
I can't love you.

Caine Reed , a new transfer teacher decides to teach at an infamous high school for girls , Rose East VII High school , due that his mother once taught there. His first day became odd , as he witness a young girl would follow him almost everywhere, and he'd find her almost the beautiful. But as his desire grows for the student , who is names Hermia , How will he cope with all the obstacles and the startling truth of Hermia?

Jane_Hunzwi · Urban
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1 Chs


it's been 3 weeks , and no letter from the principal if he'd let me teach at the school.

Desperate , as I wait , sighing towards my computer, awaiting a message of approval.

"Hey honey , could you come here for a sec?!" Margot , my now ex-wife calls out for me from the kitchen.

To my surprise she kissed me immediately as I stepped in , her excitement evident in the movement of her hands that's now wandering all over my body.

"You've been in your room since, don't you think you need a break ?" she chuckles as she starts kissing me again. "Margot...Margot!" I manage to say through kisses , only now parting my lips away from hers. " You need to go." She gazes at me with confusion so evident in her eyes as she slowly moves away from me , her brown eyes still fixated on me.

"But you the one who called me here! You can't just-"

"Go back to your husband!" I yell , knowing it would anger her and force her leave.

instead , she smirks coldly , walking towards the kitchen counter taking her purse, "Husband?" She says mid-laughter.

she now walks to the door , slowly , incase I'd ever change my mind. "The only husband I have here is you." Her voice now sounding dark, as she slams her way out of my apartment.

after a few seconds of comprehending, I walk back towards my room almost running.

the screen was looking striaght at me , and I was looking straight at what I always wanted to see.

Finally , the approval letter of the principal.