
I Can Level Up in the Apocalypse Catastrophe

Synopsis: Evolution - we alter our genes, become genetic warriors... Without lofty dreams, without aspiring to be the savior of humanity, yet becoming the sole individual aware of extraterrestrial beings invading Earth. While humanity struggles against mutated creatures and zombie-like beings, he is already preparing for the impending arrival of the 'Zak Tribe.' To survive and thrive, the only option is to engage in relentless warfare amidst the chaos of humans and the mutated undead.

Harvey_undead · Sci-fi
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20 Chs

Chapter 1: The Maya System

"Today is April 3, 2012, 12:38 PM. According to astronomical observations, a 'meteor shower' is predicted to pass through the Earth's upper atmosphere," Fang Chong idly sat on the sofa, watching the news on CCTV at half-past the hour.

"However, in broad daylight, even if there is a 'meteor shower' passing through the Earth's atmosphere, can we see it? News reports these days are becoming less reliable," Fang Chong expressed disdain. He had seen several news channels broadcasting this news for days, but in broad daylight, could one really see a 'meteor shower'? Fang Chong was quite skeptical.

Nevertheless, online, there were numerous people broadcasting the event, and some, whether exaggeration or sarcasm, even claimed that this meteor shower would bring an apocalyptic disaster to humanity. Regarding such news, Fang Chong just chuckled.

"There's about ten minutes left. Now, through high-definition telescopes, we can already see it very clearly," the television continued to play the introduction by a beautiful female anchor.

Fang Chong stood up and drew open the curtains, casting a half-believing, half-doubting gaze at the sky outside. Although he didn't quite believe one could see meteors in broad daylight, curiosity lingered. Moreover, just as he saw on the TV, there were indeed countless stone-like objects flying past the Earth.

"Drip, drip." The wall clock above chimed.

"It's 12:47." As time approached, Fang Chong watched the sky intently. It was precisely at this moment that the endless blue sky underwent a dramatic transformation. Winds roared, clouds surged, and the bright sky suddenly darkened.

"Could it be that the heavens are truly this generous?" Fang Chong stared at the now night-like sky in disbelief. Looking down at the streets below, many people stood, gazing at the sky covered in darkness, their faces lit up with a profound sense of amusement.

In broad daylight, witnessing a 'meteor shower,' and the largest in recorded history, is an event no Earthling would want to miss.

"Drip," a prolonged sound echoed, precisely marking 12:48. At this moment, Fang Chong had no interest in looking at the clock on his wall.

Outside the window, the black sky suddenly illuminated with an unusually bright 'ball of light,' trailing a long tail across the horizon.

"So beautiful." Standing at the bay window, Fang Chong could clearly hear the cheers from the people down on the street. Initially just one or two, but as time passed, more and more meteors appeared in Fang Chong's sight.

At this point, those who were cheering moments ago now seemed frightened. The intense friction noise from meteors colliding with the atmosphere, coupled with the increasing meteor shower, caused a change in the once-black sky. The black disappeared, replaced by an eerie blood-red color, instilling a burst of fear in the hearts of onlookers, reminiscent of scenes from apocalyptic movies.

Suddenly, one of the meteors that had streaked across the sky descended towards the ground. A massive fireball expanded in Fang Chong's pupils, and in that instant, he could feel the heat rushing towards him.

Before Fang Chong could gather his thoughts, the colossal fireball vanished from his sight, accompanied by a tremendous roar and seismic-like vibrations. Fang Chong knew the fireball had exploded somewhere in the city they lived in.

The crowd, initially celebrating, now panicked. Laughter and cheers disappeared in an instant, replaced by a wave of fearful voices and children's cries.

"What's happening?" Although Fang Chong didn't see where the enormous fireball fell, he could sense, from the sound and intense vibrations, that it wasn't far from where he lived.

Fang Chong steadied himself and turned to check the live broadcast on CCTV. News was the best way to understand sudden events, especially considering the recent special report about the meteor shower visiting Earth. Fang Chong believed that with such a significant event in the city, many national departments would be monitoring it, and television would be the fastest way to console the public.

However, reality didn't align with Fang Chong's expectations. When he turned back, the LCD screen that had been displaying the news clearly was now covered in gray snowflakes.

"Could it really be as the internet says – today is the end of the world?" Fang Chong entertained this thought, a notion he would usually dismiss as foolish. Yet, in the current circumstances, he found himself somewhat believing.

