
I Can Create Perfect Accidents.

John, who had been framed and wrongly imprisoned, was finally released. His five-year jail time had fostered his hatred toward the son of the Waters Conglomerate, Niel. However, John, who had no connections, could not do anything about it. When he had almost lost all hope while accompanying his girlfriend who was in a vegetative state thanks to Niel, he suddenly realized that there was a search bar right before his eyes! This search bar was just like the search bar in Google Chrome! After a long silence, John tried to type a line into the search bar. "How to accomplish a perfect crime without leaving any mishaps that will cause the death of Neil Waters?" Immediately after that, a line of words appeared on the search bar: "On March 19, 2021, at 3:29:19 PM, on the trash can at the intersection of Louis Street, place a Lincoln brand pencil that is 3.5 cm in length, with a 1 cm³ base area, and weighs 2.8 g. There will be a series of accidents that will result in Neil's death in a car accident!"

Comfortably Trippy · Urban
Not enough ratings
131 Chs

John's Performance

Translator: Atlas Studios Editor: Atlas Studios

In the police car.

The wound on John's abdomen was affected.

The white bandage was soaked in red again.

After calling the female doctor just now, John's desire to perform seemed to have been restrained.

His expression was cold.

The waves of pain he was feeling couldn't be seen on his face at all.

The old detective, Bloom, and the Secret Service agent, Victor, sat on either side of John.

The atmosphere in the car was silent.

Victor subconsciously twirled a lock of hair on his forehead.

He studied John in the rearview mirror.

Sitting so close to John, Victor felt like he was leaning against a ferocious beast that was about to explode.

Every cell in his body was giving out warnings.

His cells were begging and shouting in his ears, "Stay away from him! Stay away from him!"

On the other side, old detective Bloom's body was also tense.