
I Can Gain Power From the Novel's I've Read

Reo Carter, a book-loving teenager and typical NEET, wakes up in a mysterious world filled with magic and mystic powers. Despite everyone else being able to use magic, Reo discovers he's the only human unable to do so. Feeling depressed, he finds himself in a dire situation suddenly becoming a damsel in distress. Due to an incident with a demon he discovered that he has the power to jump into the world of novel's he read before and use the power he gain from the novel. Join Reo as he wrecked havoc upon the world.

MercuryDrone · Fantasy
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25 Chs

Twin's Reunion, Part 3

Chapter 10: Twin's Reunion, Part 3

The dimly lit chamber echoed with a foreboding silence, broken only by the soft shuffle of Camila's steps as she cautiously approached the unconscious form of Noel. The air crackled with an ominous energy, a palpable tension that hung heavy in the stale atmosphere.

Camila's sharp eyes narrowed as she evaluated the situation. Noel lay still, but his presence felt unsettling. Taking a deep breath, Camila tightened her hold on her scissors, ready to use their sharp blades.

As she drew closer, the shadows seemed to coil and writhe around her. With a subtle flick of her wrist, Camila summoned forth a swirling mist of shadow, the inky tendrils weaving and undulating at her command. 

Camila swiftly acted, moving with grace and accuracy as she navigated through the shadows. The mist of darkness shrouded her, hiding her movements as she approached the possessed Noel.

From Lamy and Nora's perspective, it seemed as though Camila had disappeared into the darkness, nowhere to be found.


Noel's eyes snapped open, glowing with an otherworldly fervor as the demonic energy surged within him. With a guttural snarl, he lashed out with inhuman speed, his limbs moving with blinding swiftness as he tried to repel Camila's advances.

Camila unfazed, her reflexes honed to a razor's edge from years of training and discipline. With a graceful sidestep, she narrowly evaded Noel's onslaught, her scissors flashing in the dim light as she deftly parried his blows.

Clank, Clang

Every clash of metal echoed throughout the chamber, creating a discordant melody of violence as Camila and Noel danced in a deadly duel of blades and fists. With each interaction, the shadow tendrils twisted and contorted around Noel, impeding his movements significantly.

Despite Noel's imposing strength, Camila remained steadfast, her movements graceful and precise as she unleashed an unrelenting assault. With each strike, she forced Noel onto the defensive.

The two spectators watched in amazement as the battle unfolded in the darkness, often unable to discern the details but witnessing Noel being gradually pushed back. As the conflict escalated, they notice something strange: there was a distinct absence of visible mana flow.

"Young miss, do my eyes deceive me?" Ask Lamy dumbfounded.

"Shadow Bending, she's affiliated with the Talia House," Nora exclaimed, her gaze locked on the unfolding battle with heightened intensity. 

The Levasti Family a boasted unique bloodline abilities, gifts passed down through generations. It was these inherent abilities that ensured the family's continued success and elevated them to their esteemed position in society.

The Talia House, renowned as one of the Kingdom's most dreaded assassin, earned the moniker "Shadow Wraiths." Once marked as their target, one would find themselves plunged into a perpetual state of terror.

Their bloodline ability is called "Shadow Bend" allowed them to completely control the shadows by will without the need to use of any medium including mana.

Their methods were as ruthless as they were effective, leaving no trace behind but the echoing screams of their victims. Their assassins moved like phantoms in the night, striking swiftly and without mercy, leaving only chaos and despair in their wake.

Once marked by the Talia House, there was no escape, no sanctuary to be found. They were relentless hunters, pursuing their quarry with unwavering determination until their mission was complete. 

Knowing such a person was pretending to be her maid struck Nora.

An overwhelming surge of emotions flooded her as she struggled to comprehend why someone of her stature would lower themselves to the role of her servant. Nora's breathing became increasingly difficult, and her body felt as though it was weighed down by an invisible force. Suddenly, her legs gave way, and she collapsed to her knees.

'What is this I'm feeling?' she thought to herself

"Young miss, are you alright?" Lamy rushed to Nora's side as she collapsed, offering her assistance.

"I'm...I...just need...rest," Nora replied, her breathing ragged.

"Ah, I'll help you"

Fortunately, there was a bench nearby, away from the chaos of the battle. With Lamy's support, Nora settled onto the bench, her complexion noticeably drained of its usual vibrancy, resembling more of a ghostly pallor. Her labored breathing and fatigued expression reflected the toll the situation had taken on her.


After helping young miss to her seat. I shifted my attention back to the ongoing battle. 

Using the natural cover provided by the botanical garden, Camila was moving swiftly and silently, her steps light as she circled around young master. No, the demon. She could sense the repulsive demonic energy pulsating from him. 

'This is all my fault'

As she looked back on their past together, she couldn't shake the feeling that somehow she was to blame. Whether it was just bad luck or something beyond her control, she felt an overwhelming sense of responsibility weighing on her heart.

Each memory felt like a stab to her soul, breaking through the mask of strength she tried to maintain. Tears filled her eyes, not just for Noel, but also for herself, for the role she played in his suffering.

Her mind was a whirlwind of thoughts, pondering the series of misfortunes that seemed to follow Noel. Each tragedy felt like a heavy burden on her shoulders, threatening to overwhelm her with guilt and sorrow.

She silently prayed for forgiveness and a chance to make things right. But deep down, she knew that no amount of regret could change the fate they were entangled in. So, she sat in the darkness, lost in her thoughts, haunted by her own perceived mistakes.


With a flick of her wrist, Camila conjured a thin tendril of shadow, directing it to coil around Noel's limbs and hold him in place. The shadowy bonds wrapped around him like chains, securing him firmly to the ground and preventing him from lashing out in his possessed state.

The shadows wrapped around her scissors, expanding until they were large enough to slice through Noe's entire body.


The demon fought against his restraints, attempting to break free, but for every one he destroyed, another emerged, until around twenty shadow tendrils held him firmly in place. In this darkness, Camila's power truly stood out, overpowering even a demon.


The demon let out a desperate growl the demonic energy enveloping his body grew rapidly.

With a burst of demonic energy, spikes erupted from the ground, threatening to impale Camila where she stood. Seeing his change Camila immediately prepare for his attack. With a graceful leap, she danced through the shadows, her movements fluid and graceful as she evaded the deadly spikes with ease. 

As she landed with a soft thud, Camila felt a surge of adrenaline coursing through her veins. The battle was far from over, but she was determined to emerge victorious. With her scissors in hand, she faced the demon-possessed Noel.