smoke sources then I would've considered it a village, but there are too many scattered around. So that must be a city." Ayanokoji explained.

"Doesnt really matter, as long as we get somewhere safe and have some information. This way we will be able to determinate what to do after." I replied.

I trekked through the dense foliage of this weird forest followed by Ayanokoji behind, guided by the curling tendrils of smoke spiraling into the sky, my curiosity heightened with each step. The forest enveloped me in its ancient embrace, as sunlight danced through the tight openings of the canopy above.

Emerging from the shadowed depths, I ascended a high hill, and there, spread before me like a grand tapestry, lay a city of unparalleled magnificence. Towering stone walls, adorned with the banners of noble houses, encircled the sprawling expanse of buildings, some of which that reached towards the skies.

The city's silhouette was etched against the horizon, its spires and turrets catching the golden hues of the sun, casting an enchanting glow over the land. The streets seemed to be bustling with activity, although the distance I could still see it clearly, merchants hawking their wares in bustling market squares.

From my vantage point, I marveled at the intricate architecture, the craftsmanship evident in every stone and archway. Magnificent cathedrals rose majestically, their spires piercing the sky. At the heart of it all, a castle stood resolute, a testament to the power and grandeur of its rulers.

But amidst the grandeur and the throbbing excitement pumping in my heart, there was a familiarity that tugged at my heart, a longing for the world I had left behind. The sight of this medieval city stirred memories of home, of a time long gone yet ever present in my soul.

"Im going to miss you mom, both of us are in better places now... Im sure the system is taking care of your life. As for me, I'm going to enjoy this new life to the fullest.


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