
I Can Hear Everyone's Inner Thoughts

In a company meeting, I was listening attentively to the leader's lecture when I suddenly heard a charming voice. "George Wilson, the nerd, doesn't even look at me, but I haven't seen him for years. He's so handsome now. He seems pretty majestic too, and I don't know what it's like to be fu*ked by him." I looked up incredulously to see who was so bold as to rush to say such things at a meeting where the cold and beautiful chairman was present and to call me by my name directly. Did we know each other before? But I looked around and found that everyone was all serious as if they hadn't heard anyone speak at all, and I thought I was hallucinating, but I heard the voice again, "Gee, I really want to be nailed by him. Why don't I take him to my office later?" I was shocked to sweep from the face of each female colleague, but everyone was serious in the meeting, and only the beautiful chairman would glance at me from time to time. I thought I had been caught off guard, hurried to pretend to listen carefully, and the voice also disappeared, but at the end of the lecture, I was surprised to find that her voice was actually the same as the voice I heard, although the tone was different, it was definitely one person. Could it be that she was the one who just spoke? Did we know each other before? Just when I was surprised, the meeting ended, and the beautiful chairman also looked at me and said, "George, why don't you come to my office!" I looked at the beautiful chairman in shock. Was it really her? And she wanted me to go to her office to have sex with me?

Inner Thoughts · Urban
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40 Chs

The Proactive Anna

Translator: EndlessFantasy Translation Editor: EndlessFantasy Translation

"Ah?" Clair was stunned.

"What if I say I do?" Clair probed.

"Then do you mind having one more?" Anna said in embarrassment, pinching her own fingers.

Clair was stunned. What kind of words were these?

However, soon, Anna smiled. "I'm just kidding. If Mr. Clair has a girlfriend, I can only be envious of your girlfriend. But if you don't have a girlfriend, I want to ask, do I have a chance?"

Anna pulled down the zipper of her sportswear, and her huge breasts looked like they were about to pop out.

"I don't have a girlfriend," Clair said.

"Really?!" Anna was pleasantly surprised.

"Mr. Clair, do you think I have a chance?" Anna asked sweetly.

'If he can be my boyfriend, my sisters will definitely be jealous of me! It's been a long time since I've done it with a man. If he agreed, we'll get a room tonight!'

Hearing Anna's words, Clair could not help but clench his fists.

However, at the same time, he had an impulse. The woman who had delivered herself to his door was such a sporty beauty. Clair was also a little tempted.

Having sex was fine, but when it came to a serious relationship... To be blunt, Clair still did not want to be responsible for her.

"Miss Anna, you're very beautiful, but I might not be suitable for you," Clair said tactfully.

Anna looked disappointed, but she seemed to have understood something from Clair's hesitation, so she said, "Mr. Clair, don't be in a hurry to reject me. We can get to know each other first. Just like you said just now, we can get to know each other better."

Anna threw a meaningful look at him and pulled down the zipper of her shirt.

Clair swore that he was only focused on his work and never overstepped his boundaries. Anna was the one who initiated all of this!

He was just a man, a man with normal desires!

Half an hour later, they arrived at an unfinished hotel called Tris.

"Miss Anna, this is..." Looking at the rough buildings around her, Clair roughly knew where he was.

"Yes, this is my hotel."

"Miss Anna, do you want me to build the entire hotel for you alone?" Clair joked.

"Mr. Clair, you're really humorous," Anna said softly with a hand over her mouth."

As she spoke, Anna had already walked up to Clair and tiptoed.

Anna continued softly, "Mr. Clair, although you seem to be full of strength, it would be tiring for you to build the entire hotel by yourself. However, I brought you here because I need your help to explore a certain place..." Anna blushed when she said the last word, but she was extremely excited.

Clair was brought here by Anna without resistance. He had already expected what was going to happen. However, when he felt the ambiguous atmosphere and saw Anna's red face, Clair's body trembled uncontrollably.

Anna naturally noticed Clair's uneasiness and was even more delighted.

"Mr. Clair, why are you so nervous? I won't eat you!" Anna teased with a smile.

Anna had thought that a handsome man like Clair, who had a good figure, would definitely have many girls chasing after him, so he must have a lot of experience in matters between men and women. Even if he had no experience, at least he was not a virgin.

However, looking at Clair who was trembling with nervousness, Anna was sure that even if Clair was not a virgin, he had not interacted with many girls. Where could she find such a top-notch man? Anna's heart was burning, and the temperature of her body was rising rapidly. She could not bear it anymore.

Without another word, Anna dragged Clair to a room in the hotel.

Opening the door, a large round bed appeared in front of Clair. The walls were still rough, and the floor was not laid yet. However, the extremely expensive bed was extremely eye-catching in this room. Coupled with the large floor-to-ceiling window, it gave him the feeling that the bed was the only thing in the room.

Anna pulled Clair onto the bed, but as soon as he sat down, Clair sank down, and there was the sound of water flowing under him.

"Hahaha, Mr. Clair, I'm sorry. I forgot to tell you that this is a waterbed." Seeing Clair make a fool of herself, Anna giggled.

"Waterbed? Wasn't such things exclusive to couple hotels?"

Just as he was thinking, Anna also laid down in Clair's arms, resting on her firm arm.

'I feel so safe with him! As soon as I lay in his arms, my body went soft. I can't stand it anymore. I want to do it with him immediately! No, I can't be anxious. I can't let him think that I'm a sl*t. I can't let him think that all we have is a friends-with-benefits relationship!'

Anna's complicated thoughts immediately entered Clair's mind. He could not help but sigh. A woman's thoughts were indeed complicated. She had thought so much in such a short time. However, Anna's thoughts inexplicably made Clair feel that she was a little cute.

Since he did not reject Anna, it meant that he had a good impression of Anna. His concept of sex was not so conservative. As long as the two of them were willing, they would take what they needed!

After thinking about it, Clair decided to make the first move and get rid of his image as a virgin in Anna's heart.

Therefore, Clair turned around and pressed himself on Anna's body. He placed his hands on both sides of Anna's head and stared at Anna with a burning gaze.

"Can I?" Clair asked gentlemanly.

Anna's heart was a mess. She did not expect Clair to take the initiative, as if he had heard her thoughts! Anna nodded without avoiding his eyes.

The next moment, Clair kissed her gently.