"Bang!" Another loud noise shook Fang Chong violently, almost causing him to fall. Stabilizing himself, he noticed a towering blaze outside. Without thinking, he knew another meteor had intimately collided with the earth, and this time, it was even closer to where he was.

"What should I do?" Staring blankly at the flickering flames outside, Fang Chong, too, felt a sense of dread.

At just over twenty-two years old, Fang Chong, essentially a big kid, had lost his parents early. Fortunately, they left him several properties, and now he relied on rental income to make a living. The ordinary and uneventful life of the past twenty-something years left him bewildered in the face of this unprecedented situation.

Going outside wasn't an option, and staying inside seemed equally unsafe. In the case of an earthquake, running to an open space outside would provide some safety, but now, with meteors continuously streaking across the sky, who knew when another one might fall?

Fang Chong stared blankly at the blood-red sky, his eyes devoid of spirit.


"No way?" The harsh noise from the intense friction startled Fang Chong. A massive fireball, roughly a meter in diameter, was heading straight for the bay window where he stood. It expanded rapidly in his field of vision.

Caught off guard, Fang Chong was too frightened to even think about running. He stood there, dumbfounded.

After a while, Fang Chong finally snapped out of it. However, by this time, the fireball was dangerously close to him.

Fang Chong instinctively took a few steps back, but the intense vibrations from earlier knocked a shelf down. Unaware of the obstacle behind him, Fang Chong inadvertently retreated and collided with the shelf. With a soft "thud," Fang Chong fell.

"Am I going to die?" Fang Chong, watching the fireball growing larger in his vision, closed his eyes in despair.

At that moment, the searing sensation truly engulfed him.

"Boom!" The fireball made a colossal sound as it made contact with the window sill. The tremendous impact pushed Fang Chong, who was lying on the ground, slamming into the wall, and then the wooden floor, experiencing an intimate connection for the second time.

The two powerful collisions rendered Fang Chong, whose body was not particularly robust to begin with, unconscious.


"Weak physical function."

"Weak reaction capability."

"Sluggish speed."

"Weak strength."

"Average intelligence."

"Optimal potential."

These data points continued to be reported. "The host's body is currently in a dangerous state. The 'Maya System' automatically activates the repair device." A numb, cold mechanical voice echoed continuously in Fang Chong's room.

As the repair device initiated, Fang Chong, who had lost all perception, was covered in a golden glow. The impact of the fireball against the window sill had caused several scalding fragments, resulting in multiple burns on Fang Chong's body. However, under the influence of the golden light, these wounds slowly transformed, healing. After a few minutes, his skin became smooth, identical to the undamaged skin on the rest of his body.

"Ugh." After an unknown amount of time, Fang Chong slowly opened his eyes.

"Did I die?" The first thought that crossed Fang Chong's mind upon waking up because by this time, it was already the evening of April 3, 2012. The 'meteor shower' outside had long disappeared, leaving the room in complete darkness.

"According to the terminology of your planet, the host is still alive in the current state." Just as Fang Chong was about to get up from the floor, a cold voice echoed in his mind.

"Who's there?" Fang Chong was startled by the sudden emergence of this voice.

In the pitch-black room, with the cold and emotionless tone, Fang Chong couldn't help but feel uneasy. "I am within you, 'host.' Just immerse your consciousness in your mind," the voice replied, still cold and indifferent.

"Within me?" Fang Chong reacted as if hit by a bomb, jumping up from the ground. In his hand, he picked up an unidentified object from the floor, preparing it as a potential weapon.

However, after standing up, the quiet room remained completely silent. Fang Chong felt puzzled.

"The 'host' only needs to immerse their consciousness in their mind to see me." Just when Fang Chong thought he was seeing things, the voice reappeared.

"What's going on?" After hearing the voice again, Fang Chong calmed down. At this point, he was finally certain that something indeed existed within his body. He sighed in frustration, running his hand through his hair, and decided to concentrate his mind.

"No harm in trying," Fang Chong thought. Initially skeptical about the existence of mental power, he found that as he focused, he could sense something in his mind.

As he concentrated further, the imagery in his mind became clearer. "Maya System welcomes the host," a light sound echoed, as if a door had been opened by Fang Chong.

His consciousness entered. The voice that had guided Fang Chong into his mind reappeared. With its return, Fang Chong found himself in a metallic room.

"Maya System." Fang Chong heard these words again, difficult to comprehend. What was the meaning behind 'host' and 'Maya System'? And who was the owner of this voice?

With a flood of questions, Fang Chong's mind was suddenly overwhelmed.