
Fighting the Cultists

[Chapter 251 Comments.]

[Keltic_Spirit: Seems my test fails, oh well we are in your hands now Mia.]

[TheTavius08: You know how people act on the Internet,I'm a jerk with a heart of gold.man I forgot it wasn't just you and Mia since your wife has been completely irrelevant to the plot whatsoever.]

[Random Passing Comments.]

[KidAnnihilation(248): Hey Theo if mia was a boy what would her name have been.Hopefully something cool like Laust nah maybe Sihan, oh maybe Marco.What ya think Theodore]

"Mmph!" Mia clapped her hand while activating her power to see the comments. "Oh. It's my turn to reply to the comments now since Dad is busy dealing with the enemies.

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