
I Can Extract Game Items Into Reality

August Clementine was once Reacher, a wealthy and thrill-seeking businessman who had everything but satisfaction in life. After a fatal adventure, Reacher awakens on a parallel Earth, in the body of the destitute and troubled 19-year-old August Clementine. With his new identity, August finds himself burdened with debt and responsible for his beloved younger sister, Sophia. Desperate to change their fate, August immerses himself in Enders Light, a cutting-edge VRMMORPG that blurs the line between virtual and reality. In this fantastical game world, players can bring specific items that meet certain requirements into the real world and even gain a fraction of their in-game abilities and strength. But August’s journey is far from easy. Stuck at level 12 and unable to progress past his starting village due to a rare armor shortage, August must rely on his wits and determination. As he embarks on perilous quests, faces formidable magical creatures, and uncovers hidden secrets, he discovers his potential as a true adventurer. A breakthrough comes when he retrieves a mystical purification stone from a river teeming with magical aqua beasts and uses it to cleanse an ancient, corrupted altar. His reward includes the legendary Fruit of Corruption, a priceless item with the potential to grant supernatural abilities in the real world. Caught between the allure of selling the fruit for financial security and the temptation of gaining extraordinary powers, August must make a choice that will define his and Sophia’s future... "What? I gained the ability to extract any item from the game into the real world without restrictions?"

Decrepit_bastard · Games
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13 Chs

Hidden Special Quest Unlocked

Today was the day August would leave the Village of Unhidden Mist and venture into the wider world of Enders Light.

The Tree of Life had granted him access to new regions, and with it, a chance to find the strength and resources he needed to change his and Sophia's fate.

"Time to say goodbye," August voiced with a smile.

He didn't care that the villagers were NPC. They felt like real people to him and this was just another way of enjoying the adventure.

As he walked through the village, the morning sun cast a warm glow over the familiar surroundings.

The villagers, with their unique blend of beast and human features, went about their daily routines. August felt a pang of nostalgia, knowing that this place had become like a second home to him.

His first stop was the market, where he had spent countless hours gathering supplies and talking to vendors. Fenrik, the fox-headed merchant, greeted him with a wide smile.

"Aleman! Good to see you. Heard you finally got past the Tree of Life. That's quite the accomplishment!" Fenrik said as his eyes twinkled with adoration.

"Thanks, Fenrik. I couldn't have done it without the support of everyone here," August replied while shaking Fenrik's hand. "I'll be heading out soon, but I wanted to say goodbye and thank you for everything."

Fenrik's smile faltered slightly. "We'll miss you around here, Aleman. But I know you'll do great things out there. Just remember to visit us when you can."

"I will," August promised.

He purchased some last-minute supplies, knowing that every bit would help in the challenges ahead.

August then proceeded to make his way to the village blacksmith, a burly man with the head of a bull.

The forge was hot and noisy, filled with the sound of hammering and the scent of molten metal. The blacksmith, known as Thorek, looked up from his work as August approached.

"Aleman, what brings you here today?" Thorek asked while wiping sweat from his brow.

"I'm leaving the village," August explained. "I wanted to thank you for all the help and equipment you've provided. Your weapons have saved my life more times than I can count."

Thorek nodded as a proud smile appeared on his face. "I'm glad to hear that. You've been one of my best customers, Aleman. Take this as a parting gift." He handed August a finely crafted dagger, its blade gleaming in the light. "May it serve you well in your travels."

<< Player Has Received An Uncommon Toxic Dagger >>

August accepted the dagger with gratitude. "Thank you, Thorek. I'll make sure it does."

August made his way to the village healer's hut after leaving the forge. The healer was a gentle-looking woman with the head of an owl. She had provided him with potions and patched him up more times than he could remember.

She greeted him with a warm smile as he entered.

"Aleman, it's good to see you. How are you feeling today?" she asked with a soothing and melodic voice.

"I'm feeling great, thanks to you," August replied. "I'm leaving the village, and I wanted to thank you for all the care you've given me."

The healer's eyes softened. "You've always been a brave and determined soul, Aleman. The world out there can be harsh, but I know you'll face it with courage. Take this potion with you." She handed him a small vial filled with a glowing liquid. "It will heal you in times of need."

<< Player Has Received A Tier 2 Healing Potion >>

August accepted the vial with a deep sense of gratitude. "Thank you. I'll make sure to use it wisely."

Finally, August made his way to the village chief's house. The chief, with his regal stag-like appearance, stood at the doorway as if anticipating Aleman's visit.

