
I Can't Attack, So My Summons do it instead

What happens when a guy lives out his life just fine the first time, but his second life is determined by a random spinning wheel? Find out with me as we delve into the world of Final Fantasy X anew.

Day_Dul · Video Games
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21 Chs


Hey everyone!

I Have officially returned to writing, and I'm genuinely happy because of it. Thank you to everyone who sent me messages or reviewed the fanfic with positivity and constructive criticism.

I will be continuing this fanfic until it is finished. I also will probably go under a different username as well as this one. The name will be Cuzetty. Why that name? Because it was the first original name my subconscious could think of that wasn't from a random name generator.

Outside of that, I hope that all of you continue to enjoy this fanfic because I plan on having future chapters be about as long or longer than the 10th chapter. I want to escalate my writing skills to another level, so I will be putting my all into this. Please continue to give me suggestions/criticism on what you think will improve the story. Nothing that will blatantly change the story overall, but minor suggestions or improvements that will help it for the better. My ultimate goal is to write full-time, and I want to do what I can to achieve that.

Also, I will probably start posting another fanfiction that I have been writing in my off time to at the same time, because my brain doesn't want me writing about one thing for a long period of time, so I split that attention on two things instead so I can stay continuous with it.

Other than that, thank you. If it weren't for your positive encouragement, I don't know if I would have come back to this.

I probably would have, but it would have taken much longer, because I am extremely hard on myself when it comes to writing. I want to be the best I can be.

That should be it, look forward to the next chapter soon!

Thank you so much!