
I Can Level Up My Soccer Stats Rapidly

After the tragic loss of both his parents, 19-year-old Dennis Niglesmann falls into a deep depression and abandons his dreams of becoming a soccer star. His once fit and agile body becomes overweight, and his passion for the game fades away. Meanwhile, his best friends Fred and Jenny are excelling as top soccer prospects, leaving Dennis feeling even more defeated. After a horrendous performance in a street soccer game, he decides to quit football forever. However, everything changes when Dennis stumbles upon a mysterious system that promises to rapidly improve his soccer stats. Although sceptical at first he soon makes peace with his past and decides to give it a try. As he begins to use the system, he quickly sees his abilities on the field improving at an alarming rate. His speed, agility, and skill all skyrocket, and for the first time in years, Dennis starts to feel alive again. With his newfound abilities, Dennis rekindles his love for soccer and starts to pursue his dreams with determination and passion. For every task he completes, he gains skill points which he can use to level up his attributes. "I Can Level Up My Soccer Stats Rapidly" is a story following Dennis's and the other characters' journey to the top of Eruodesh's football world, striving for greatness, overcoming adversity, and discovering the true power of teamwork and determination in pursuit of their dreams.

Ozen_Ice · Sports
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Soccer (Info)

Welcome to the beginner's soccer tutorial! For the sake of the novel this guide will provide you with a basic introduction to soccer.

Goal and Description:

The goal of soccer is to score more goals than the opposing team. The game is played between two teams, with each team aiming to kick the ball into the opposing team's goal. The game is played in two halves, each lasting 45 minutes, with a halftime break in between.


Soccer is played with two teams, each consisting of 11 players on the field at a time. Players can use any part of their body except their arms and hands to control and move the ball. The team with possession of the ball aims to pass and dribble their way towards the opposing team's goal and score. The game is controlled by a referee, who enforces the rules and ensures fair play.


To play soccer, you will need a soccer ball, cleats, and shin guards to protect your legs. Players also wear jerseys, shorts, and socks as their uniform. Additionally, a goal and goalkeepers are required to play the game.


There are several positions in soccer, each with its own specific roles and responsibilities. Some key positions include the goalkeeper, who defends the goal, defenders, who prevent the opposing team from scoring, midfielders, who control the flow of the game, and forwards, who aim to score goals.

Other Things to Know:

Offside - This happens when a player is closer to the opponent's goal line than both the ball and the second-last opponent when the ball is played to them.

Cards - Referees use cards to discipline players. A yellow card is a warning, and if a player gets two, they have to leave the game. A red card means the player has to leave the game immediately.

Penalty - This happens when a player commits a foul in their own penalty area, and the other team gets a direct shot at the goal from the penalty spot.

Free kick - This is a chance to kick the ball without being stopped by the other team. A direct free kick means a player can score directly without the ball touching another player. An indirect free kick requires another player to touch the ball before it goes into the goal.

Corner kick - When the ball goes out of play over the defending team's goal line and a member of the attacking team kicks the ball from the corner arc.

Goal kick - After the attacking team kicks the ball out of play over the defending team's goal line, the game restarts with a goal kick from the defending team.

Substitution - When a player leaves the field and is replaced by another player. Each team can make a certain number of substitutions during a game.

Advantage - The referee can allow play to continue when there's been a foul if the fouled team would benefit more from playing on than having a free kick or penalty.

Throw in - When the ball goes out of play on the sideline, a player from the opposite team to the one that touched the ball last throws it back into play.

Transfer market - The transfer market is where soccer players can be bought and sold between teams. Teams can pay money to purchase a player from another team and improve their own squad.

In Soccer, it's important to learn the basic rules and skills of the game, such as passing, dribbling, and shooting. Understanding teamwork and good sportsmanship are crucial in soccer, as well as staying in good physical shape and being prepared to run for long periods of time.

Now that you have a basic understanding of soccer, you can start reading the novel,Good luck and have a great time.