"Aleman," the chief said, his voice filled with warmth. "I heard you were leaving us. You've done well here, and the village will miss you."

"I couldn't have achieved what I did without your guidance, Chief," August replied while bowing respectfully. "Thank you for everything."

The chief nodded with a proud smile on his face. "You have the heart of an adventurer, Aleman. The world out there is vast and full of challenges. Take this amulet with you," He handed Aleman a small, intricately carved pendant. "It will protect you on your journey."

<< Player Has Received Danting Pendant >>

<< Offers +5 Physical Damage Resistance, +10 Magical Resistance, upon Equipping >>

Aleman accepted the amulet; "Thank you, Chief. I'll carry it with me always."

'I didn't even know this could happen... It was never mentioned that one could get gifts this way. It's good that I decided to say goodbye to them all before leaving.'

As August was about to leave, the chief called out to him.

"Aleman," his voice warm but serious. "Before you leave, I have one final request for you. It is something only a capable adventurer like you can handle."

August felt a surge of curiosity while turning around; 'This is new...'

"Of course, Chief. What do you need?"

The chief led August inside and sat down, motioning for August to do the same.

"There is a corrupted stem that has taken root near our village crops. It poses a significant threat to our harvest and must be uprooted. This task requires strength and caution, as the stem is protected by dark magic."

August listened intently with even more assurance that this had never happened to other players because he had never seen any news or online information about such an occurrence.

"I'll take care of it, Chief. Where can I find this corrupted stem?"

The chief nodded appreciatively. "It is located in the northern fields, near the edge of the forest. Be cautious, Aleman. The dark magic can be unpredictable."

A system notification appeared before August:

[ New Quest: Uproot the Corrupted Stem ]

Objective: Uproot the corrupted stem near the village crops and secure the area.

Reward: Dark Loots and special hidden quest unlock.

August accepted the quest immediately. "I'll be careful chief. You have my word."

The chief smiled with a look of relief on his face. "Thank you, Aleman. May the spirits guide you."

August left the chief's house and made his way towards the northern fields.

The path was lined with healthy crops, but as he approached the edge, he could see the corrupted stem.

It was a twisted, gnarled thing, pulsating with dark energy. The air around it felt heavy and oppressive.

Drawing his newly gifted dagger, August moved cautiously toward the stem. He could feel the dark magic radiating from it, spreading a certain corrosive aura.

<[ 10 Alert: Player Will Lose HP For Every Second Spent Within The Corrosive Range Of Corrupted Stem ]>

[ -10 HP ]

"Damn, I better complete this quickly then," He immediately drifted into the shadows and reappeared right behind the stem.

With a deep breath, he plunged his dagger into the ground around the stem, cutting through the roots that anchored it.


A loud dark magic-filled screech reverberated from the stem immediately, sending August staggering backwards while holding his head.

[ - 50 HP ]

<[ 10 Alert: Player Has Received Corrosive Flare And Will Lose Extra HP Every Second ]>

[ - 20 HP ]

[ - 20 HP ]

"You little shit!" August cursed upon noticing how quickly his HP was draining.

However, now wasn't the time to worry about that.

He stabbed his blade at the root once more.

The stem resisted as its dark magic flared up in an attempt to protect itself.

August was no longer taken by surprise since the fist attack so he gritted his teeth and continued to work.

He bore the pain and stinging vibrations in his head while using his strength and determination to overcome the dark energy.

After a fierce struggle, he managed to uproot the stem, severing its connection to the dark magic.

[Task Complete: Uproot the Corrupted Stem]

As the stem withered and died, Aleman noticed a few items left behind:

Dark talisman (+5 Resistance To Dark Magic), Cursed finger (Contains dark properties that can be added to weapons), Dark seeds (Sows Corruption).

He collected them, knowing they could be useful in his journey ahead.

Returning to the village, August handed the withered stem to the chief. The chief's eyes widened in surprise and gratitude.

"You have done well, Aleman," the chief said with a voice full of admiration. "As promised, you have earned your reward and unlocked a hidden quest."

A new system notification appeared:

[Hidden Special Quest Unlocked: The Purification Ritual (Rank D)]

Objective: Retrieve the purification stone from the river in the next town, filled with magical aqua beasts. Use the stone to purify the ancient altar located in a hidden location within Unhidden Mist.

Rewards: Fruit of Corruption, 10000 EXP, Unique Weapon.

August read the details of the hidden quest with widened eyes.

"The fruit of corruption? Is this real?" He muttered in disbelief.