
Chapter 2: I Met The Flush

Ken was lightly chopped on the neck by The God of Lightspeed causing Ken to instantly knock himself out of his consciousness and slightly fell to the ground.

"I hope i didn't put to much power on my chop or else i'm dead to sir King God" as the god nervously said it and check if ken was still breathing. "Ohh, he's still alive Hooo..." a sign of relief by god of lightspeed. "I really should be hurrying myself right now, before they got mad at me" God of lightspeed put on a protected barrier on Ken and grabbed him like a paper and put Ken on his back and hurriedly teleport accross many galaxies until he reach the Far Edge of the Universe.

God of lightspeed really is fast that he left the earth in a second. "Haa.., it took me 24hrs to arrive to Earth, i hope they are hanging themselves to the barrier, especially sir King God who is low-tempered guy.. well anyway i got the kid".

The King God of Universe Got a tingling thing in his ears "who would dare..."

While God of lightspeed was traveling at a speed of light. Ken suddenly woke up unknowingly where he is "Huhh.. Whereee am ii?!? uraaaaghhh why is there galaxies, planets, and stars out heree, whyyy can i breatheee!!, and who the f** are you?!?" Said by Ken who is panicking asf.

The God of lightspeed was shocked by Ken who woke up suddenly he thinked "Huh, isn't my light chop could make mortals to sleep 24 hours??, but why is it this kid woke up when its just been 1 hour after we left earth??" the god of lightspeed still curious of what Ken just achieve on his own.

"Hey Human, what are you?" Said by the curious god.

"Who the f**k are youu?!?" Said by Ken who is now very curious on what's happening.

"Well you are still human after all because of your blasphemous mouth i guess.. Well anyways, i'm Hermeser, The God of Lightspeed" Said by the god of lightspeed while teleporting non-stop and while holding Ken on his back.

"Where are we, Mr. FlashGod??" Asked by the curious Ken.

"We are currently travelling accross many galaxies to go in the Far Edge of the Universe, where there is most likely low lights and no life and only darkness can be seen for you mortals, and also Who is FlashGod??, again i am, Hermeser, THE GOD OF LIGHTSPEED." Hermeser said it to try putting his name on Ken's mind.

"Yeah yeah.. its not like there is any difference.." Ken calmly taking a grasp of the situation.

"Okay fine.. I Hermeser will be guiding you to the Far Edge.. because we need you... and to also fulfill my duty and mission.." Hermeser said it sincerely.

"What do you mean you need me, i am the lowest of the low in human terms, and g-rank who can't promote for years, and i can't even save my own family.." Rant by Ken with tears on his eyes because of what he has been going on to his life.

"I'm sorry for that.., But we are in need of a successor and only one have the right to absorb a falling star that can cause a stronger version of the Superluminous Supernova that could wipe half of the universe from existence.." Said by Hermeser who slightly anxious of whats going to happen to the life surrounding half of the universe.

"No it's Okay.., i shall do it maybe i can have the chance of saving life around the Universe even though they will not know its me.. so i should do very my best.. to not disappoint everybody too.." Said by the anxious Ken.

Hermeser bite his lips knowing that a mortal absorbing a star have 0.0001% chance of success.

"Ken Sorima, Do you have a system?" Asked by the curious god.

"Yes i have a system, but i think its broken.. for some reason it can't make my level go up and i know every level ups has restrictions for stats like strength has 10/10 then after a level up will have 10/15, adding 5 each level". Said by Ken who is curious for an answer.

"Hmm maybe something is..." said by Hermeser but his words was cut because of an appearance of enemies who is stopping him from getting into the destination.

"Speak who are you? How dare you stop me Hermeser, The God of Lightspeed" said by Hermeser and letting out a little bit of divine aura to intimidate the enemies.

"I Surda, The Captain of the forces of Nerco will not be intimidated by mere god, give me the kid!!" Surda who has eye patch on his right eye and only his left eye is running and ugliness like an Ogre can be seen to his features.

"What are they Mr.Flashgod" asked by the curious ken.

"From what he have said to us, Nerco.., it is the forces of evilness more evil than that of Satan, and they live outside of the Universes. Lurking to destroy planets and stars to make it as powers to destroy Gods, Constellations and maybe the Universe." Said by the serious Hermeser.

"Wow... Thats quite serious... Why are they stopping us though?" Asked by Ken.

"I think they are stopping us, to steal you from us and for you to be their power slave in doing grievious acts" Reply by Hermeser.

The Captain and forces of Nerco which has a total of 10, pointed their Star Alloy Weapons to Hermeser.

"A mere god you say, let's see.." said by Hermeser who is confident to his skills.

"You can get off now Ken, try not to get out of the barrier i set upon to protect you from them and breathe to space." Said by the getting ready to fight Hermeser.

"Okay... are you going to be fine??" Agreed by Ken who is scared.

Hermeser just left a smirk impression to Ken before going to the enemy.

"God Speed Barrage" Hermeser whispered as he used his actual strength and skills from his arms and legs, he instantly got to the first enemy and cracked his jaw sideways, the captain tried to swing but got torn to pieces when Hermeser just ran himself to the enemy, and the other 7 died after Hermeser punch their faces at a Speed of light and cause the 7 heads to Collateral Hit by his strong arm.

"Retreat the enemy is toomuch fo--" His teammates were killed and he thinked that its too much for him also so he quickly retreated with a return scroll and instantly he got away.

That was amazing Hermeser just ran and i can't even see him i can only see the enemy getting beaten to a pulp instantly.

"You..... Youu Really are The Speedster Flush!!" Said by Ken with shining eyes.

"And who the f*k is that?!, Well anyways we should hurry up first to reach our destination and i should improve little bit of speed.. which a bit consumes also little amount of my stamina and to fill the time because of the interuption of the forces of Nerco.