
I Can See Ghosts

Elizabeth has lived her whole life under ostracization, bullying, and all sorts of painful realities that a high school girl like her can only hope to avoid. It was all due to her ability to be able to see invisible beings that was also known as ghosts. However, it was that same ability that helped her meet the most popular boy in her school year, Nico, who came to ask her about ghost hunting. That meeting ended up becoming the start of a new chapter for Elizabeth. A chapter filled with drama, hatred, hope, as well as happiness. From hunting demons together, Elizabeth grew closer with Nico as the two lived their high school life. Conflicts, jealousy, and confessions stood in their way of being together. Despite all those things, everything will only become much more difficult for them in the future. It may even require challenging the world.

FinnAlfi · Fantasy
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263 Chs

Video Recording (part 1)

6.16 - Video Recording



I walked closer to the front desk where Evelyn was already picking what to order.


I arrived next to her, and she turned her eyes to me covered by sunglasses.


"What are you ordering?"

She asked after she picked hers, and I told her my type.




"Just like mine, then. With floats?"

"N-No… I'm not a kid."

Evelyn giggled as she ordered the coffee for me. For a moment, I realized just how reliable she is and how much I wanted to be just like her. Her actions, down to how she turns her head to me, all of them made her look so grown up and stylish.


Evelyn finished ordering, and she turned to me before looking around for empty seats.

"Let's find a seat on the second floor, where the wind is strong."

"Evelyn, how old are you?"