
I Can See Ghosts

Elizabeth has lived her whole life under ostracization, bullying, and all sorts of painful realities that a high school girl like her can only hope to avoid. It was all due to her ability to be able to see invisible beings that was also known as ghosts. However, it was that same ability that helped her meet the most popular boy in her school year, Nico, who came to ask her about ghost hunting. That meeting ended up becoming the start of a new chapter for Elizabeth. A chapter filled with drama, hatred, hope, as well as happiness. From hunting demons together, Elizabeth grew closer with Nico as the two lived their high school life. Conflicts, jealousy, and confessions stood in their way of being together. Despite all those things, everything will only become much more difficult for them in the future. It may even require challenging the world.

FinnAlfi · Fantasy
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263 Chs

Friendship (part 2)

Calvin turned very scared immediately, and she took a step back from realizing how bad the situation had become. All the girls also started to shiver, but the event didn't stop there.

Nico lifted his hand up, and he snapped his fingers. In a second, all the tables and chairs that got lifted up dropped down to the ground causing a loud sound.

Everyone got heavily startled by what just happened, and they all turned their eyes towards one direction.


"I feel sorry for Alica when she was mocked by you. But, there is only one person in this world that you can't ever badmouth. You know what I'm trying to say, right?"

Nico said coldly to Calvin with a cold expression, and Calvin nodded very quickly.

"Understood!! I'm so sorry!!"

She apologized so quickly… What a pussy.

Man, Nico being so angry for me is just so cool... Aunt Linda is definitely hyping up the scene a lot, though.

From behind, a hand patted Nico on his shoulder. Nico turned around slowly, and he noticed Alica was now walking forward.

"Enough of this… Just, please stop."

Alica said while wiping off her tears, and everyone turned their gazes towards her. She reopened her eyes that were still quite wet from tears and turned to Nico next to her.

"Thank you… Nick. All of you. But, this is not what I wanted our class to be.

I never wanted us to be separated. I never wanted us to fight each other… All I want is for us to be friends again. And if that's not possible… then I hope we can at least not hate each other.

I never wanted to be a marionette. I have never thought of controlling anyone. All I did was ask for help from you, and you have every right to decline me. In the future too, you never have to listen to me. I admit what I did was wrong, and I truly feel responsible for dragging you into my problems… I'm sorry.

So… at least, can we stay as classmates?"

Alica said with an apologetic smile to Calvin and the girls, and this time, everyone is moved by her words. Apologizing for a mistake can be deceiving sometimes, but to do it with tears and a sorrowful voice makes them feel genuine. Alica understood that, that's why her apology works better now than before.

She cried… and that multiplies the chances of her being forgiven.

That is… such a powerful weapon. A weapon that only Alica can use.

But, what I didn't realize was the other goal she was aiming for.

She moved forward, and she hugged Calvin. Calvin got quite surprised by the sudden hug, but Alica is hugging tightly. She is not letting go.

"I'm sorry for bringing you into something like that. I should have solved this problem on my own, but I took an easy route and involved you. All of you. I didn't think about how bad it could've gotten, and it ended up causing trouble for all of you… I'm sorry.

I won't put you through that ever again. I won't ask you to do anything like that ever again. So…

Can we… become like we used to be again?"

Alica said while hugging Calvin, and the ponytail psycho slowly lifted her arms. She hugged Alica back, and said words that no one would expect.

"How we used to be… is impossible."

Calvin said, and Alica opened her eyes wide. Alica let go of the hug and stared at Calvin, but she was not done.

"Because like I said, you were truly manipulative. You are controlling, and I don't want to be friends with anyone like that.

But, maybe we can start anew. Instead of us being under you, everyone will be on the same level. If you can promise me that… then maybe I will accept you."

"I… never planned on controlling anyone--"

"If you ever tried anything like forcing your wills towards us, then consider our relationship over. This is your one last chance."

"O-Okay, gee!"

Calvin giggled at Alica's reactions, and the two hugged once more. Everyone who saw it, both boys and girls, became glad that the problem had been solved.

It looks like things have finally gotten under control. Alica was purposely taking things slowly so she can take advantage of the pacing. She cried with the purpose of increasing the chances of her being forgiven, and that worked flawlessly. She used Nico's show to shift everyone's attention away from her, which she then used as a change of pacing to surprise everyone.

What a… fearsome social tactic. It looks like I have a lot to learn from her. But, it doesn't seem like that is the right thing to do for me, because what action she does next makes it impossible for me to be close to her.

Alica lets go of the hug, and Calvin follows. She then turned her gaze towards somebody else who was within the crowd of girls behind Calvin, and she began walking towards that person.


W-What? What is she planning? This is outside the script, isn't it??

"Will you continue to hate me? Or is it possible for us to make up?"

Alica arrived in front of Miranda, who was staring at her with wide eyes. She asked Miranda a question, and the glasses girl simply turned away awkwardly.

"I never… hated you."

"That's great to hear. In that case, can we be friends from now on?"

"S-Sure, why not?"

