
I Can Learn All the Techniques

Unbeknown to all, in his past life, Ru Yujin was the most powerful cultivator of humankind. But when he was reborn, he lost almost all memories of his past life. Now, although Ru Yujin still had his extreme talent, because he was from a poor peasant family, he could never hope to achieve high status in his cultivation sect. Ru Yujin wasn’t going to let this stop him. He was going to return his memories, his power, and his empire. No matter what trials and monsters waited for him in the vast galaxy and beyond it, for him, they were opportunities. When you could create a technique to solve every problem, anything was possible! “Huh? Learning techniques is supposed to be hard? Maybe this technique was just too easy. Teacher, can I have another one?”

Garessta · Eastern
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54 Chs

Seven days


I put a hand over my chest. "What an injustice. The criminal escapes unpunished!"

"She paid for it with the lives of the Tao clan's people. Many fell among those who assaulted our walls today, creating a distraction that let her enter and escape. Although, the victory wasn't bloodless for us, either. And with the attack on the palace, people in the city will grow fearful. Disciple, how many wraiths do you have prepared?"

"Seventy, Master. I've been making them as fast as I could, but I've seen Tao Song burn two dozen hungry spirits with a single wave of her fans. Wave of her fans, and fire. I think we need at least seventy more before attacking."

"We may not have this much time, Disciple. Keep working. I will arrange a new, not destroyed room for you to live in, and tell you when the time to strike comes. Then you will lead the wraiths in attack."