
I Can Peek Inside Every Place And Even Record It

Ciel reincarnated into a cultivation world, a vast world full of wealth and beauty. However, he finds life as a reincarnator is not as easy as he imagined. In all his years of cultivation, he was never able to live like the main character. There was no day without suffering until one day, he obtained one of the Legendary Nine Heavenly Treasures - the Eyes of Heaven. With those eyes, he could peer anywhere, through any wall and formation. Most importantly, no one could detect it. Filled with excitement, he boldly peeked into the palace of the Ice Goddess, which had recently been frequented by the Elf Queen. What did he find? Follow the story here... *** #No NTR Maybe you will think NTR about the relationship between the Elf Queen and the Ice Goddess, but believe me it's only the beginning, later you will find a surprising plot twist. https://discord*gg/kQRNTHh6eA

Dark_Crow1111 · Eastern
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292 Chs


The voice was loud, not only clearly audible in Yasmin's mansion, but also in the vicinity so that people were attracted.

This is quite surprising because it was just recently that the Ice Prince proposed to Yasmin. Now someone is proposing to her again.

When I think about it, it seems like a challenge to compete.

However, people also couldn't comment much because the Divine Light Young Master had a very high status.

He was a disciple of the God of Light, a Supreme God, who was the First and Oldest God in the Realm of Life.

His influence was naturally huge, his sect which was the Sect of Light had the most disciples in addition to controlling the largest territory. Even the number of gods in the sect besides the God of Light itself was more than five.

That was all not counting their connections that were everywhere. They were friends with many parties, even many gods had gained their favor when they were young.