
Chapter 281: Half-step Spiritual Treasure, Nine Heavens Thunder Spirit_2

Translator: 549690339

Thinking of this, he no longer hesitated, collected the main array disk and array flags of the Nine Heavens Thunder Spirit Formation, activated the cave mansion's restrictions, opened the door, and dashed out. His figure soared into the sky, leaving the Immortal Workshop. He stopped dozens of miles away in a deserted forest. Then, he released the Green Reed Sword he was holding.

The dark green sword immediately became lively, rushing forward swiftly. However, it only covered a few hundred meters before suddenly stopping.

Next, it seemed to sense other separated swords and moved to the left, but it stopped again after a few hundred meters.

After that, it retreated a few hundred meters, stopped, and ascended another few hundred meters...

So it continued repeatedly.

Han Yi, standing on one side, watched the Green Reed Sword circling in place, feeling quite speechless.