Miranda answered shyly, and Alica quickly hugged her like how she did with Calvin. And seeing how easy it was for Alica to talk with Miranda shows me exactly what is going on.

Ah… I'm such an idiot.

Alica then turned around and faced Nico, and she began walking forward. Her eyes are no longer teary, and her expression has firmed up.

"I won't ask you guys for help anymore, and I won't force anyone to do anything. Of course, it would be a different case if I was asking you as the class president for class duties. But outside of class duties, I won't control anyone.

Instead, I will make a promise right here and now."

Alica arrived right in front of Nico, and she stared firmly at the confused boy.

"W-What is--"

"I promise.…that I will one day win your heart."

Alica announced publicly for everyone to hear, which made everyone turned their eyes widely.

"You may have been bewitched by the witch, but I will find a way to save you from her. Mark my words… Nick. You will fall in love with me."

Alica declared in front of Nico, which only made Nico look so shocked hearing it.

"What are you talking about…?"

Nico tries asking, but Alica is not saying a word. Instead, the sound of the window getting knocked can be heard.



Everyone turned towards the direction of the knock, which was right at the right side of the classroom where the window is. And poking her head from the window's opening is me, smiling coldly and watching silently as the scene unfolds.

"Well… isn't all of this so surprising?"

I said coldly with a cold grin to the classroom, and I successfully startled every single person around me.

Behind me, the students moved away from the window where I poked my head into. Even in the classroom, some students moved away from my position as soon as they noticed I poked my head in.

Haha. Even my lone existence is already enough to scare all these children away.

Or… was it the ghost next to me?

Right next to the window where I poked my head, everyone can see the ghost just floating in the air. Seeing the terrifying appearance of the demon turned everyone's brains to smithereens as they turned horrified by the horrifying existence.

It's Aunt Linda, and she is holding the same ghost doll that I used in the bathroom. And thanks to everyone seeing the doll, my existence right now has got to be the scariest.

The air turned colder, and the situation turned eerie. Not a single sound was made from the students since everyone was so horrified. To make things worse, the light on the classroom started to flicker badly, but not to the point where it would turn the room dark.

This is scary enough, right?

"Here I thought I was being nice… helping you punish your friends who have wronged you, making you into a fellow villainess like me. Turns out I was wrong, huh?


I called her name with the same cold tone, but Alica couldn't move her eyes away from the ghost doll. She was too frightened to make any move, and she didn't dare to open her mouth.

Everyone else too is far too surprised to do anything. Seeing a ghost so early in the morning must've been too scary for them, and no one is just making a single noise.

Everyone… is afraid of both me and the ghost.

"Was this thing too scary for you? In that case, I'll get rid of it."

I flicked my finger, and the light of the classroom turned off and on again very quickly. Within the split second where the classroom went dark, the ghost disappeared from the spot. It completely disappeared.

Everyone finally landed their gaze back to me, who is resting my chin on the window, staring straight at Alica's beautiful scared expression.

"I can't believe you lied to me, you know? And here I thought we could've gotten along… as fellow villains of our classes."

"Nobody… wants to get along with you. And I'm sure Nico is only like this because he was cursed by you."

Alica said angrily at me, and I giggled a little hearing her answer.

"Hnnn… How cute. Then again, that's what I like about you. You are always so cheeky with your actions, and you never give up.

In that case, I would like to confirm something. The part where… that girl. Miranda, was it? Was she really the one who brought the scissors?"

I pointed at a girl at the very far back of the crowd, and everyone turned their eyes towards her. But, what their eyes spotted was something else completely and entirely.

Miranda is indeed there. However, there is something else behind her.

"She is… the one who planned everything that day, right?"

I asked, but no one truly cared to answer.

After all, the ghost was right behind her.


Calvin shouted to Miranda, but the poor girl was only frozen on the spot. Her eyes looked like she was about to burst into tears, but she didn't dare to because she was afraid of the ghost.

But, the ghost isn't doing nothing. It landed a hand on Miranda's shoulder, and things are finally happening.


The lights on the classroom started to flicker really fast, followed by the loud scream of a girl. Even the lights on the hallway turned flickering, but the lights on the other classes weren't affected.

Hearing the death scream coming from class A, all the students from the other classes in the first year immediately rushed out of their classes. They all ran towards class A and noticed the large amount of crowd outside the classroom, and they began to learn of the situation better.

The screaming hasn't stopped, and everyone is crowding this one girl who seemed to be out of the ordinary.

A student… has gotten possessed.

Meanwhile, I'm only walking down the stairs with a wide grin on my face.

Alica… you fool.

You may have fooled me, but you made an even foolish mistake by continuing to make an enemy out of me.

You may have fooled me, but it's even more foolish to fight in this battle that you can never win.

Nico is mine. Not because he is bewitched by me, but it's because he just likes me unreasonably. To the point where I don't understand, even.

You will never win… but, keep trying, please.

It's always fun beating people when they're down.

Keep making my life enjoyable, my dear enemy~…